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Comments Thread For: Wladimir Klitschko Continues To Lash Out at IOC For Allowing Russian Athletes at 2024 Olympics

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  • #71
    Originally posted by chaos View Post

    Are you actually pushing the long debunked WMD lie about Iraq? If dictators are bad then why hasn't the US invaded Saudi Arabia? Why did they remove the ********ically elected PM of Iran and install a dictator instead? Why did they support the same Saddam for 8 years when he invaded Iran? And the conflict in occupied ********* is more plain and more egregious than anything going on in Ukraine because no one gives a schit nor arms the ************ besides Iran (with small arms and glorified bottle rockets), whereas the occupying zionist pigs get unlimited military and financial backing by the hypocritical West/US.

    Gtfoh you ignorant buffoon.
    That's way too much effort to go thru each and every case so I won't give u explanations as each example is different from the others and besides I do condemn basically all invasions of peaceful countries. I was just saying that it is false to equate the Ukraine war with others as they are not the same. This war is a one sided crime and Russia alone is at fault. Justified war does not exist so I don't agree with any invasion in history.

    Israel is literally under constant judgement in European countries lol you need to open your eyes and ears AND I just judged Israel in the comment you quoted.

    What is your point? You cannot be against the war in Ukraine until you have judged every other war and crime in history? Or just resort to name calling at anyone who disagrees with you?


    • #72
      Originally posted by letsgochump View Post

      That's way too much effort to go thru each and every case so I won't give u explanations as each example is different from the others and besides I do condemn basically all invasions of peaceful countries. I was just saying that it is false to equate the Ukraine war with others as they are not the same. This war is a one sided crime and Russia alone is at fault. Justified war does not exist so I don't agree with any invasion in history.

      Israel is literally under constant judgement in European countries lol you need to open your eyes and ears AND I just judged Israel in the comment you quoted.

      What is your point? You cannot be against the war in Ukraine until you have judged every other war and crime in history? Or just resort to name calling at anyone who disagrees with you?
      When's the last time a European country implemented sanctions against the zionist pigs for their atrocities, ethnic cleansing and occupation of *********? When's the last time a European country even supported a resolution condemning the zionist pigs?

      The wars the US has engaged in are worse than Russia/Ukraine because none of them were even in their hemisphere let alone their border. The US can attack Vietnam and Iraq because they feel threatened for God knows what reason, but Russia can't respond to Ukraine trying to join NATO and taking part in war games with NATO just a few months before the invasion? Again, gtfoh.

      There's nothing special about Ukraine compared to other countries who've been illegally invaded, so stop with the histrionics.


      • #73
        Originally posted by letsgochump View Post

        Sure, it was not the case as we now know. But the intelligence was there and they had legit reasons to fear and suspect it. The reason why the risk was severe was that Saddam was a proven killer and warmongerer so nuclear weapons in his hands would have been a complete disaster for the rest of the world. The war was probably a mistake but we don't know what would have happened afterwards.

        However they have learned at least and not repeating the same mistakes w Iran who had their own nuclear program.
        And this is how people rewrite history. Iraq had no nuclear program at the time, something that was verified repeatedly by UN inspectors. The inspectors were doing their job up until they were forced to leave by the threat of US attack. There was zero risk to the US from Saddam. ZERO. The only two countries he invaded were both neighbours and the US supported him and gave him weapons for the first one (Iran), and Kuwait was because they were slant drilling.

        If Saddam was a "proven killer" and "warmonger" then what does that make Bush, or any other US president who's invaded another country? Do you want to compare America's death count to Saddam's? Or how about we just look at civilian deaths. Who do you think has killed more, the US or Saddam?

        You're so brainwashed and ignorant it's useless explaining all this, but hopefully others will see how full of schit you are.


        • #74
          Originally posted by chaos View Post

          And this is how people rewrite history. Iraq had no nuclear program at the time, something that was verified repeatedly by UN inspectors. The inspectors were doing their job up until they were forced to leave by the threat of US attack. There was zero risk to the US from Saddam. ZERO. The only two countries he invaded were both neighbours and the US supported him and gave him weapons for the first one (Iran), and Kuwait was because they were slant drilling.

          If Saddam was a "proven killer" and "warmonger" then what does that make Bush, or any other US president who's invaded another country? Do you want to compare America's death count to Saddam's? Or how about we just look at civilian deaths. Who do you think has killed more, the US or Saddam?

          You're so brainwashed and ignorant it's useless explaining all this, but hopefully others will see how full of schit you are.
          Sigh. Someone seems a teeny bit triggered.

          I already said there are no justified wars. Never happened.

          They had intelligence from
          multiple sources that Saddam was trying to get his hands on nuclear materials. This was false and the reaction was ridiculous even if the evidence was legit.

          Bush was a war mongerer too. And both Clintons. US has had a very self-important look on world politics since WWII which I happily consent has lead to immeasurable suffering.

          We can compare American death count to Saddam and then Hitler and Stalin if you want.

          I dunno what part of my position is brainwashed bcs I sure ain’t supporting the establishment. You’re just equating things that aren’t comparable and you’re very black and white and so hysterical you can’t even stop and make a clear point.

          Swearing and name calling just makes you seem emotional and triggered so calm down and make your point. You seem to be assuming despite my multiple comments saying otherwise that I think US invasions were justified and acceptable. They weren’t. I don’t support war and violence.

          However this argument that Russia attacking Ukraine is OK bcs USA also has attacked countries is idiotic. Just as is saying that you can’t criticise the war unless you judge all the other wars that have happened before.

          Now take a deep breath and reply if you rly think you have something sensible to add. Bcs it doesn’t seem like you want anything besides to be as loud and abrasive as possible.


          • #75
            Originally posted by letsgochump View Post

            Sigh. Someone seems a teeny bit triggered.

            I already said there are no justified wars. Never happened.

            They had intelligence from
            multiple sources that Saddam was trying to get his hands on nuclear materials. This was false and the reaction was ridiculous even if the evidence was legit.

            Bush was a war mongerer too. And both Clintons. US has had a very self-important look on world politics since WWII which I happily consent has lead to immeasurable suffering.

            We can compare American death count to Saddam and then Hitler and Stalin if you want.

            I dunno what part of my position is brainwashed bcs I sure ain’t supporting the establishment. You’re just equating things that aren’t comparable and you’re very black and white and so hysterical you can’t even stop and make a clear point.

            Swearing and name calling just makes you seem emotional and triggered so calm down and make your point. You seem to be assuming despite my multiple comments saying otherwise that I think US invasions were justified and acceptable. They weren’t. I don’t support war and violence.

            However this argument that Russia attacking Ukraine is OK bcs USA also has attacked countries is idiotic. Just as is saying that you can’t criticise the war unless you judge all the other wars that have happened before.

            Now take a deep breath and reply if you rly think you have something sensible to add. Bcs it doesn’t seem like you want anything besides to be as loud and abrasive as possible.

            Exactly the type of weaksauce lies and deflection I expected from a brainwashed buffoon. You can't address my points because they proved you wrong, so you strawman and argue irrelevant bs. Get educated before writing smack online, child.


            • #76
              Originally posted by chaos View Post

              Exactly the type of weaksauce lies and deflection I expected from a brainwashed buffoon. You can't address my points because they proved you wrong, so you strawman and argue irrelevant bs. Get educated before writing smack online, child.
              It's a bit rich to call someone else a child when you spend your time online flexing the total of 3 wikipedia articles you've read in your life lmao.

              If you wanna get into it tell me what position of mine is brainwashed or make the excuses and STFU like your kinda simpletons always do.

