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Here's Where All The Floyd Cheat Theories Fail

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  • Originally posted by koolkc107 View Post
    What I find amazing is that all these butthurt posters haven't written WADA with their dazzling new revelations.

    If Floyd cheated and USADA is corrupt, I think WADA needs to be informed.

    To that end, I am willing to organize a petition to WADA for them to take a closer look at the circumstances surrounding the IV.

    All I need is for any interested butthurt to compose an air-tight, completely coherent narrative that is compelling enough to make WADA notice.


    And don't let it be said I don't practice what I preach.

    I just contacted WADA with the following:

    Dear Sirs,
    I was curious as to what, if any, investigation was done by WADA concerning Floyd Mayweather's use of an IV before his fight with Manny Pacquiao back in May of 2015. Is there any releasable info on what steps WADA took and what the findings were? And, if nothing substantial was done on the part of WADA then is there a reasonable explanation as to why that is?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

    I will expect those detailed arguments from every butthurt here who keeps insisting Floyd cheated.

    If I can do what I did and I think he is clean, I am guessing you crybabies have much more detailed arguments...let's see them, edit what needs editing, and send them.

    Time to stop screwing around on a message board and follow your own convictions in real life.

    That's what real men do.
    Amen. I second this!!! Let’s see who steps up!


    • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
      Amen. I second this!!! Let’s see who steps up!
      We will definitely see.

      I am dead serious.

      We will apply pressure to WADA and the media.

      Only thing is, posters won't be able to hide behind a message board.

      You gotta put your government name on shyt like this.

      They will know who you are.

      They will know it is you making the inquiry and accusing a billionaire of cheating.

      Let's see if they feel as comfortable under that scenario.

      I think he is clean, am sure I can prove it to any rational person and will say so.

      But, this needs to be put to rest.


      • Originally posted by koolkc107 View Post
        We will definitely see.

        I am dead serious.

        We will apply pressure to WADA and the media.

        Only thing is, posters won't be able to hide behind a message board.

        You gotta put your government name on shyt like this.

        They will know who you are.

        They will know it is you making the inquiry and accusing a billionaire of cheating.

        Let's see if they feel as comfortable under that scenario.

        I think he is clean, am sure I can prove it to any rational person and will say so.

        But, this needs to be put to rest.
        When these dudes tuck their tails and bow down, let’s hope they have the decency to shut up about this.


        • Look how ****** your responses are. This is utter shlt.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          pop up? Is this a new way of DEFLECTING?
          I see another 6 pages today.... can I respond? LOL

          1. Lots of solid proof that Floyd didn't require no BANNED IVs!!!

          Lance dealt with and without WADA! It didn't make no difference!

          It's all relevant. Testing was new for the corticosteroid that Lance got caught with. It was just introduced by UCI days before Lance got tested POSITIVE!

          Relatively new EPO tests came back with su****ious results for Lance.

          At that point the cheater re-evaluates, tweaks his cheating program and hopes to not get caught. If someone like Floyd and Lance get caught, they have a back-up plan .... YES, even if they didn't require no BS RETRO TUE!!!

          and you basically DEFLECTED my point!!! BOTH Delayed and both used BANNED IVs
          Lance got busted last I checked. By a WADA signatory being on his ass. Oh...the same one that you are accusing of cheating for Mayweather. If that isn't ******, I don't know what is.

          Oh, and more ******ity. Lance got busted when improved tests came out. Did those improved tests suddenly disappear? Or is this where you speculate that Floyd has some kind of brand nu nu drugs that most don't know about to try to fit your dumb agenda. Maybe this is why Manny has Back Acne and had his arm fixed up so quickly, hmm? Again. This is dumb.

          Deflected your point? No buddy. Your point holds no weight. Lance delayed. Floyd gives a partial sample...then there is a delay before the next sample. All in front of a DCO. Huge difference, don't you think? Of course you don't. Seriously, you need to just admit to yourself that you are mentally ******ed. Only you can keep deflecting to Lance from 2003-2010 with Floyd in 2015.

