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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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  • Original Zero-

    'You continue to make assumptions about Floyd's condition, but they are nothing more than your assumptions. WADA code allows for retroactive TUE for IV and Floyd did everything by the book.'

    The fact that their IVS was done in the comforts of his house is not by the book.

    Mayweather took an IV at home and not in a medical facility, and the total contents was 750 ml. The only allowable IV use is 50 ml in a 6 hour period, and has to be done in a medical facility.

    Even if he followed the allowable limit, 50 ml every 6 hours in a 24 hour period equals 200 ml. Mayweather took 750 ml in one sitting. That is a system flush.

    not by the book bud.

    Red flags everywhere.. No amount of twisting and turning will change that.

    Last edited by Spoon23; 03-11-2016, 01:31 AM.


    • Spoon -

      Floyd has already won in the court of public opinion. NSAC & USADA went public and declared that Floyd did nothing wrong and the story went away, except for a few losers in their mom's basement posting a thousand pages of nonsense conspiracy theories on a message board.

      ADP02 -

      NSAC has said Floyd didn't do anything wrong. I trust their interpretation of their forms over yours. I've also had my attorneys look over their forms many times and trust my attorneys' interpretation of their forms over yours.

      All of you guys are amateurs coming up with ****amamie interpretations of legal documents you have no experience with and no understanding of.

      Spoon -

      Like ADP, you have no understanding of anything you're talking about. Had the IV been administered at a hospital, a TUE would not have been required. The fact that the paramedic administered the IV upon arriving at the home is one of the reasons Floyd had to request an exemption.

      Had the infusion been 50ml, a TUE would not have been required. The fact that the paramedic administered more than 50ml is one of the reasons Floyd had to request an exemption.

      If Floyd's intent was a system flush, why did he provide a urine sample RIGHT BEFORE getting the IV? Your position doesn't make any sense.


      • Originally posted by original zero View Post
        Spoon -

        Floyd has already won in the court of public opinion. NSAC & USADA went public and declared that Floyd did nothing wrong and the story went away, except for a few losers in their mom's basement posting a thousand pages of nonsense conspiracy theories on a message board.

        ADP02 -

        NSAC has said Floyd didn't do anything wrong. I trust their interpretation of their forms over yours. I've also had my attorneys look over their forms many times and trust my attorneys' interpretation of their forms over yours.

        All of you guys are amateurs coming up with ****amamie interpretations of legal documents you have no experience with and no understanding of.

        Spoon -

        Like ADP, you have no understanding of anything you're talking about. Had the IV been administered at a hospital, a TUE would not have been required. The fact that the paramedic administered the IV upon arriving at the home is one of the reasons Floyd had to request an exemption.

        Had the infusion been 50ml, a TUE would not have been required. The fact that the paramedic administered more than 50ml is one of the reasons Floyd had to request an exemption.

        If Floyd's intent was a system flush, why did he provide a urine sample RIGHT BEFORE getting the IV? Your position doesn't make any sense.
        Can you please give me your attorney's names and phone number. Once I double check with them (joke), I will make sure that I never call them again for anything unless I just want to get a good laugh.

        Floyd had an acute medical condition. Floyd needed to mention that on the form. He did not. Nor did he mention it to the NSAC doctors'. NSAC said that all medical conditions have to be put on that form. Floyd did not.

        So going by what they requested for Manny, they should have requested an investigation for Floyd too.

        Maybe the guys you spoke to are not real lawyers. How much did they charge you for this consultation? You better ask for your money back!

        They are "lawyers" you said. lol

        Last edited by ADP02; 03-11-2016, 02:32 AM.


        • Original zero-

          You should be called a spin doctor. A bad one at that lol

          Nope, froid didn't win in the court of public opinion. All polls in NSB alone shows he is winning the cheating game. So that just means you are definitely deluded.

          It's you who don't understand the importance of bringing out the truth that will clear the air.

          Unless you answer this important questions. That would clear the doubt that lingers in Floyd's head. And clear the doubts in boxing fans minds. That are obvious red flags that you intentional leave behind.

          If you can't answer those important question. No amount of defending will save your hero.

          If I was Floyd I will find away to clear my name for my legacy.

          You would to if you were in his position. Won't you? Yes or no?

          NOW ANSWER THIS:

          Knowing that you are innocent, and you want to clear the air and your image as an athlete and that you are clean.

          If you are a suspected cheat and proof of dehydration will save your name. Since you are supposedly innocent, Will you come out and show all the facts that will save your reputation (reason for dehydration/ attending physician)

          Yes or No answer will do
          Last edited by Spoon23; 03-11-2016, 02:42 AM.


          • . Mayweather took an IV at home and not in a medical facility, and the total contents was 750 ml. The only allowable IV use is 50 ml in a 6 hour period, and has to be done in a medical facility even with a TUE exemption from a drug testing agency that got 150k from Floyd.

            Even if he followed the allowable limit, 50 ml every 6 hours in a 24 hour period equals 200 ml. Mayweather took 750 ml in one sitting. That is a system flush.

            Conte says:

            Conte's quotes are a huge red flag for me. I have said it over and over ever since he signed with Showtime his fighting schedule made him suspect. He basically fights twice within 4 months then takes the rest of the year off. A perfect schedule for cycling off something. Like Conte said, Floyd announces his next fight when he wants to so he dictates when the next round of testing starts, a great advantage if you know how long you need to cycle off a program.
            No wonder ever since he has been with Showtime his May fights have been announced later and later so the random testing window starts when he wants it to.
            Plus he is saying the night before the Pac fight he needed fluids akin to someone on their death bed due to dehydration but felt that it was ok to take this IV in his home instead of going to a doctor?
            In the NFL they only do blood test during training camp so the guys know when they are going to be tested and flushing out your system with an IV has been widely reported as a way to beat those early tests.
            Lot's of smoke here...

