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Top Chin Ever

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  • #31
    Ali, Battling Nelson. Two well described fighters here, but maybe the best chin belonged to Joe Grim.

    "Joe Grim, the Italian pugilist, is able to stand the terrible beatings to which he has lately been subjected simply owing to the fact that he is in possession of a very small brain," declared Dr. Carleton Simon, noted early 20th century psychiatrist and criminologist whose subjects also included assassin of President William McKinley, Leon Czolgosz, in 1903.

    "He is of such a low order of intelligence that his nerves, which carry the news to his brain when he is hurt, find a very chilly reception. Now, to grasp the idea that he has been hurt at all, and then not able to take hold of it with one-half the sense of pain of a human being of ordinary intelligence, Grim will have to be almost killed before beaten into insensibility."

    and more here:

    Bundana Bundana JAB5239 JAB5239 like this.


    • #32
      Originally posted by BattlingNelson View Post
      Ali, Battling Nelson. Two well described fighters here, but maybe the best chin belonged to Joe Grim.

      and more here:
      that just sounds so old school lol. the guy was probably one of those "punchy all the time" type with a lot of jelly floating around in his head. in his prime he probably could take a hell of a punch, but the second he stops boxing he probably was eating through a straw.

      its important to note once again when rating a fighters chin based on how hard hes being hit. Yea ali had a great chin and had heart, but he was very slick and subtle, even when it looks like hes getting hit he often slides or rolls taking mustard off the shot. Chuvalo on the other hand ate em flush, and from huge punchers. He has more of a case than Mcall does, which for the 90's was impressive to lake Lewis' shot, but having recently watched it - he still wasn't taking punches like Chuvalo did.

      to add to the mouth peice topic yeah it does help someone take a shot, you bite down hard and all the muscles in the head, jaw and neck tense up. theres a video of oscar de la hoya talking about it, he said he never got knocked out because he bit so hard down on his mouth piece, even through it sometimes.
      Last edited by them_apples; 11-25-2021, 12:40 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Flickergrab98 View Post

        Very true! He proved as much with all those punches he took in his now famous fight with Ike Ibeabuchi.
        - -Actually, Ike took the harder punches and was never visibly hurt, KDed, or KOed in his career, so interesting that you mention him without crediting him.

        But then again, post Tua he could never shake the permanent headaches that drove him crazy violent and ultimately into near a life sentence in the Big House. When he was finally released, he was immediately taken into Homeland Security custody after Nigeria wouldn't accept him and disappeared.

        Or at least how I remember the few fleeting article about his release where he was going into training.

        Where's IKE?


        • #34
          Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

          - -Actually, Ike took the harder punches and was never visibly hurt, KDed, or KOed in his career, so interesting that you mention him without crediting him.

          But then again, post Tua he could never shake the permanent headaches that drove him crazy violent and ultimately into near a life sentence in the Big House. When he was finally released, he was immediately taken into Homeland Security custody after Nigeria wouldn't accept him and disappeared.

          Or at least how I remember the few fleeting article about his release where he was going into training.

          Where's IKE?
          Ike seemed a bit off his rocker even before boxing, based on his back story. in fact even how he got into boxing is a bit....impulsive. He calimed he watching watching 2 heavyweights fight on TV and said "I figured I could do that" or something along those lines.


          • #35
            JAB5239 JAB5239 likes this.


            • #36
              Originally posted by BattlingNelson View Post
              Ali, Battling Nelson. Two well described fighters here, but maybe the best chin belonged to Joe Grim.


              and more here:

              Great shout out!!


              • #37
                Stinking thief!!!!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Willie Pep 229 View Post

                  Yea suspect it should but really no actual experience.

                  We know JJ couldn't have had anything in his mouth otherwise he couldn't have taunted white society with his golden smile and constant trash talk.

                  I guess Ketchel would have better served as well if it is true that JJ was brushing Stanley's teeth off his glove.

                  In the film "Short Eyes"the prisoners have a square off with 'rags' (on their fists) and you watch them make mouth guards out of folded toilet tissue.
                  London hated JJ... Was horrible to him and basically violated do many of his progressive principles, seemingly blind to how his treatment of JJ was contradictory regarding valueing the working man. He called Johnson the "laughing Ethiopian" I have never seen an Ethiopian (there are more than a few here in the East Bay) half the size of JJ!


                  • #39
                    Pacquiao actually has a great chin, considering he started as a minimumweight and welt all the way to junior middleweight


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by billeau2 View Post

                      London hated JJ... Was horrible to him and basically violated do many of his progressive principles, seemingly blind to how his treatment of JJ was contradictory regarding valueing the working man. He called Johnson the "laughing Ethiopian" I have never seen an Ethiopian (there are more than a few here in the East Bay) half the size of JJ!
                      - -Progressive in London's day ain't the same progressive in U Salinger, Ginsberg, and Kerouac era.

                      At any rate, London's promotional artistry made JJohnson the richest fighter in the history of his moment. I'm 100% certain they shared more than a few drinks at a few bars where they crossed paths.