          Last I checked, Lance didn't give a partial sample before the IV. Not did he have his retro application checked into by 3 independent doctors. Deflect that, bltch.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          2. No you say? No to what? What a DEFLECTOR!!!

          Yes, it is a cat and mouse game. my point 1 above brings up some examples but there are many many more examples.

          Yes, the percentage of athletes caught remains relatively the same!

          Yes, in 2025, testing will be better than 2015 and cheaters will adapt and find a different way to cheat.

          Yes, other athletes such as Lance could be tested 365 days a year. Floyd knows and actually SETS his own START and END DATEs!
          What the actual **** is your point? YOU TRIED TO SAY TESTING WAS BETTER IN LANCE'S DAY. That's how butthurt you are. Don't you ever read the shlt you type and think...."hmmm, I should back off this a bit. This is really ****** for me to say." And you still won't explain WHY HE CYCLES OFF ONLY TO CHEAT THROUGHOUT ALL OF CAMP, YOU DUMB DUMB. THAT'S THE ******EST SHlT I'VE EVER HEARD!!!!!!!!!

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          55%? What is your point?
          That athletes do not try to dilute their blood? That diluting cannot bring down HT levels? Sorry but they can and they have done so.
          Is this your way of deflecting? LMAO. So you don't want to tell me how his HT is constantly inflated and he keeps in constantly low. Yea, because you can't. R.I.P. Bltch.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          How about numbers that are more relevant?
          Floyd's weight was relatively the same and Floyd admits to making weight EASILY and his walking weight is close to 150, 148 and has been for a decade? Now add that USADA/WADA state to drink 2 cups per pound lost when dehydrated.
          Floyd said he was extremely dehydrated due to his 3 BS excuses.

          Do you agree that it makes no sense????

          150 lbs - 30 days out
          149 lbs - 2 weeks out
          148 lbs - 1 week out
          146 lbs - hours before IV

          If you are still not sure, check out the gifs below of Floyd drinking fluids (alternative ... CHECK!)
          No, I don't agree you ******. We went over this already. It's the same Floyd as in the Mosley fight, right? Well when you can explain why he should be dehydrated there, and not dehydrated here, then maybe you can make some sense. His weight...stable right? The only difference that you're trying to point out is that you can see him working out in the video (no I can't post it because I don't see it on youtube). Once again, you have no idea what Floyd was doing before the weigh-in. Was he running? You won't say because you don't know. Yea, it's out of the real of possibility for a boxer to be dehydrated before a weigh-in. More ******ity by you.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post

          Floyd or Lance? LOL
          There are multiple scenarios. Some PEDs are cycled off, some are micro dosed, some athletes use a combination of drugs at micro dose levels so they cannot get caught unless the DCO surprises them and shows up at the door soon after and gets the athletes sample. Floyd delayed giving his full sample 6+ hours and used BANNED IVs .... drrrrrr
          How is it a delay if he gives a partial sample before the IV, hmmmm? Your delay bullshlt just went down the drain. And no, it wasn't diluted you fool. Can't be per WADA's rules. You lose. And if you have a problem with mixing the two samples, go talk to WADA and tell them they don't know what they are doing, but send us their response so we can all laugh at you together, you moron. I told you that's your problem. You think you're smarter than everyone. And I do truly believe that's the reason I stomp all over you all the time. You're too ****** to realize that you're not as smart as you think you are.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          and YES, Floyd DOES DICTATE his START and END DATEs .... Lance couldn't and many other athletes cannot YET, they use PEDs and yet you keep on making it sound like Floyd cannot have been using PEDs? WEIRD!!!!
          Just stop it. This is the ******est think you have been saying, and yet you're still saying it. He cycles off before being tested.....but cycles on during testing. Does that mean he never cycles off? Dude. Explain this please. Step the **** up and stop being a bltch. I really want you to explain this shlt. Stop writing me essays that make no sense you little bltch. Explain why he would cycle off before testing...then cycle on during testing

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          DEFLECTOR: So do you think that Floyd took out blood for a Vampire facial before a fight? He did some of the steps, such as extract blood put it in a centrifuge (Ooops) .... but to make his eyes pretty just before a fight???? LOL
          See, this is how I know I've wrecked your life, f@g. This is the first time you're bringing up some vampire facial shlt to me, and yet somehow I deflected??? What is there to deflect? He is actively tested you buffoon. You think he used a blood transfusion before the fight and his ABP was just fine and dandy? Jesus christ, you're a moron.