            Last edited by Spoon23; 03-11-2016, 02:51 AM.


            • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
              . Mayweather took an IV at home and not in a medical facility, and the total contents was 750 ml. The only allowable IV use is 50 ml in a 6 hour period, and has to be done in a medical facility even with a TUE exemption from a drug testing agency that got 150k from Floyd.

              Even if he followed the allowable limit, 50 ml every 6 hours in a 24 hour period equals 200 ml. Mayweather took 750 ml in one sitting. That is a system flush.

              Conte says:

              Conte's quotes are a huge red flag for me. I have said it over and over ever since he signed with Showtime his fighting schedule made him suspect. He basically fights twice within 4 months then takes the rest of the year off. A perfect schedule for cycling off something. Like Conte said, Floyd announces his next fight when he wants to so he dictates when the next round of testing starts, a great advantage if you know how long you need to cycle off a program.
              No wonder ever since he has been with Showtime his May fights have been announced later and later so the random testing window starts when he wants it to.
              Plus he is saying the night before the Pac fight he needed fluids akin to someone on their death bed due to dehydration but felt that it was ok to take this IV in his home instead of going to a doctor?
              In the NFL they only do blood test during training camp so the guys know when they are going to be tested and flushing out your system with an IV has been widely reported as a way to beat those early tests.
              Lot's of smoke here...

              30 days out 150,
              2 weeks out 149
              1 week out 148
              Weigh in weight 146 + orally rehydrated. Later he also got an IV????

              The above is why they cannot come out and show us any proof that Floyd required an IV. The proof is all there in those numbers.

              These are the same people that said Canelo dropping down from 180(?) to 152 will not drain him because Canelo said that he can make even less years earlier.

              These are the same people that said Diego Corrales was not severely dehydrated because he fought again at that weight. They said this knowing that Diego didn't even make weight (was 2lbs over). Did Floyd need an IV in his next fight?

              Last edited by ADP02; 03-11-2016, 03:06 AM.


              • ADP02 -

                Hahahaha, have you even read the form? A form that was filled out at the weigh-in hours before Floyd exhibited the symptoms that led to a paramedic being called? Your position doesn't make any sense.

                Please tell me which question on the form Floyd didn't answer honestly. I'll wait.

                Spoon -

                I'm not spinning anything. The facts are what they are and over and over and over you've posted false information in this thread.

                IV was legal in Nevada, for any reason, in any amount, with no permission needed and no TUE required. You were simply wrong. You posted false information repeatedly and you continue to do so.

                NSB polls are irrelevant. NSB is not representative of the court of public opinion. After the NSAC & USADA came forward to confirm that Floyd did nothing wrong, the story died the next day. There are 7 billion people on the planet and only 7 of them care about any of this anymore.

                Mayweather took an IV at home and not in a medical facility, which is why he needed a TUE, which was granted.

                Mayweather took more than 50ml, which is why he needed a TUE, which was granted.

                Mayweather gave a urine sample RIGHT BEFORE getting the IV, so your system flush premise makes no sense.


                • Original Zero-

                  No amount of repeating yourself will save your boy wonder. Your reasoning is flawed.

                  Anyway, you seem to have forgotten to answer my question.

                  ANSWER THIS:

                  The premise, Knowing that you are innocent, and you want to clear the air and your image as a top athlete and to prove you really are clean.


                  If you are a suspected cheat and proof of why you are dehydration will save your name and legacy. Since you are supposedly innocent, Will you come out and show all the facts that will save your reputation (reason for dehydration/ attending physician/ why IVS?)

                  Yes or No answer will do
                  Last edited by Spoon23; 03-11-2016, 04:03 AM.


                  • My reasoning is irrelevant. We're discussing indispustable fact. You were 100% wrong when you claimed IV required NSAC TUE. You've been wrong over and over.

                    I didn't forget to answer your question. Your question, like all of your questions, is based on a false premise. There's no air for Floyd to clear. It's just a handful of losers on a message board. The general public couldn't care less about any of this.

                    NSAC already saved Floyd's name. They said he did nothing wrong. Just because you don't have a life and choose to obsess over this nonsense doesn't mean Floyd would waste one second of his day caring about it.

                    IV was legal in Nevada. 100% legal. For any reason. At any time. In any amount. You were wrong. Sorry dude.


                    • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
                      30 days out 150,
                      2 weeks out 149
                      1 week out 148
                      Weigh in weight 146 + orally rehydrated. Later he also got an IV????

                      The above is why they cannot come out and show us any proof that Floyd required an IV. The proof is all there in those numbers.

                      These are the same people that said Canelo dropping down from 180(?) to 152 will not drain him because Canelo said that he can make even less years earlier.

                      These are the same people that said Diego Corrales was not severely dehydrated because he fought again at that weight. They said this knowing that Diego didn't even make weight (was 2lbs over). Did Floyd need an IV in his next fight?

                      Yup, they have to be kept in hiding . No physician will be ****** enough to come out and say Floyd as dehydrated. When it's obvious that so much facts points to Floyd being in good form and well hydrated. It will dumb for anyone to lie for Floyd and be on record he's dehydrated. That person if he does it will surely lose his medical license.

                      Hence, they can't come out of it.

                      So many athletes like Bradley, Hatton Canelo drops 30lbs and still say they are not dehydrated.

                      While Froid only needed to lose 3 lbs in a month and is severely dehydrated lol

                      Red flags everywhere.
                      Last edited by Spoon23; 03-11-2016, 04:14 AM.

