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How does Joe Louis do against these fighters?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by donkim View Post
    Ron Lyle was also a tough bastard who could take a shot....something Louis never could do even against average punchers.

    Getting knocked down means very little when you win in the end anyway. Getting up is what shows heart. Im just curious, in how many fights was Lyle ko'd for his career number in comparison to Louis?

    Lyle would knock Louis out too.
    Lyle would be another notch on Joe Louis' ko victory list.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Sugar Ram View Post
      Loius couldnt beat foreman,cuz he came towards his opponent...Foreman would destroy anyone with the style that came forward to him..

      Louis didn't come forward anything like Lyle. His style was designed to take small shuffling steps in and out to gradually close distance. If anything, Foreman would be going to Louis swinging the wide shots trying to take Joe out.


      • #93
        Originally posted by GJC View Post
        Good catch Mickey, knew there was one of our boys had a long series of fights so had a quick look at Kid Berg on boxingrec without success lol.
        Age is a terrible affliction this time next year i'll probably be looking up Billy the Kid!
        Here's a great article about him..

        Upon his ring retirement in 1929, after twenty years a fighter, the ********, generous Kid Lewis was not well off, in spite of estimates that his ring earnings in the United States alone exceeded a half a million dollars. In 1931 Ted Lewis was introduced to Sir Oswald Mosley, thought my some a man destined to be British Prime Minister. At the time Mosley headed the" New Party', a proponent of increased government spending, protectionism and a strong anti-Communist stand. In the midst of world-wide Depression for many Mosley appeared the answer. He hired Ted Kid Lewis for 60 pounds a week to be the physical youth training instructor for the New Party. Within a few months Lewis' role had evolved into heading up Mosley's bodyguards, known as the "Biff Boys" , a group of East End toughs, recruited by Lewis.

        By 1932, Mosley's seemingly populist policies had taken an ugly turn. After visiting with Mussolini, Mosley returned to England and disbanded the" New Party" and formed the "National Union of *******s." As rumors of Mosley's anti-Semitic positions grew Ted Kid Lewis decided to pay one final visit to Mosley's headquarters, accompanied by his young son Morton. In Morton Lewis's words,

        "...When we arrived there were two big men, clad not in the black shirts of Mosley's New Party, but in the brown shirts of the **** party. My dad momentarily froze...he mounted the stairs to Mosely's office, and without knocking, opened the door."

        "...Mosley was seated...with two of his henchmen in brown shirts standing at his elbows...The two men gave dad the traditional raised arm salute. My father then said to Mosley, 'Is it true you're anti-Semitic? And I want the truth this time. Are you anti-***ish?'

        "Mosley almost smiled at TK's naivety. 'Yes'. Then he rose from his chair and told dad in measured tones; his full plans and began to explain their aims."

        "My dad's face was dead white. Boxing fans who had seen him fight would have intrepreted the danger signs. ...Mosley kept on talking and then eyed dad as if to guage the effect of his words "

        "Until then, he hadn't moved.. Then, like lightning, he struck with an open hand across Mosely's face, sending him and his chair crashing against the wall. The two brown-shirted men came round the desk and grappled with him.. He ducked under the man's arms and shot a short right hand to his jaw, sending him to the floor, out to the world. "

        ...Then he hit the second man with a left hook and he dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. ...He took my hand and we walked down the stairs past the two guards at the front door. About twenty yards up the street, dad told me to wait a minute. ...He walked back to the entrance, mounted the steps and postitioned himself between the two guards. He eyed them for two or three seconds, and then, like lightning, swung a left hook at one, spun around with a right hook to the other, and calmly stepped over both.. He then walked down the steps and joined me, grinning from ear to ear."


        • #94
          Originally posted by CarlosG815 View Post
          I dunno if I'd call those "quality." I can see it helps support your point because those are big names, but those were not quality fighters at the time they fought Lennox.
          I read earlier in your post that you named Holmes as a quality win for Tyson. If you can't name a washed up Tyson for Lennox then why is it right to name a washed up Holmes for Tyson?


          • #95
            Originally posted by jthoang View Post
            I read earlier in your post that you named Holmes as a quality win for Tyson. If you can't name a washed up Tyson for Lennox then why is it right to name a washed up Holmes for Tyson?
            I said Holmes, although not prime, was still a contender at the time and could have beaten a lot of heavies. Tyson wasn't a contender when he fought Lewis, he was a bum without a chance in the world.

            Tyson looked like he was on some sort of tranquilizer. He probably had enough drugs in his system to put out a horse.


            • #96
              Originally posted by CarlosG815 View Post
              I said Holmes, although not prime, was still a contender at the time and could have beaten a lot of heavies. Tyson wasn't a contender when he fought Lewis, he was a bum without a chance in the world.

              Tyson looked like he was on some sort of tranquilizer. He probably had enough drugs in his system to put out a horse.
              Oh here we go: The "Tyson was sedated" mantra starts



              • #97
                Originally posted by poet682006 View Post
                Oh here we go: The "Tyson was sedated" mantra starts

                You're 41 man, time to move out of your mom's basement and find a woman. Your instigating ways are childish and make you look as pathetic online as I'm certain you are in real life.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by CarlosG815 View Post
                  You're 41 man, time to move out of your mom's basement and find a woman. Your instigating ways are childish and make you look as pathetic online as I'm certain you are in real life.
                  And you're what? 14 and spending all your time looking at Mike Tyson posters with your pants around your ankles? BTW, your nuthugging posts make you look as moronic as I'm sure you are in real life. 50 years from now when you retire from a rewarding career of asking "would you like fries with that?" I'm sure you'll look back on your life and wonder why daddy didn't smack some sense into you and you'll take another pull on your bottle of Colt 45 and look for a nice warm subway grate to go nappy on. Have a nice day!



                  • #99
                    Originally posted by poet682006 View Post
                    And you're what? 14 and spending all your time looking at Mike Tyson posters with your pants around your ankles? BTW, your nuthugging posts make you look as moronic as I'm sure you are in real life. 50 years from now when you retire from a rewarding career of asking "would you like fries with that?" I'm sure you'll look back on your life and wonder why daddy didn't smack some sense into you and you'll take another pull on your bottle of Colt 45 and look for a nice warm subway grate to go nappy on. Have a nice day!

                    If you weren't so old I might have a little fun with this, but I honestly feel sorry for you. I'm not gonna take cheap shots at a guy who's probably suicidal as it is. I'm sorry for the hand you were dealt in life.


                    • Originally posted by CarlosG815 View Post
                      If you weren't so old I might have a little fun with this, but I honestly feel sorry for you. I'm not gonna take cheap shots at a guy who's probably suicidal as it is. I'm sorry for the hand you were dealt in life.
                      You'd be better off saving your pity for someone who actually needs it: You know, someone like yourself! Flip dem burgers Junior