          The dude is sitting around with sunglasses on. HE IS A PROFESSIONAL BOXER. You think he is so dumb that he is going to voluntarily tell a group of people that he is doing PED's instead of saying, "I made a mistake in sparring." Yea. Yet another dumb piece of shlt from you.

          Vampire facial shlt was already debunked. What else you got?

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          4. So now you are DEFLECTING to paper trail, deflecto? Lance, Floyd still had to use them BANNED IV bags, still BOTH left a paper trail, deflecto!
          LMAOOOOO. Gotcha, bltch. Once again. How the **** have I been deflecting to papertrail when I've asked you about this probably a year ago and I'm still asking because you refuse to answer. I get it. You say I deflect when you have no answer. Awww. Did I stump you? You should be used to it. Still waiting for your explanation, Mr. Platicizer.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          5. DEFLECTO, make me stop YOU right here. All you post is how IMPOSSIBLE it would have been for Floyd to have passed TESTs but time and time again, this can be proven by checking out what other cheats did in the past. So when I do bring up scenarios, you laugh but then I back most of them up with true events that occurred.
          Dude, your back up is from what year? 2003? 2006? 2009? You have absolutely nothing. You won't even try to explain why it makes sense that if there was cheating it would happen the way it did. It would literally be the dumbest attempt at cheating ever. But being that you're a butthurt f@g, you ignore that.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          a) Cheaters can make mistakes or bad decisions or use PEDs at the wrong time? Yes! I posted an admitted cheat who said this!
          Yet in over 100 tests, Floyd didn't make a mistake? LMAO. Lance sure did. How's that comparison going for you?

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          b) Does delaying help the cheater pass a test? Yup! Some PEDs stay in your system for hours so if you delay 6+ hours that can easily go from a positive to a negative result!
          Ok, now find us a study on a partial sample that is not delayed and before the IV. Is WADA missing something here? Is it bad practice to mix them together? If they helped him cheat, wouldn't that be ****** to take a sample before masking it? The **** was he paying these people for? To do a shltty job and get him caught. Yea. Your conspiracy theory is shlt.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          c) You bring up maintaining a high HT. Well, I bring it up as a scenario not that that is exactly what Floyd did since there are multiple scenarios but as one of many scenarios since Floyd is the MASTER of when he tells USADA, go ahead and test me .... NOW and stop ....NOW.
          LMAOOO. now you are trying to back out of your statement. Yep. Gotcha, bltch!!! lmaooooooo! For this camp, seems he was microdosing right up until the beginning of the fight according to you, huh? How he passed all those tests....just luck I suppose. He was very brave to cycle off then cycle right back on, don't you think?

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          d) Going back to maintaining artificially high levels. The UCI had thresholds of 50%. If you went over that you were suspended. That is, unless you were able to receive a certificate indicating that you have high levels naturally.
          Some athletes did get an exemption (certificate) to be able to cycle while being over the threshold of HT=50. They would get this exemption since they were supposedly naturally high (>50). They would have to be checked monthly to prove that the HT>50 is always occuring. Some of those people later got caught or admitted to using PEDs!!!

          So again, not BS as you said.
          And again, this is a deflection because he didn't take a blood test on May 2nd you idiot. Tell me how he diluted his urine. Oh, that's right. The DCO is bad at the specific gravity test. Did you get any info backing that up yet? "I gave you over 24 hours, yet you deflect."

