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Undisputed Champion
Unified Champion - 10,00-20,000 posts  11832
Last Activity: Today, 07:29 PM
Joined: 01-29-2010
Location: Long Island, NY
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  • Speaking of 1987, Moonstruck was great. About phases of the moon and about how love can go in phases. Cher even won an Oscar for best actress for it....
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    pretty boy_ pretty boy_ likes this.

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  • That would be some good booking and there's been some good stories on AEW lately. Just caught the highlights on youtube. I like when Darby said he'll light that guy's ass on fire. I guess he was held down or handcuffed. Adam Cole back yet? I'd like to see MJF go through a bunch of the roster and...
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  • JC and Det. Cameron in Night of the Creeps
    Francis aka Fat Kid in The Monster Squad
    Gus in The Psych Movie
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  • Oh yeah, was watching an old interview of him a couple of weeks ago where he said that when he was the nice guy women always rejected him. It wasn't until he acted like his bad boy image that women started wanting him. How messed up is that?
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  • I take it the faces won last night? And just heard MJF won the international title, threw it in the trash and now there's a new belt called the American Championship, which looks like a US Title? So I guess it's a US Championship now?...
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  • I gotta try and watch the original War Games matches. I hear some of them were good. And the Survivor Series ones, where they let them win by pinfall as well, I hear were pretty good....
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  • Yeah and didn't they break up his Street Business faction too? I'll try and watch the review Thursday of tomorrow night's show if I can remember. Scott Keith usually reviews these shows on his Blog of Doom too....
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  • Nice. A PPV match with him and Lance Archer or that tall Indian guy would be killer for one of their PPVs. And maybe Big Bill. They could just have him destroy everyone and call him The Giant Killer. Maybe even put him with the Joe Hook team....
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  • So still 5 on 5 right? And does it at least still end by submission?...
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  • Anthony342
    started a topic Fighters Get Humbled

    Fighters Get Humbled

    Anyone seen the fight at the end of this video? Or know what MMA promotion it's from? Looks like a hell of a knockout. The boxing ones look pretty hard hitting here too. Almost put this in the MMA secion: https://youtube/sXNMdPQbjIA?si=bB9VZkcebrfsM7Yy&t=285
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  • Sure hope so. Who are the participants. Or "Particeepants" as Mean Gene would say it?...
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  • Exactly. Like the viral clip says on youtube. "Got 'em. We f****n got 'em." Reminds me of that youtube video they did of Floyd Mayweather's Punch Out video game where it had these long sets of rules saying stuff like you have to agree to my terms like 60-40 money split and "not be...
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    Kid Cauliflower Kid Cauliflower likes this.

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  • So now that they're marketing Clark, do you think the league will start to market these other players as well, especially as the league becomes more popular? I guess it depends on if those players win championships....
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  • Blood and Guts is on tomorrow night right? I should still have it on my DVR. I'll just wait until the new TV arrives in the mail, so I can see the whole thing and not just highlights online....
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  • Totally dude. This is why they still need managers in the business. Like they have in AEW. Who is it they have there, Stokely, Sanjay Dutt, the Lucha Bros guy? Yeah Alex Abrahantes, just googled him. Or even Orange Cassidy....
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  • Idiocy and ignorance annoys him. He must get annoyed by himself quite often them. This from a guy who likes to regularly crap on James Toney's career as well, whenever he's brought up here....
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  • I feel so validated and vindicated by you guys years later. Thanks man....
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  • So I take it Brianna Stewart and Aja Wilson consistently put up better numbers than Clark then. They're probably not marketed because hardly anyone watches the WNBA. Now that more people are watching, it should stand to reason that they will get marketed. Female tennis players I heard now get the...
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  • Good point. I wonder if they're trying to sign more women from WWE and maybe ROH. If so, I wonder if they'll have a tag division themselves. They still teasing a Theory turn on Waller? Hard to picture Theory as a face. Especially after that viral video where the two of them got angry at that guy...
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    Hagler_Fan Willy_Hagler_3:16 likes this.

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  • I hear she gets a lot of hate and jealousy from a lot of other players in the league. Is this true? If so, she shouldn't because the more attention she gets, the more attention the rest of the league gets, meaning the more attention the other players will get, therefore, the more tickets these games...
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