Comments Thread For: Purse bids for Diego Pacheco versus Christian Mbilli set for December 10
William Scull has been ordered to fight the winner of Diego Pacheco-Christian Mbilli, presuming they agree to fight, and then Vladimir Shishkin.
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Why would they take this fight? Risk their 0 for a shot a the superstar Scull? They are both mandatory for Canelo and will likely get their big money fight if they just sit tight.
I was hoping to see Pacheco face the latest mustache on the scene: Trevor McCumby. Guess that fell through? They even had it scheduled for January at one point...
Why would they take this fight? Risk their 0 for a shot a the superstar Scull? They are both mandatory for Canelo and will likely get their big money fight if they just sit tight.
This type of thinking is EXACTLY why IBF mandos are sometimes less than ideal.........