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          As for your BS that it is hard to get a TUE from TUEC, that is a load of BS! What does the TUEC base their info on? Floyd's, Lance's or other athletes physician's BS note!!!
          Once again, here you go thinking you are smarter than 3 doctors that serve on the TUEC. Nice try, but stick to riding your tricycle and claiming your a cyclist.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          Here are three pillars in which the whole TUE system rests.

          “The first is an honest athlete, the second one is that you need a doctor with the integrity and the ethics to not also manipulate the system, and the third one is that you need credible oversight from the sport’s governing body and then WADA,” he said. “If any one of those three things fails, then the TUE system can be abused.”
          What's your point? It can be abused if someone tries? Ok. So his doctor blatantly lied about his condition right in front of the DCO, whom you seem to think wasn't in on this. How did he witness this and...nothing. Yea ok. Your conspiracy theory is shlt.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          When asked how a case can take so long for a simple IV, Novistky brings up to get your RETRO TUE, it requires that there is a thorough vetting process that can take weeks if not months NOT a rubber stamped one that Floyd received.
          I wonder how the DCO being present affects moron.

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          and now we can see that your cheater Floyd didn't require no BANNED IV .... look at him drinking away!

          USADA/WADA/NSAC all say to drink fluids as the alternative and just a couple of cups is sufficient for each pound lost.

          As we can both see, Floyd drank adequately and was assisted by Dr Alex Ariza, who Floyd THANKED!!!

          Here is Floyd drinking from a 1.5L bottle while Manny drinking from a small bottle. Manny comes in heavier than Floyd on fight night. LOL

          Here is Dr Alex Ariza making sure that Floyd is nice and hydrated.

          Look at the smile on Floyd's face! LOL

          I respond, you DEFLECT ... what is new, DEFLECTO?


          Great. He drank water. Now lets talk about facts.

          1. Being physically able to drink is different from it being the best option to treat dehydration. Did he have the shlts?
          2. DCO was present.
          3. 3 independent doctors approved without having his name on the application.

          And up...that's pretty much all there is to it. You enjoying your fantasy?
          Last edited by travestyny; 10-25-2017, 11:20 AM.


          • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            1. So Floyd used drugs too?

            Check out those gifs of Floyd drinking away. Floyd was able to use an alternative. STRIKE #1
            ******. I've explained this to you so many times, but you're just as dumb as shape up apparently. You seem to believe that being physically able to drink water means that you should never have an IV. According to WADA's rules, there would have to be proof that no alternative was more reasonable. Now you think that Floyd hired a doctor that is so good that he convinced three other doctors of a good reason that Floyd should have the IV instead of drinking, and it was complete bullshlt. Wow. What a doctor. He can outfool 3 WADA doctors.

            Or, is it that 4 professional doctors see it one way, and poor little ADP02 sees it another. Yea, in the real world, it's that second one. Who should believe you? Especially you who epically got decapitated in a thunderdome battle but still can't admit it. LMAOOOO! Chump!

            Oh, and if you want to tell me why Floyd broke the rules by drinking water in public, but WADA said this about the case:

            “For a case that would be monitored by WADA, yes the ISTUE could allow for intravenous infusions to be used in instances of dehydration”
            go for it.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Floyd used a BANNED IV STRIKE #2
            False statement. But you know that already. I don't think I need to type more.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Floyd's weight - We know what it was. Just like his previous fight weights at 147!!! and admits to making the weight EASILY STRIKE #3
            So what you're saying is that instead of lying and saying he was struggling with weight and not sure why, he openly states that he has no trouble immediately after, and that has some significance? You're really dumb, and you make Floyd into the dumbest crook there is. So how the **** would someone so dumb cheat thru all of theses tests. LMAOOOOO. Something doesn't add up.

