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Comments Thread For: Wladimir Klitschko Continues To Lash Out at IOC For Allowing Russian Athletes at 2024 Olympics

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  • #31
    Originally posted by factsarenice View Post
    Who gives a shyt if Wlad is speaking the truth. If you don't like what he's saying label him "woke"..."entitled" is so 2019.
    How many thousands of soldiers did Ukraine send to Iraq?


    • #32
      Originally posted by letsgochump View Post

      With Vietnam as it was a sham, yes but with Afghanistan, no. I have friends from there and the Taleban system is horrible and the people deserve to be saved. It's awful for the people there.

      Iraq was also a horrible dictatorship under a bloodthirsty man who was trying to acquire nuclear weapons to use on its enemies. So probably not there either. It is different when a country is run by oppressive dictators or the military that abuse their own people. Ukraine is a democracy unlike these countries in the middle east that are essentially run by violent *********s.

      Israeli athletes should probably be banned but even there the conflict isn't as ridiculously plain as it is in Ukraine. The invention of the Israeli state was madness and a mistake but then again hindsight is 20-20. Israel is now surrounded by openly hostile factions and they have had to fight for their lives already and this obviously leaves a mark on the nation. It doesn't justify the violence towards civilians but the conflict goes deep and there is mutual violence. Nobody is interested in invading Russia in Europe though and the only risk to safety in Europe is Russia and Russia alone. Ukraine posed no threat whatsoever to Russia.

      I do get your point though and on principle I do agree with the logic of it but as with everything, it's not very practical to follow broad categories and instead you have to use case-by-case approach with such things.
      Zelensky bans his 2 largest political opponents, that corrupt country is run similar to Russia and nobody was being saved by mass murdering those people, ***** says he's saving people too


      • #33
        Originally posted by letsgochump View Post

        Sure, it was not the case as we now know. But the intelligence was there and they had legit reasons to fear and suspect it. The reason why the risk was severe was that Saddam was a proven killer and warmongerer so nuclear weapons in his hands would have been a complete disaster for the rest of the world. The war was probably a mistake but we don't know what would have happened afterwards.

        However they have learned at least and not repeating the same mistakes w Iran who had their own nuclear program.
        There was no mistake. None. There was lies to start the war. But there was absolutely no mistakes.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Cortez View Post

          Zelensky bans his 2 largest political opponents, that corrupt country is run similar to Russia and nobody was being saved by mass murdering those people, ***** says he's saving people too
          ***** is a pathological liar so who cares what he says? In fact the opposite is true usually so he killing intentionally killing civilians.

          Wartime breeds different kind of politics. It is easy to sit and judge when a country is fighting for survival. Ukraine is a very corrupt country but this war is about Ukrainians wanting to join the Western democracy alliance. Russia wants Ukraine for themselves.

          I will judge Ukraine how it conducts itself after Russia is driven out. They are in a crisis now.

          Btw what makes you say there was no mistake w. Iraq? Just curious.


          • #35
            Originally posted by letsgochump View Post

            ***** is a pathological liar so who cares what he says? In fact the opposite is true usually so he killing intentionally killing civilians.

            Wartime breeds different kind of politics. It is easy to sit and judge when a country is fighting for survival. Ukraine is a very corrupt country but this war is about Ukrainians wanting to join the Western democracy alliance. Russia wants Ukraine for themselves.

            I will judge Ukraine how it conducts itself after Russia is driven out. They are in a crisis now.

            Btw what makes you say there was no mistake w. Iraq? Just curious.
            Because Iraq was no mistake. There was lies and propaganda to start the war, that's not some mistake it's completely intentional.

            Also Russia won't be driven out that is also propaganda
            Last edited by Cortez; 02-20-2023, 01:45 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by TinAgeOfBoxing View Post
              Synagogue of satan trying to steal more land like they did in *********.


              Have you read “The Synagogue of Satan” book by Andrew Carrington Hitch****? Quite eye opening when it comes to the list of crimes committed by the cabal.


              • #37
                Originally posted by factsarenice View Post
                January 8th 2023, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice thinks the way forward for the war in Ukraine is: more, now. More weapons and more money to Ukraine's forces right now.

                To be fair, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some will stick with Marjorie Taylor Green and opinion hosts on Fox. No offense but I'm going with the former Secretary of state with a Bachelors, Master and a PHD.
                Condoleeza Rice was mentored by Brent Scowcroft who in turn was mentored by Henry Kissinger.

                And Kissinger of course also mentored Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.

                If you support what these people have done, and are doing, to the world then by all means listen to what Rice says.
                buge buge Fact Fact like this.


                • #38
                  Theres a lot of people fooled by propaganda on this site.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by factsarenice View Post

                    Fox news was the biggest cheerleader for the war in Iraq, that should tell you what they're about.
                    Good old Fox News and democracy.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by letsgochump View Post

                      ***** is a pathological liar so who cares what he says? In fact the opposite is true usually so he killing intentionally killing civilians.

                      Wartime breeds different kind of politics. It is easy to sit and judge when a country is fighting for survival. Ukraine is a very corrupt country but this war is about Ukrainians wanting to join the Western democracy alliance. Russia wants Ukraine for themselves.

                      I will judge Ukraine how it conducts itself after Russia is driven out. They are in a crisis now.

                      Btw what makes you say there was no mistake w. Iraq? Just curious.
                      A “pathological liar” you say? We were given a whole speech by Rumsfeld, Powel, Rice, Bush Jr and the rest about WMD. That tuned out to be lies.
                      We also knew none of the hijackers were from Iraq and instead of invading Saudi Arabia, we invaded Iraq.
                      Iraq NEVER belonged to the US. Ukraine belonged to Russia at one time and NATO’s been building a presence across the border from Russia so ***** is doing what the US does best.
                      ***** felt threatened JUST LIKE WE DO
                      ***** invaded a sovereign state JUST LIKE WE DO
                      ***** lies JUST LIKE WE DO

                      If you are going to ignore my first paragraph about our lies and go straight to try to counter what I said next, I’ll just time you out.

                      More important, one the greater minds of our time Noam Chomsky disagrees with you and has spoken countless of times about how NATO (led by the US of course) has lied and their presence on the Russian border.

                      Attached Files
                      buge buge likes this.

