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Floyd Mayweather was exposed against Manny Pacquiao

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  • Originally posted by revelated View Post
    I didn't. In fact, watching the fight again just made me appreciate exactly what happened.

    Manny Pacquiao's strategy was the same in every fight he had except Algieri. He even said so in the post fight as did TBE. If his opponents stop moving, he can nail them with tons of shots. If you stay on the move AND you're fast enough to do it, Manny's offense is nullified. Range nullifies him - because even if you get tagged with something, it does less because it's at the end of the punch.

    Manny throws the same three piece combo - which means he has to set up with the first punch. If that misses, he keeps going with the combo in the wrong direction. We saw that tons of times against TBE.

    Manny pivots if you're stationary. He can't if you're mobile.

    The reason he couldn't put away Algieri is that Algieri was always at the end of of a punch. He went down because he was on the backfoot getting punched, but he was never seriously hurt. Certainly not anywhere close to how he was against Ruslan, where he stood there and got tagged.

    Floyd probably watched the Algieri fight, saw that Algieri was never seriously hurt on the backfoot, and said, "Game. Blouses." Called him out. Then went to easy work.
    Algieri was definitely hurt alot more in that 9th rd vs pac than vs any moment in the Ruslan fight.


    • Originally posted by revelated View Post
      Post Fight interview tells the story.

      Floyd: "Manny's a hell of a fighter. Tremendous fighter. Tough competitor. At his best tonight. I take my hat off to him. Now I see why they call him great."

      Manny: "If he stand still I could hit him"

      What Manny said and, more importantly, didn't say, in this interview tells us exactly what happened in this fight,


      • Manny's interview post fight was the lowest moment of the night for him. By a million miles. Nothing that transpired in the actual fight itself was near as low for him as that Kellerman interview.

        Sure Floyd won the fight -- a lackluster fight in which Floyd did just enough to edge out the rounds that he won (which admittedly was the majority of the rounds), there were no dominant rounds and Manny never got hurt in the slightest -- so dude just STFU and commend Floyd for being the best defensive fighter on earth and quite very possibly in history. Tip your cap and eat the loss like a man. You were supposed to take the fight to him and instead he threw more punches than you and you land by leaps and bounds the lowest landed punch output of your career.

        Just shut up and tip your cap, man. All you had to do.

        Instead Manny offers up some delusional ass bull**** about how he won, and then later how he was injured...Manny was revered for his humility and his class, and then damn near wiped all of that away with a single interview that spanned all but like 5 f**king minutes.

        Nobody wants to hear excuses. Ain't nobody got time for that ****, smh.

        I'm as die hard of a Pacquiao fan as you'll ever find, believe me, and even I knew he clearly lost the fight. And we're supposed to be the biased ones.

        The fighter should know better.


        • yeah mannys post fight interview along with what followed was a low point in boxing history. no mention of the shoulder to kellerman, then brings it up at the press conference, saying if Floyd stood still he could have hit him, no mention of God, no respect to Floyd, just pure garbage. he lost a lot of respect from me after that but hes still a great ATG fighter and did his best vs Floyd hes just not a good enough boxer to beat him and never was. No shame in that yeah Floyd was exposed?????


          • lol exposed the dude was like 39 or 40 give it a rest


            • Originally posted by VERSION1 (V1) View Post


              • Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
                The man is objective. The video is made by a fan that picked Manny to win and is disgruntled that he lost. It has no validity.
                Not getting involved with this who won this fight or not with people on this thread. But a objective man can also be wrong. The only true way to see if someone really landed all the punches. Watch the fight again, slow mo the fight to see if every punched actually landed clean or not and log in the exact time of every single punch that landed for both fighters. Which imo is crazy and time consuming but the most accurate.


                • Originally posted by RetroSpeed05 View Post
                  Not getting involved with this who won this fight or not with people on this thread. But a objective man can also be wrong. The only true way to see if someone really landed all the punches. Watch the fight again, slow mo the fight to see if every punched actually landed clean or not and log in the exact time of every single punch that landed for both fighters. Which imo is crazy and time consuming but the most accurate.
                  I get this and this is a fair point. those type of videos don't exist.

                  The videos being used are altered and/or doctored to fit the narrative that Manny won. They are made by people upset that Manny lost. They are cited as evidence by NSB posters that either hated Floyd or loved Manny and are upset he lost.


                  • Originally posted by daggum View Post
                    how though? manny landed more punches. he landed cleaner punches. had better defense and didn't get hit flush as much. bossed floyd around the ring and had him holding and bending over to compete. he was in control of the fight so how was floyd a level above? what is your evidence besides the official decision which obv makes no sense when you look at how to score boxing since manny won every category in at least 7 rounds.
                    LAnded or so slightly missed that almost looked like landed?
                    Last time I check Manny was failing most of his punches and Floyd doing precision.
                    Even though it wasn't a total domination, Floyd won the rounds.


                    • Originally posted by daggum View Post
                      how can you watch the video and think floyd won? ignoring who is landing the cleaner punches is rational and impartial? how??? i can understand getting it wrong on the night of the fight watching it live like many did but you can't pretend to be impartial and rational now when you have the facts and choose to ignore them.
                      Mayweather's only objective in that fight was to survive, run, cliinch, pose for 12 rounds. Pacquiao has to KO the boring runner. The moment I saw Pacman in the ring I said to myself there's no way this frail-looking guy would KO the huge muscular guy in front of him.