            Yea. He could easily lie and say he struggled to make weight. Or he could admit that he didn't because....he didn't. He told you why he took the IV. From working, he was dehydrated. His urine was really dark. The only thing left to know is that a WADA spokesperson said that an IV can be used for dehydration. A spokesperson who obviously knows that Mayweather has a mouth and is able to drink water. So basicall..**** off. Again, 4 doctors disagree with you.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            BUT they are BS EXCUSES as you already know and I mentioned numerous times ... STRIKE #4
            uh huh. A professional boxer being dehydrated. Who would think that could happen? And oh, that bullshlt excuse. Dehydrated from working out. The Horror.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Shows no significant signs of dehydration! STRIKE #5

            Vitals and physical exam and Floyd's signed pre-fight form? Floyd was good. Nothing serious was reported by the NSAC physician, the vitals nor Floyd!!!!
            STRIKE #6
            I've beat you over the head with this a billion times, but you deflect and won't even mention it. Has NSAC ever successfully diagnosed a boxer as being dehydrated?

            Have boxers fought under NSAC's jurisdiction dehydrated?

            When you answer these instead of deflecting, you'll realize that basing your info off of NSAC is pretty ****ing ******. I'll take my chances with the 3 doctors that didn't have his name on that application that, you know, specialize in this type of stuff. Yea. I'll take that over someone who pinches skin to diagnose dehydration, which apparently has never worked

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            2. When was the last time Oscar came in at 145? Check it up! LET ME KNOW DEFLECTO!!!
            Floyd on the other hand made weight EASILY for that weigh in and his previous ones.
            Hmm. Maybe around 1997. I do know he was 150 for Forbes on 5/08. I do know his was on weight 30 days before the Pac fight. So isn't it ****** for you to keep saying that 30 day weights mean something? Dope head.

            yea. another reason why I'll take my chances with those 3 doctors over you.

            By the way, De La wouldn't have been down that low if it wasn't for your fake ass idol. LMAO. Loser.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Was Oscar making interviews right after getting an IV saying that he is not like others that need to drain their bodies 15-20 lbs? Oh wait, Oscar's walking weight is much higher than 145lbs Ooops!
            1. Again, this point was brought up to show your shut about 30 day weights was DEBUNKED. Thank you.

            2. Seems that all of your "proof" is about weight. But you know you've already been dealt with. If Floyd was on camera being dehydrated for Mosley, and he is the same man that doesn't gain lots of weight, that means all there needs to be for you to be wrong is for him to have worked out before the weigh in. Perhaps a run??? Is that why he said he wants to rest his legs?

            Yea. You're pretty dumb.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Finally, Oscar looked spent jogging around a track. Floyd said he felt strong in there and knew that Manny realized Floyd's strength .... you think Manny realized Oscar's strength even after the IV?
            He was rehydrated. Why woudn't he feel strong? What the **** did you want him to say? I felt sluggish in there and Pacquiao was rag dolling me? You ****ing idiot.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            For Oscar, IVs were not banned.
            Niether was Floyd's.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            For Floyd, IVs were BANNED. Floyd should have and did use alternatives!
            Wrong. This is boring already. You're like a broken record. Broken because I've already smashed you multiple times, and now you're stuck on ******. How man times in one long as essay can you literally say the same thing over and over?

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            3. You keep bringing up Mosley as if that is relelvant. OK show me the video and make your point about this video. Then let me know what that proves when comparing it to a Floyd that makes weight EASILY at a weigh in ....

            From what I remember and saw, Floyd was probably training hard at that point. I would have to see it again.
            Again, your only point here is that all of the shlt you've been saying, you're willing to throw all of that out if you can see him working out. Well being that you don't know what he did the day of the weigh in, I think doubt exists. Thank you for seeing the truth!

