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Dana White saying Mayweather would....

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  • Originally posted by Davis40 View Post
    You could have saved some time and just said you were butthurt
    Must admit you are right. There is so much ignorance around this topic it does make one quite anally tender.

    For example, take a punch, take a list of all the things that make a punch land on a given target that is attempting to evade the punch.... starting with the eye coordination necessary, the footwork to keep distance correct (there is a very short range in which the punch can be effective), the ability to project where the hand will land from a pretty good distance from the body. Now compare this to grappling, which is so natural to us that we dont even have to engage our primary sense (vision)...Grappling is practically an instinct in primates as compared to a straight trained punch.

    So...we have been grappling since before we were even human beings, and we can look at other animals and see similar natural instincts used to grab and wrestle, etc....And with this in mind? start to think about a person with a ko punch. A punch that has to land in a specific place, with good extension, etc etc etc...and think about a person who trying to avoid that, only has to use a skill that is second nature, takes one little adjustment to make the punch the wrong distance, and that can furthermore put the top of the head down (the hardest part of the body) to take this "knockout" punch....Now given a somewhat equal skill level...WHO WOULD YOU BET FLOYD'S MONEY ON? Even the most basic jab landed in boxing takes the conflux of many factors and a good majority of them depend on the other guy trying to do the same thing to you...which is why he is at a proper distance to punch in the first place and why a grappler won't be at that distance!

    It is incredibly ****** to think, despite the proof, despite evolutionary bio-mechanics, that in a closed off area, a great puncher with little grappling skill, could land a perfect punch on an opponent that has a million and one ways to change the effect of the punch. It makes one butthurt indeed.


    • Originally posted by Syf View Post
      ridiculous. Martial application is martial application. Guys in boxing specialize in just punching, thus making them generally more efficient and destructive overall with punches than any mma fighter. The great ko artists of boxing would look like murderers in the octagon, due to those gloves. This cannot be stressed enough. The concussive force and added piercing power afforded by those gloves would magnify a 1 punch ko artist's already devastating punching power to maiming and even lethal levels.

      Mma guys largely overspecialize, thus diluting their overall focus and artistry. A jack of all trades is a master of none.

      According to what? Fatass shot ass James Toney? What prime boxing champion has tried his hand at mma? None. Why? Well its gonna stay that way there is simply more money for the fighters in boxing than in UFC. Dana White fleeces his fighters. That's why boxers don't go over to mma and disgrace the name of the discipline until they are washed up, castoffs, or broke ass retirees.

      Umm. Mma is at most what.... 3 5 minute rounds? There are boxers that train to throw over 1000 punches in 12 rounds.. so lets say in 46 minutes thats 1000.. thats roughly 333 punches thrown in 15 minutes. Point me to an mma fighter capable of throwing 333 good punches over 3 5 minute rounds. While your at it link me footage of the match. Ill be generous.. kicks can count too. So 333 strikes.

      Needless to say, it can be easily argued the best boxers also have better conditioning.

      its not about Mayweather's athleticism completely. It his artistry.. his mentality. Simply put, he's a martial prodigy. He would excel at any martial discipline much like Bruce Lee did, another martial prodigy.

      Where Bruce mislead people is his method of diluting disciplines only truly works for martial prodigies like him. Everyone else should pick a specialization, and strive to perfect it.
      Try grappling and throwing punches for the same length of time.... Or, try hitting the bag as hard as you can for a certain amount of time...then go against a fully resisting grappler. There is no comparison with respect to which activity is more strenous. Try this and let your experience be your guide.

      Look I have trained guys in MMA and I don't like the sport....And I dont think its a slight on boxing but it has been shown that in a ring if the two opposites are striking and grappling grappling, all factors being equal grappling will win. It does not matter how good the boxer is because he/she won't land in a way meaningful enough to stop the grappler unless he/she is very lucky.
      Last edited by billeau2; 01-29-2014, 08:45 PM.


      • Originally posted by strykr619 View Post
        BS, Vitali was a Kickboxer/Sambo player BEFORE he became a boxer (aka he learned to strike and grapple already).

        Its obvious that you have never trained in any form of grappling art or wrestling, much harder to learn let alone master then a punching bag.
        Boxing is harder to be successful at then BJJ or Wrestling, the talent pool is deeper. If you're a fan of both sports you could see that an elite Boxer could be successful in MMA with enough cross-training.


        • Originally posted by Mike D View Post
          I've always wondered how certain NFL players would fare in the UFC.

          For instance if Ndamukong Suh trained to get in that octagon, how would he do?
          They'd get beaten.


          • Originally posted by SlickRickman View Post
            Someone needs to inform Arsenio that it isn't 2007/2008 anymore; the UFC fad is well and truly over and these sort of questions were redundant even back then. No relevant, half-decent boxer would even contemplate the idea of rolling around in a ring/cage when there's still money to be made in their own sport. That's left to the shot, out of shape pugilists who can no longer make a living in their own sport.

