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Guys I’m so bored, did mike Tyson ever beat an ATG in their prime?

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  • #81
    Originally posted by BoxingTrav View Post
    I hate the narrative that Tyson lost every big fight. That is incorrect. What is correct is that he lost every big fight after prison.

    Before Prison

    He beat Berbick in a big fight (1st Title), Bonecrusher Smith in a unification, Tucker to become undisputed, Tyrell Biggs was a big fight, Larry Homes was a big fight (Mike was the only man to ever stop Larry), Spinks was the biggest fight in boxing and Bruno was another big fight. So please with the revisionist bull. Tyson's run was a great one. Wish he maintained his discipline but it was not written that way.

    ODLH lost all his big fights but he’s still considered one of the best of all time, which he was.


    • #82
      Yes, Larry Homes and Michael Spinks.


      • #83
        Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post
        - -U dumb or just stoopid?

        Mike broke heavy boxing records til the end of time. Part of his success was having 3 HOFer guiding him. When they passed and Givens and King got their hooks in him and being placed on experimental psychotropic sedatives, his prime ended.

        Clearly he enters a tragic downward spiral as all but a dolt can see.
        Why can't you make a response without how old are you?

        It remains a fact that his "prime" lasted for a very small time and there was no real competition during that....these are the facts whether you like or not.

        Why it lasted that long is another issue but you cannot take the reason for that to change facts and pretend it is not the case. Nobody is saying Mike wasn't good in case you did not get that from my post.

        Also, who Mike chose to be around him and who he chose to associate himself with was his own choice. So, as sad as his story is, he is responsible for it. He is the one bragging about having *** with maids in a Japanese hotel before his fight even when his movement was restricted. And while I do sympathize with him...that he lost not only his coach and mentor but also a fatherly figure in Cus, remember that Buster wasn't in a great situation either (psychologically).

        Also, let's not pretend that he was invincible during his "prime". People that applied pressure and refused to get intimidated by Mike did well. Even no-names like James Tillis, Mitch Green, and James Smith took him the distance. So, it's not like he KOed everyone during that time. If these guys can survive, so could Holyfield or Lewis or Bowe. And had these guys fought Mike during that era, they would have beaten him either by points or KO.

        I am a Mike Tyson fan and have respect for the guy as a boxer and as a person (mostly for his later changes in life), but let not fanboyism keep us from talking and accepting reality.


        • #84
          I never thought he got enough credit for beating Larry Holmes, although wasn't in his prime went on to beat Ray Mercer who should have got the decision over Lennox Lewis.

          Michael Spinks was good win. So was Frank Bruno, Tony Tucker, Razor Ruddock and Tyrell Biggs.


          • #85
            Originally posted by LacedUp View Post
            Tyson beat a couple of good fighters in his time. He beat guys that were the highest ranked / champions in the 80s like Berbick, Spinks, Biggs, Tucker, Holmes, Thomas, Bruno, etc. And beat highly ranked guys from the 90s and some who were champions too like Bruno, Golota, Ruddock.

            But yes, he did fall short at the highest level in the 90s.

            He still had a fun career.
            He is definitely a very good fighter. But some people think he is by far the best HW ever, and some even think he's the best P4P ever, whereas I could not have him close to the top 10 HW of all time, maybe top 20.

            He came along at the right time, with the right style, the aura of invincibility, but he was far from what people thought he may have been at that time and that's just a fact.

            The amount of times the prime Mike excuse get's used is ridiculous. I'd honestly put in on a par with current Derick Chisora.


            • #86
              Originally posted by Zelda View Post
              Why can't you make a response without how old are you?

              It remains a fact that his "prime" lasted for a very small time and there was no real competition during that....these are the facts whether you like or not.

              Why it lasted that long is another issue but you cannot take the reason for that to change facts and pretend it is not the case. Nobody is saying Mike wasn't good in case you did not get that from my post.

              Also, who Mike chose to be around him and who he chose to associate himself with was his own choice. So, as sad as his story is, he is responsible for it. He is the one bragging about having *** with maids in a Japanese hotel before his fight even when his movement was restricted. And while I do sympathize with him...that he lost not only his coach and mentor but also a fatherly figure in Cus, remember that Buster wasn't in a great situation either (psychologically).

              Also, let's not pretend that he was invincible during his "prime". People that applied pressure and refused to get intimidated by Mike did well. Even no-names like James Tillis, Mitch Green, and James Smith took him the distance. So, it's not like he KOed everyone during that time. If these guys can survive, so could Holyfield or Lewis or Bowe. And had these guys fought Mike during that era, they would have beaten him either by points or KO.

              I am a Mike Tyson fan and have respect for the guy as a boxer and as a person (mostly for his later changes in life), but let not fanboyism keep us from talking and accepting reality.
              - -Mo' blah, blah from you.

              Not Mikes fault he turned pro before Lewis and Field who needed more 3 rounders in headgear.

              What Mike did was kill the giant sucking sound of the Holmes/King era to consolidate all the belts that electrified boxing.

              Heavyweight Boxing had never seen such a force of nature out of a kid no less with a $50 mil retirement trust fund already set up.

              Yeah, I hold him responsible for his decisions, but understand he was certified mentally il.l and placed in a panoply of strong experimental psychotropic sedatives closer to a guinea pig than a normal human and subsequently bilked out of his fortune.

              Blame the older Bowe/Lewis/Field for not being so precocious as be in his era.

              And you hold the traditional bias against sluggers who fail to ko fighters. Nobody ever faults boxers for KOing opponents. Moreover the scoring shows he was winning most every rd, domination never seen before in modern scoring. Eventually Roy and the Ks had that propensity.


              • #87
                Originally posted by chirorickyp View Post
                And Marvis Frazier had to look across the ring and see the most viscious version of him. Poor guy did no wrong in his life and he had to meet that in a squared circle. Brutal and not fair. It should have been Feinstein or any child ******er who ever lived.
                I never thought about that sort of stuff, but yeah, the universe is cruel and unfair. Most fighters seem to be pretty good guys, most fighter get messed up...damn.


                • #88
                  Originally posted by Nash out View Post
                  Read the rest of the posts here, lol. This was a list for comedy effect. I do agree with you, but at the same time, Tyson was what he was. A very good, but ot great fighter, that beat nobody above B level and folded everytime the going got tough. The Real Deal Pedlyfield would beat him 99 times out of 100, so would Lewis.
                  tyson was a great fighter bro...cant say i agree....only lost 2 times before the age of 30.

                  he folded everytime the going got tough? did you even watch the 2 fights with ruddock, or the fights with Tucker, Smith, he kept trying even losing to Douglass


                  • #89
                    Basically he got figured out early on his career and when people stopped being into the 'myth of tyson' he was easy to beat. We all really meant to believe he was past prime at 24? Lol


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by Madison boxing View Post
                      Basically he got figured out early on his career and when people stopped being into the 'myth of tyson' he was easy to beat. We all really meant to believe he was past prime at 24? Lol
                      - -U never having a prime easier to believe.