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            and to bring up what you said about me then see your pathetic responses about Floyd being dehydrated .... Oh brother! All I can see is that you are responding like this because it's your hero Floyd.
            Maybe I can show you a video of me training and the scales before and after my session. Yup, I'm dehdyrated and can lose quite a bit of weight and your point??? Did I need 2 IVs? NOPE!!!
            Dude, literally...who the **** are you???? Are you a world class athlete? No? Then shut the **** up. I remember you even brought up your kid in a ****ing pool, your sister or some bltch as university doing scans of some sort, you riding a ****ing tricycle. The **** is wrong with you. You literally aren't shlt. So shut the **** up and stop pretending you know anything about anything, and stop comparing yourself to professionals. You aren't a doctor as far as I know. Where does that doctoral instinct go when it comes to Pacquiao? It's much more believable to me that Floyd Mayweather was dehydrated (as he was in the past) than believing salt water healed a ****ing surgically repaired shoulder.

            But keep comparing your workouts to Floyd Mayweather's workouts. Yea. You're pretty dumb.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Floyd's weight was 146 against Manny. Similar to Berto which was his next fight and his Juan Marquez fight which was back in 2009 and similar to his other 147 fights!!!

            GO DEFLECTO!!!
            Then he shouldn't have been dehydrated for Mosley. Right?

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Yes but you DEFLECTED.

            1. If USADA gets an objective opinion from NSAC physician(s) examination, vital signs, weight, previous weights, Floyd's admission to making weight easily and so on ..... yup, you ignored all that and MORE!
            Nope, I didn't. I told you that NSAC does not diagnose dehydration well obviously. I told you that 4 doctors disagree with you. And by the way, never got a statement from NSAC saying that mayweather wasn't dehydrated. You think they note dehydration...don't they??? Don't they????


            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            2. My understanding is that the week of, he was making weight but AGAIN, you IGNORE all my points. Go read DEFLECTO!!!

            Who do you believe was truly dehydrated, Oscar or Floyd?

            Before you say that you need all the facts, you have less to go on with Oscar, it appears, due to your 1 liner than Floyd. LOL
            What 1 liner? Both were dehydrated. What kind of ****** ass question was this? you're really dumb. How do I have less to go on with Oscar? You're really dumb. These are professional boxers. They work out for a living. Not like you on your bicycle on saturday and sitting on your ass all the other days. Dehydration is so far fetched only to a butthurt f@g like you.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            3. Show me the video ....

            Someone training hard and losing weight(dehydrated)? Geez, I'm stumped!
            LMAOOOOOOO. Someone training hard and losing weight? Isn't that what you do and maintain before a weigh-in you ****ing idiot? God, you're dumb.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            and what does that have to do with Floyd at the weigh in?

            LMAOOOO. Log off.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            4. Done(previous post) ... your turn .... and when you are finished (presuming you do not DUCK again) go check out the other posts you DUCKED!!!!
            Done. Now it's my turn. Since I answered TWO of your essays, do me a favor. Answer my next post FIRST AND COMPLETELY. I plan to make it real short for you. DOn't duck


            • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Done... your turn ....
              Thank you. Once again, please answer every question clearly. I'll make this short for you. Don't answer any other post here until you answer this one. I see you conveniently didn't answer to my post that talked about all of your deflections. Don't duck this one like a bltch. ANSWER THIS POST FIRST.

              1. What logical reason would Floyd Mayweather have to cycle off of PED's before testing starts, but then cycle back onto PED's throughout training camp when testing is on, as you have suggested? Do you realize that you are suggesting that he is PERPETUALLY on PED's.

              2. Option 1:
              Floyd Mayweather and Mayweather Promotions, and USADA and all of the people behind it get together, decide that they will allow Mayweather to cheat, and say, "Hey, the best way to do this is to get a physician to tell an incredible lie that the 3 independent TUEC doctors can't see through (don't worry, it will work...if not, we will pay them off), and then we will get the DCO to witness the entire cheating scheme (we'll pay him off too), we'll document everything that happens (don't worry about the paramedic...we'll pay him off), and we'll fill out paperwork to be filed online. We'll send it to WADA as well. Hell, we'll tell Pacquiao about it according to the rules. We'll tell NSAC about it as well. Did I mention we will tell WADA about it. This is going to be great! Don't worry about a thing. Oh yea, we'll take some dirty piss before the IV and have that thrown in to be tested. Don't worryyyyyyy. This is great!

