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Undisputed Champion
Franchise Champion - 20,000+ posts  25804
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Joined: 06-12-2012
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  • Two Ton Toney Galento versus Marciano... Who wins?

    I find this match up more interesting than perhaps many members here shall. We usually look at Marciano from the perspective of the one who would walk through a river of fire, and take any more such punishment, en route to victory. Galento is a fellow tough guy. He had his own aptitude to take a licking...
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  • I think there have been excellent points raised on both sides of this argument. I always count on Pep to validate the historical aspects... He has said he was a history teacher! And situating Marciano properly in that dialectic is crucial... and Pep always seems to come through on these points. ...
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    Willie Pep 229 Willie Pep 229 likes this.

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  • Do you know much about insurance companies? Did you know that during the great depression, Insurance companies were pretty much the one sector that was profitable? Insurance companies are the ultimate banks... They have never lost money...

    the reason they will never STOP is because they...
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  • He also "flinches" lol. A real bad habit....
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  • Ummm Lewis was not a hugger Gin brains! Oh the alphabet belt that Lewis never cared much for... Humm? Sorry no make sense! Nobody with sense rates either Klit brother over Lewis... As usual... You are an idiot! ...
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  • billeau2
    replied to The Never Was.
    Lol... Love it!!! What an idiot you are!!!...
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  • The good news is, there is movement in the division right now... Also, yes Parker has seemed to fulfil the role of a late achiever. I think of it like this: If Parker has become a veritable Winky Wright (another fighter I think bloomed on the late side) then one more big win, or so, will confirm it....
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  • Yeah! what ever happened to the stiff Croat? who was going to deblovate this fattened division?...
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  • billeau2
    replied to The Never Was.
    How did he "react" to Corrie Sanders? What is your conspiracy for that one brother Tong? That is until he "avenged" that defe... Oh wait a minute!!! He never did "avenge" that defeat!!! And Lewis, who "won" against his brother (who was also buckled by...
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    Bronson66 Bronson66 likes this.

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  • billeau2
    replied to The Never Was.
    When I fought and taught fighting in Karate, my guys were so good they would walk away from tourneys having to fight each other for first place (I always got DQ'ed because of the way I was taught lol... running joke in our club). That made them very very good... Some of them could have easily gone in...
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    JAB5239 JAB5239 likes this.

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  • Like the dreams you get after your daily fifth of gin? Ok......
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  • The huggy era? And the idiot for the history section who has the gal to talk about Ward... while Vlad hugged his way to victory... Very nice!...
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    JAB5239 JAB5239 likes this.

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  • And no one could hug and clinch like Vlad! Vlad just wanted a hug... And wound up getting a championship.

    Hey big boy pants much of a double standard there?...
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  • something that goes on under the radar to many fight fans are how fighters transition weight classes. Some guys are just more able, some guys are big at their initial weight, they lose too much power... It runs the gamut. Margarito was big for his initial weight... That helped him along....
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  • This is true and makes one think...

    I stopped assuming everyone here thought Margarito was guilty... Some posters I respect apparently are not convinced. But in my opinion a lot of information, including the above, points to him being guilty....
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    SUBZER0ED SUBZER0ED likes this.

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  • Wow! Now I have him stalking me!!! I guess I am getting through to the Queen B at last!!!! Thank you for the attention! Ward would kick the shiat out of both Klits the same night if they were the same weight... lol....
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    Kid Cauliflower Kid Cauliflower likes this.

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  • I musta really hit home! have you learned the difference between 5 and 12 yet? Your in the wrong section of the library trying to get my goat lol, take that as a hint. Good luck with your new big boy pants and diploma... Here is a little review:

    a a a a a=5 a a a a a a a a a...
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  • Silly post and I will tell you why: At least address the reason why that first Cotto fight was suspect. I take it you do not believe Margarito's wraps were hardened... that is a fair enough assumption, but you could at least address the situation and not lie by omission. And what of Cotto's revenge?...
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  • billeau2
    replied to Loma vs Davis is off
    We have been conditioned over time to give our power away... Look at everything and it translates into these simple terms: Even down to how our biology is understood. A man could always say "I am a man, I can act with bravery, swag, and be there to protect..." Until that day when men are told...
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  • hyperbole at its best lol.

    Yeah I do not see the debate either.

    Yes, we can definitely give the TT his due without being ridiculous... Platinum level workhouse indeed! I mean Citron and Clottey, much less Martinez are solid scalps... And NOBODY was walking away from...
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