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Dallas Cowboys
Franchise Champion - 20,000+ posts  26257
Joined: 12-28-2007
Location: Statesville, NC
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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    It's not in the book "Facing Ali" . If so please give us the page number. And Bronson is a new user name, not an alt. An alt has multiple accounts on one site. And if you think it's an alt and you don't respond to "alts" as you have a funny way of showing it. As far as...
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    Bronson66 Bronson66 likes this.

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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    Back, back, back, back,,back.....and Z is outta here!!!...
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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    This is your way of deflecting. You're the only one who has been "put into the cheap seats" from the very beginning of this thread when you claimed Holmes said Ali kicked him out of training camp for being to fast. You tried posting a Holmes saying that. You tried saying it was...
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    Bronson66 Bronson66 likes this.

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  • JAB5239
    started a topic ESPN best of the 21st century

    ESPN best of the 21st century

    I like lists. I understand they're subjective. But disagree with Vits being number 10. Wlad was clearly the better fighter who fought the best available. That said he wouldn't make my top 10 either. I also have serious reservations about Calzaghe making this list. His best wins were against old shopworn...
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  • With all do respect to either side of the fence, I think this thread has run its course. Lotta good poster in this thread is agree with. Lotta good posters I disagree with. But we're running in circles and opinions are not going to change. I never meant for this to turn into a constant back and forth,...
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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    Ali was suspended 3 of those years, and the Liston fight wasn't a tank job, Walcott fumbled the ball. If there was a legit REFS count you have no idea if Liston would have gotten up or not. As it is Walcott walked away and Liston did get up and resumed fighting until Walcott decided to listen to a spectator...
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    Willow The Wisp Willow The Wisp likes this.

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  • JAB5239
    replied to The Never Was.
    Fast Eddie Hopson was on USA and ESPN a lot in the early to mid 90's with what seemed like a lot of hype behind him. He looked like the goods a d I thought he's make it to the elite level at the time. He was stopped by Tracy Patterson in his only title shot and was stopped again 5 or 6 months later...
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    Last edited by JAB5239; 07-22-2024, 01:53 PM.
    Willie Pep 229 Willie Pep 229 likes this.

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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    Report for what, telling the facts? You're the one caught making things up again....
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    Bronson66 Bronson66 likes this.

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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    Same old BS lies to try and push his agenda forward. I don't know why he thinks no one does their research on here....
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    billeau2 billeau2 likes this.

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  • Still raging and still didn't answer my questions. If I were out of my depth you would have answered my questions instead of going on a baby tantrum. Go stick another needle in your ass....
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  • It's abundantly clear you're getting heated over Floyd......crystal clear. It's also clear you're making excuses for USADA. First off you don't know who knows more about this than you. You've claimed Hauser doesn't know anything. How do you know this? You've claimed Manny didn't agree to any testing...
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  • You're saying the same crap over and over but not addressing any of my points or answering any of my questions. You wanna be a fan Boi, have at it. Just because you juice doesn't make you the end all or mean you know more than Hauser, Conte or anyone else in the article I'm sure you didn't bother to...
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  • I think McLarnin gets overshadowed by Ross and Canzoneri of that era. That and the bulk of his greatest fights were at welterweight which is historically deep. He was a truly great fighter but kind of falls into the same position as Ike Williams where they are often forgotten, or at least less talked...
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    Kid Cauliflower Kid Cauliflower likes this.

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  • I've never claimed to be an expert on PED's. But I have laid out facts such as Floyd never wanting USADA before Pac and him benefitting from them compromising their own integrity to let him get away with certain things. Sorry, but that's shady stuff. As far as Hauser don't have to be an...
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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    No where in that video does Holmes ever say Ali kicked him out of trying camp for being to fast. You've been just allowed back and you're already making things up again. ...
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  • So you've been juicing and selling steroids for 40 years? Impressive. But that doesn't make you an expert, only a criminal. Why did it take USADA two years (samples that were two years old) to catch Armstrong? Why an exemption for Floyd nearly 3 weeks after the illegal injection before the Pacquiao...
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    Kid Cauliflower Kid Cauliflower likes this.

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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    Where and when? I've been looking for anything I can find that says this and keep coming up with nothing of the sort. Also, Holmes worked with Ali until 1975, Larry started with him as an amateur and left to make his own name when he was still a fledgling pro with less than 20 fights. Watching video...
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  • You obviously didn't read the article. And with all do respect, I'll take Hausers extensive research and sources over your word on this. USADA is so good the only caught Eric Morales during that time, and it took samples from a couple YEARS before to suspend Lance Armstrong, the biggest cheat in sporting...
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  • JAB5239
    replied to Why not Holmes over Ali?
    I've never heard Ali kicked Holmes out of any fight camp. Don't recall Holmes ever mentioning this in his autobiography. He did kick Roy Williams out when Williams demanded to get paid for an undercard fight that got scratched, if memory serves....
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    Bronson66 Bronson66 likes this.

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  • The fact is Floyd brought in this organization and was allowed to cheat by this organization while controlling his image as a representative of clean boxing.

    Sure Dan, i have no idea what im talking about. Does Hauser not know what he's talking about either?...
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