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Jack Johnson and Jack Dempsey. Mixed legacies, dubious wins/ draws and lot of ducks?

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  • #51
    Originally posted by Ivich View Post
    Except the writer of the piece admitted at the end of it that he made the whole thing up,and the editor of his newspaper confirmed it,plus Dempsey was on a stage in Seattle in a vaudeville act on Saturday December the 3rd .Oh and the gold strike was in April 1923,2 years after the fight had supposedly happened!

    Just minor things I know. lol
    Can you provide the link that the writer made it up? Now you would not lie, would you?
    Last edited by Dr. Z; 12-01-2023, 04:25 PM.


    • #52
      Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

      Can you provide the link that the wirter made it up? Now you would not lie, would you?
      The wirter?
      .No,unlike you I do not lie!
      All the information I posted and more, including the admission it was a mythical fight , can be found in Adam Pollack's second volume on Jack Dempsey.
      You can verify it by asking your tag team partner Ghost Of Dempsey, who has it or ,here's a novel idea,buy the book!lol
      My wife paid £38.54p for it on Amazon for my birthday.


      • #53
        Originally posted by Willie Pep 229 View Post
        If common sense was common we wouldn't have the phrase.

        I thought we totally debunked this nonsense last year. I guess everytime a new poster with an agenda comes to the board we will have to do it again.
        YES!! and it sucks!!
        travestyny travestyny Ivich Ivich like this.


        • #54
          Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

          Well , NY and Chicago were out. Johnson wasn't allowed to fight there in 1921 and would have to pay taxes if he did. He needed the money and being out of prison this was the way he could make it.

          According to the report he made a good showing until the 6th round. Dempsey was embarrassed by his side show fight, like Tyson Fury was. A few rich men put on the fight, just like Saudi Arabia. Where else did Dempsey fight? Shelby Montana that power house fight town? Yep. And Johnson that southern Mecca of boxing in Havana. Johnson went on tour in Mexico. He even fought in South America. Suddenly Saskatoon Canada does not seem so far fetched. Urban legends aside.

          Here you go.

          There is a lot of controversy in Dempsey's fights . And Johnson's fights where he alleges fixes, and was booed out the ring for not trying in some of them, and fouling in others​.
          I see... New York and Chicago are out so... Naturally... One goes to some Canadian backwater! Forget Philly, Boston, Montreal... Just go to spitoon Canada. Actually when Dempsey was current Montana was somewhat centralized. it is relatively near the midwest, and WHEN did Dempsey fight in that area?

          Havana WAS a mecca for boxing you ful! One of the great cities before the Castro revolution.


          • #55
            Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

            - - No, Vitch is misreporting the article that he read while choking down ungutted snails. That you didn't know that Saskatoon was the site of the biggest gold strike and wealthiest town in the history of the world in their heyday is on you.

            Thus extensive rail service to Saskatoon that still exists.

            Really now, all that reading of Ginsberg and Kerouak has dumbed you down to their decrepit levels though you show occasionally signs of wanting to break free of that dumbdome.

            When asked, Dempsey said he always knew he could whoop Johnson, so why wouldn't he and JJ split a fortune in a private gentleman's club scrap in their basement where millions were wagered?
            Lol, figures the resident half wit would go for this... There is nothing about Saskatoon, at the time of this fight that made it major anything... There are many ghost towns in nevada that had 1800's money, some even into the 19th century. Ful!
            Ivich Ivich likes this.


            • #56
              Originally posted by billeau2 View Post

              I see... New York and Chicago are out so... Naturally... One goes to some Canadian backwater! Forget Philly, Boston, Montreal... Just go to spitoon Canada. Actually when Dempsey was current Montana was somewhat centralized. it is relatively near the midwest, and WHEN did Dempsey fight in that area?

              Havana WAS a mecca for boxing you ful! One of the great cities before the Castro revolution.
              The reason Dempsey was in Montana was the oil fields.

              Shelby was calling itself "The Tulsa of the North." -- They were selling oil futures.

              The oil strike in Oklahoma had made the State rich. But the postwar recession squashed investment and Shelby's oil futures weren't selling.

              A prize fight, with the overly popular Dempsey, would hopefully draw big money people from Chicago and New York to Montana.

              All Shelby really needed to do with the fight was break even and they would have had the business opportunity they were playing for . . . but Shelby had never before met the likes of Doc Kearns.
              billeau2 billeau2 Ivich Ivich like this.


              • #57
                Originally posted by billeau2 View Post

                Lol, figures the resident half wit would go for this... There is nothing about Saskatoon, at the time of this fight that made it major anything... There are many ghost towns in nevada that had 1800's money, some even into the 19th century. Ful!
                - - None ever claimed the largest gold strike in the history of the world like Saskatoon did. No place better than Saskatoon to stage an illegal private men's club fight.

                Half wits *****s nanowits every day and twice on Sundays......


                • #58
                  Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

                  - - None ever claimed the largest gold strike in the history of the world like Saskatoon did. No place better than Saskatoon to stage an illegal private men's club fight.

                  Half wits *****s nanowits every day and twice on Sundays......
                  But that strike was 2 years after the mythical fight was supposed to have happened, and so it has no relevance to the subject whatsoever.
                  billeau2 billeau2 likes this.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by Ivich View Post

                    But that strike was 2 years after the mythical fight was supposed to have happened, and so it has no relevance to the subject whatsoever.
                    Did he mention dates? 2 years after, huh?


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

                      Did he mention dates? 2 years after, huh?
                      The supposed Dempsey and Johnson fight was alleged to have happened on Saturday the 3rd 1921.
                      Dempsey was on a stage in Seattle in a vaudeville act on Saturday December the 3rd

                      The gold strike was in April1923. Hence no gold in Saskatoon in1921.
                      It isn't rocket science!
                      billeau2 billeau2 likes this.

