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Haney needs to retire - fake champion with no chin

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  • #81
    Originally posted by BustedKnuckles View Post

    Boots? I think the collective impression of boots is based more on optimistic speculation than his level of competition.
    Idk that its THAT optimistic. I'd say its obvious speculation on what he'd do vs a lot of high level guys who won't fight him. The best guys & p4p guys you can say is optimistic speculation cuz its silly to speculate on Boots vs future HOFers or tip top guys.

    But I think the biggest hole in his progression is no one wants to prove or disprove the speculation so him fighting a guy like Ryan gets more eyes on him & more eyes = more money & than we can speculate on specific fights & see what happens a couple mos later when they are in the ring.


    • #82
      That was fookin awesome. I cant stand that floyd wannabe huggin Haney


      • #83
        Originally posted by thedarkness View Post

        thats funny you have twice the posts than me and i have been on the forum for over 12 years.

        Since you like to personally attack me, seems like youre the one with no life. How do you have so much time
        posting on here anyway?

        i dont need the attention, it sounds like youre the one hurting about haney’s loss.

        and maybe learn how to read the forums. Ive posted one thread, and you call that spamming? Google what spamming means you ret@rd

        instead of posting too much on here, maybe you shouldve listened to your parents and studied harder. Dont you feel bad they have a pathetic son like you?

        if youre going to personally attack me first, be ready to cop it.
        Ready to cop what? Childish insults on the Internet? Tough guy lol

        The truth clearly does hurt


        • #84
          Retirement is not far off. I don't know how he can get back from this other than carefully pick opponents. Just imagine him against more proven guys like Matias or Lopez. Would he even take a non-prime Richard Commey for a stay-busy fight? That's even more devastating if he looked crap let alone lose. Would he take Jamaine Ortiz?
          Last edited by Bullrider; 04-21-2024, 04:32 PM.


          • #85
            He's really chinny, any clean shot that lands and he does the stanky legs. His lunging forward to hug Linares was embarrassing, but last night he added hugging and collapsing to the floor (ruled slips) to his repertoire. If he continues, he'll be another Amir Khan, just a name fighter that promoters will match with their up and coming star for that highlight reel KO.
            Last edited by baroidi; 04-21-2024, 05:34 PM.


            • #86
              Originally posted by Teetotaler69 View Post

              gtfoh. Hankey was NOT taking a risk. This was a cherry pick. Cryan wasn't even top 10. He was seen as an easy cherry pick with extremely high reward and it backfired badly.

              Carnela is a bltch that's why
              You can call it a cherry pick all you want but the fact of the matter is; That reward had more than outweighed the risk. In addition, Outside of Tank; Who else could he have fought at 140 other than Ryan Garcia in order to make that type of money?

              In addition, how did fighting Ryan Garcia backfired on him badly? He still walked away with a shit pot full of money. Along with that $1.5 Mil bonus he received from Ryan Garcia for not making weight and with his WBC 140 pound title still intact.

              So Devin has nothing to hang his head about because he lost to welterweight on Saturday night who deliberately refused to make the weight.​


              • #87
                This weekend we saw all of Haney's elite techniques....

                Huggie Haney
                Weight Bully 165lb Haney
                Glass Chin Haney


                • #88
                  Where all them people who were saying he didn't rob Loma...


                  • #89
                    Like Danny Garcia, Devin is a cool laid back kid, his dad is the main reason why he gets a lot of hate. A lot of people weren’t happy to see him lose, they were happy to finally see Bill Haney STFU and eat a lot of humble pies. Devin has a lot of holes in his game, and he can still continue to have a good career if his mindset is still intact, but all the talks about him being on Crawford’s level or him being the next Mayweather should go right out the window.


                    • #90
                      If he rematches Garcia it would be worse the second time. Every time Garcia decided to go forward and land he was on his butt. I have mentioned if Haney could not hurt Garcia he was going to have a difficult time because he is as big or bigger than him.

