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Why is the heavyweight division the only division where a fighter can fight an opponent 100lb more than him ?

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  • Why is the heavyweight division the only division where a fighter can fight an opponent 100lb more than him ?

    In some lower weight division 7lb more or less could put you in another division meanwhile a 205 lb heavyweight can fight an 305 lb heavyweight.

  • #2
    When I wrestled in high school in NJ (1968-1972) we had a weight class called Unimited.

    Today that unlimited weight class has been replaced by a weight class limited to 275 lbs.

    I am waiting for a law suit from some 300 lbs kid's parent, for discrimination agsinst their son, but it hasn't happened yet.

    Back in 1969 a local school Pasack Hills NJ. had an unlimited wrestler, David Mead, who was 310 lbs. Our guy weighted 180.

    But we were a team so we backed the our guy to the teeth.

    At first we were all yelling 'shoot, shoot' - when thst didn't work we were all yelling 'bridge, bridge, - when that didn't work and the 310 pounder flopped down on top of our guy's head and face, we were all yelling 'breathe, breathe.'

    Maybe for health reasons there should be an upper weight limit.

    New Jersey wrestling went from an unlimited class to two HW classes at 245 and 275. So there is some attempt to stop 100 lbs mismatches.

    billeau2 billeau2 likes this.


    • #3
      The short Answer is Because the heavyweight division is unlimited.
      Great post Willie Pep 229!!
      We must consider that at some point the "dufus factor " kicks in, where added height and/or weight delivers diminishing returns. But as generations increase in size that line has moved up. Still, exceptional fighters over 6"7 and/or 255 lbs. Are the exception, not the rule. Any rules set, except Sumo, I imagine this threshold should apply.
      Does a Welter have an advantage over a Lightweight? Yes. A Middleweight over a Welterweight? Yes. A 230 pounder over a 205 pound heavyweight? All else being equal, Yes. But does a 260 pound heavyweight have the same kind of advantage over the 230 lbs. Version? Probably not. A 310 pounder over that 260 lbs. Guy? No. Too slow, too winded.

      I think that instead, we might divie up the range between 175 and 225 more effectively.
      billeau2 billeau2 Ivich Ivich like this.


      • #4
        That's why it's the glory division. A guy like Usyk can move up from cruiserweight and conquer a giant like Joshua.


        • #5
          Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post
          That's why it's the glory division. A guy like Usyk can move up from cruiserweight and conquer a giant like Joshua.
          - - Usyk is a life long heavy from Olympic gold forward, 6-3, 221lbs bigger than Ali in shape. First pro fights he was over 200 lb.

          Photos at their weighin show Usyk with a broader torso. Same thing with Wlad weighin. AJ tall, but as close to a sprinter's build as a boxer build.


          • #6
            As Ray Corso used to say, it's an open division.
            billeau2 billeau2 likes this.


            • #7
              Because nobody has been smart enough to come up with weight limits yet.


              • #8
                Should we have a 220 lbs. weight class?

                There will always have to be an unlimited weight class and IMO out of respect that should always be called HW, i.e. the HW Champion needs to come from this class.

                I wouldn't want HW to called called Super HW.
                • Should there be a 220 lbs. class?
                • What should it be called?
                Personally I think they should call a new weight class, 200-220 lbs. Light HW. -- Then rename the 175 lbs class.

                Also I would rather watch two 210 lbs. go at it than two 240 lbs who are not athletic.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Willie Pep 229 View Post
                  Should we have a 220 lbs. weight class?

                  There will always have to be an unlimited weight class and IMO out of respect that should always be called HW, i.e. the HW Champion needs to come from this class.

                  I wouldn't want HW to called called Super HW.
                  • Should there be a 220 lbs. class?
                  • What should it be called?
                  Personally I think they should call a new weight class, 200-220 lbs. Light HW. -- Then rename the 175 lbs class.

                  Also I would rather watch two 210 lbs. go at it than two 240 lbs who are not athletic.
                  Maybe it should be called "bridgerweight".

                  And rename LHW as Upper Super Middleweight seeing as though most super mids fluctuate between LHW after a loss and never seem to rise any higher.

                  Willie Pep 229 Willie Pep 229 likes this.


                  • #10
                    “Technically” that isn’t true. Weight classes only have upper limits.