              Option 2:
              Instead the convo goes, "Hey, Floyd. We're on the way over. Oh, you need to finish up some (wink wink) things? Ok. See you after the weigh-in bud. TBE, Son!"


              Don't even think about DEFLECTING to Lance Armstrong who didn't have a TUE approved by 4 doctors, but only 1. Was not looked into by WADA. Did not have a DCO with him. Did not give a sample before the IV. see the difference now?

              3. Any proof of the DCO being bad at taking the specific gravity of a urine sample?

              That's it. Enjoy

              actually, one more:


              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              3. You keep bringing up Mosley as if that is relelvant. OK show me the video and make your point about this video. Then let me know what that proves when comparing it to a Floyd that makes weight EASILY at a weigh in ....

              From what I remember and saw, Floyd was probably training hard at that point. I would have to see it again.

              A. Do you believe this shows a dehydrated Mayweather? If yes, you believe this because he was working out at the time of the DCO coming, correct?

              B. Do you think it's possible that he went on a run or did some other type of work out before the weigh-in? Possibly the night before the weigh in (I think he usually goes running late..around 1am or something) and didn't rehydrate after (why would he rehydrated before a weigh-in)?

              C. Do you believe that it's possible that he had become dehydrated in the course of training and because he had to maintain weight, never hydrated back to a normal level?

              D. Do you agree that it makes sense that, just as in this example, he gave his partial sample IMMEDIATELY, which means there was no delay on the initial sample.

              E. Don't you think the people at WADA are smart enough to know whether testing would be compromised when giving a partial sample immediately and then another sample sometime after?

              Let's see if you can answer honestly.
              Last edited by travestyny; 10-25-2017, 09:23 PM.


              • Quote:
                Originally Posted by Shape up View Post
                OU MEAN VIA THIS CONTRACT: ******ny post 801
                Mayweather and Pacquiao agree that sections 5, 9-13, 16, 17(a), and 21 of the United States Anti-Doping Agency Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing shall constitute the procedural rules applicable to any Results Management Services provided hereunder. NOW WE WILL ADD THE RESTthese provisions shall APPLY ONLY TO THE EXTENT THEY DO NOT CONFLICT WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. This provision shall survive termination of this agreement, usada by WADA rules isn't allowed to change anything in protocol or the code, BUT THEY DID do you admit they omitted from both some sections


                • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                  You’re a dummy. Go read my past messages to you. Maybe get ya moms to help you comprehend it.
                  I have read them, it was lies and dribble, you've been proved wrong, usada didn't follow WADA rules gimp


                  • Originally posted by Shape up View Post
                    I have read them, it was lies and dribble, you've been proved wrong, usada didn't follow WADA rules gimp
                    Oh really. Then let’s get this perma ban bet going homie?

                    After you decline, remember how I owned you here over and over, yea?

                    You gonna step up little bltch, or just stay in your place like a good lil poodle?


                    • Originally posted by Shape up View Post
                      Originally Posted by Shape up View Post
                      OU MEAN VIA THIS CONTRACT: ******ny post 801
                      Mayweather and Pacquiao agree that sections 5, 9-13, 16, 17(a), and 21 of the United States Anti-Doping Agency Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing shall constitute the procedural rules applicable to any Results Management Services provided hereunder. NOW WE WILL ADD THE RESTthese provisions shall APPLY ONLY TO THE EXTENT THEY DO NOT CONFLICT WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. This provision shall survive termination of this agreement, usada by WADA rules isn't allowed to change anything in protocol or the code, BUT THEY DID do you admit they omitted from both some sections
                      Nothing was omitted. Why won’t you tell me what section 5 of the USADA PROTOTOCOL says, and what conflicts with it in the contract?

                      Perma-ban bet? Get your balls out ya purse, homie. Or should I keep leading you to the truth while tugging on your choke chain when you get out of line?