            Dana White is also wrong in there being a crossover audience between boxing and MMA, because there isn't and never has been. The crossover exists between MMA and the WWE. Hardly a coincidence that the UFC started picking up real steam when they were coming on the air soon after WWE programming finished on Sp*ke back in day. Or that the biggest draw in their history was a man who made his name in the WWE years before.
            and that MMA fans were excited at the possibility of Lesnar coming back to the UFC



            • Originally posted by takingaim View Post
              He was asked a question you idiot. And most boxing fans in the USA are white too, you spectacularly dumb POS. Only an American would be able to turn something that has absolutely nothing to do with race, into something about race. LOL

              UFC is putting on 50+ live events this year. In 2012, it was about 34 live events. And UFC isn't a sport.
              Do you have the statistics on this or are you just talking hella **** you pathetic dullard? Only an African American can take a discussion about the MMA and turn it into a a racial conversation dumbass. Because you know what, we all have to look through the lens of our experiences, so I'm black 24/7 b1tch.

              When I look at the audience of the MMA, I see a lot white faces, some of the same faces that flocked to "Big Time Wrestling."

              Originally posted by Jsmooth9876 View Post
              Have you ever watched MMA? There's plenty of Brazilian, Black, White, Asians etc...what's race have to do with anything? Fuc**** ******ity. ..
              I've watched the MMA from its inception and several years beyond that. I think I've seen enough to know that the complexion isn't monochromatic but the same sort of rough, brawler beer belly feel comes through. You get some shlub in a bar that all of the sudden gets a wild hair up his ass and wants to be an MMA fighter, he can do that if he wants. But that same guy would have almost zero chance of being a boxer.

              I see MMA fighters as being more accessible by their target audience.

              Originally posted by sugarsmosley View Post
              Yikes, all credibility thrown out the window. Ignorance is bliss.
              What am I ignorant of exactly? Imho comparing the two sports is utterly ridiculous, its like comparing tic tac toe to chess. Boxing isn't about simply being a brute by using overwhelming force, its about patience, the most brutal kind of patience but patience none-the-less.


              • Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post

                I've watched the MMA from its inception and several years beyond that. I think I've seen enough to know that the complexion isn't monochromatic but the same sort of rough, brawler beer belly feel comes through. You get some shlub in a bar that all of the sudden gets a wild hair up his ass and wants to be an MMA fighter, he can do that if he wants. But that same guy would have almost zero chance of being a boxer.

                I see MMA fighters as being more accessible by their target audience.

                I can't believe that you actually believe most of what you post. There are no guys sitting in a bar becoming successful without putting in the time and training. It's probably easier to find a boxing gym to join than an MMA gym but if the guy isn't a great athlete he has no shot at being good at either.
                Kinda makes sense that a racist like you would have a narrow view on things, trying to take away credit from the side they're not on.


                • Originally posted by A-Wolf View Post
                  I see. So because Dana White gets to pick who fights who MMA/UFC fighters are all automatically better than any boxer. Good argument. What does this have to do with Mayweather and GSP? Nothing. You're making a far broader more general argument that MMA is better than boxing and you're having that argument with yourself. In the process you've said some inanely ****** things and exposed yourself as an idiot. Have a cookie. You deserve it.
                  Dana doesn't pick fights. They actually have a legit ranking system where the #1 contender fights the champ - no cherry picking. I actually like boxing more than UFC despite this, but you're just embarrassingly dumb on the subject as many others in the thread have pointed out.


                  • Originally posted by JLBlades View Post
                    I can't believe that you actually believe most of what you post. There are no guys sitting in a bar becoming successful without putting in the time and training. It's probably easier to find a boxing gym to join than an MMA gym but if the guy isn't a great athlete he has no shot at being good at either.
                    Kinda makes sense that a racist like you would have a narrow view on things, trying to take away credit from the side they're not on.
                    Boxing is far and away the most racist combat sport. Look no further than this board and you see race related **** amongst boxing fans on the daily.


                    • Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post
                      Do you have the statistics on this or are you just talking hella **** you pathetic dullard? Only an African American can take a discussion about the MMA and turn it into a a racial conversation dumbass. Because you know what, we all have to look through the lens of our experiences, so I'm black 24/7 b1tch.

                      When I look at the audience of the MMA, I see a lot white faces, some of the same faces that flocked to "Big Time Wrestling."

                      I've watched the MMA from its inception and several years beyond that. I think I've seen enough to know that the complexion isn't monochromatic but the same sort of rough, brawler beer belly feel comes through. You get some shlub in a bar that all of the sudden gets a wild hair up his ass and wants to be an MMA fighter, he can do that if he wants. But that same guy would have almost zero chance of being a boxer.

                      I see MMA fighters as being more accessible by their target audience.

                      What am I ignorant of exactly? Imho comparing the two sports is utterly ridiculous, its like comparing tic tac toe to chess. Boxing isn't about simply being a brute by using overwhelming force, its about patience, the most brutal kind of patience but patience none-the-less.
                      half true but think about that drunk guy being a college student and a roid freak now you have the making of a future ultimate fighter champion

