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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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  • Originally posted by Omowale Tribe View Post

    How can you invest so much time into such irrelevant matters?

    Originally posted by Omowale Tribe View Post
    You're among the most irritating Mayweather fans out there.

    And this is coming from a die hard fan. It really disgusts me how daft you and your threads are.
    As we all know how you are a self proclaimed diehard fl0mo. You should know that froids cheating ways is relevant to you. I'm even worried you might commit suicide once Floyd is officially proven guilty lol he already is proven guilty in the court of public opinion. We are just waiting for the official one.

    Don't say this is irrelevant. Oh it is. Your heroes legacy is now a big fat asterisk. Sad that he has to go that way, but karma is a biatch.

    There are no room for cheaters in the sport. After all, Floyd once wanted a cleaner sport. He should know better.


    • no wonder IVweather junior retired so quickly the fraud would have been investigated and no the corrupt usada does not count.


      • Spoon -

        Bennett didn't lie. He used strongly worded hyperbole that was ultimately meaningless as a means of damage control. This is very common. Nothing he said was technically false, but nothing he said contradicts anything I'm saying either. So you are 100% incorrect when you claim that one of us has to be lying. The only person lying is you.

        You keep saying checkmate, but fail to point out that it is YOU that is in checkmate. The rules of Nevada were clear. Floyd did everything by the book. You don't have a leg to stand on and you keep posting the same misinformation over and over despite NSAC & USADA both saying that you're wrong.

        If NSAC chooses to ban or restrict IV, that is lovely, but when Floyd did it, NSAC allowed IV in any amount, for any reason, with no special permission required. The rules possibly changing later is inconsequential as far as Floyd is concerned.

        ADP02 -

        No, I'm not wrong and NSAC & USADA both say that you are wrong.

        Pacquiao wanted to take substances that require special permission and he was not given that permission.

        Floyd used substances that don't require special permission. So your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

        NSAC did not request an investigation for Floyd because there was nothing to investigate. Floyd did everything entirely within the rules.

        Manny had a health issue that Manny wanted to use to justify special treatment from NSAC. Since he hid the issue, NSAC denied his special request.

        Floyd did everything within the rules and did not need a special request because vitamins and salt water did not require special permission in Nevada.

        TUE is not required by Nevada for IV so while only NSAC can give exemptions to NSAC rules, Floyd did not need an NSAC exemption as he wasn't doing anythign that required one.

        This is very very simple stuff fellas. Take the tin foil hats off and rejoin reality please.


        • .......... you guys are still talking about this?


          • Original zero-

            Spin it all you want. Bennett was disappointed for a reason. That reason is chain of command. He had to be notified. Professional is important in any organization. Breaking it. Is fuvking up the system.

            Oh not only that, but you forgot that since Floyd and Pac are bound by their agreement for more stringent testing they would follow the strict rules of Wada which USADA is under in. The thing is IVS are not allowed under wada rules. But miraculously USADA allowed even if they would know it will fuvk up their test results.

            This pictures will help you understand what happened. After seeing Froid use IVS accidentally. They just allow it even if its not allowed by the wada code.

            Finally, 1000 ml of IVS is not even equivalent to a bottle of Pedialyte. If Floyd was dehydrated. All it takes is to drink a bottle of that. The thing is why was he so dehydrated that he can't even drink from a bottle and had to take IVS instead instead? The crappy part is 750ml of saline and vitamins is not even enough to cure severe dehydration?

            I repeat, who was the attending physician who diagnosed Floyd for severe dehydration? Who?

            Answer: there was no one who had the guts to say a lie to the world since no one wants to go to Jail for lying, when facts shows Floyd was never dehydrated in the first place, even during the weigh-in he was in fine form. No dumb ass will incriminate themselves to save a cheater that's why.maybe a fl0mo diehard OMawe tribe would , but he wasn't there lol

            See the whole picture. Reeks corruption.

            Lastly, the fact Nsac issued a TUE, means they have to in order for Floyd to have absolution. You say it is not needed in NSAC RULES is not the case. The fact they had to call it and issue a TUE means it is part of the Nsac procedures to issue tues otherwise, this whole fuvked up charade falls flat in all their corrupt faces.

            Last edited by Spoon23; 03-10-2016, 07:18 PM.


            • -original zero

              Answer this one instead.

              Why did Floyd over pay USADA? He paid USADA 150k when it should have only been 36k. Why is that?


              • Spoon -

                Yes, Bennett was disappointed for a reason. Bennett was disappointed that Hauser's inaccurate article and the misleading media coverage that followed made the NSAC look weak. So, like most people would do in that situation, Bennett issued a strongly worded, but ultimately empty and meaningless message to try to look tough in an attempt to do some damage control.

                But Bennett didn't say what you claimed he said. I caught you in a clear lie.

                IVs were allowed under WADA rules if an exemption was granted and WADA rules also allowed for retroactive exemptions. Everything was done by the books. Just more lies from you. Over and over you post false information, even though the truth is readily available online and easily verifiable.

                NSAC did not issue a TUE. Yet another lie from you.

                You write checkmate again . . . while failing to recognize that you are the one in checkmate. All you're doing is posting false information. Nevada allowed IVs in any amount, for any reason, with no TUE required. Confirmed by both NSAC and USADA.

                You either have no idea what you're talking about or you're purposely misleading the community. Either way, you're dead wrong.


                "NSAC advised Mr. Hauser, IVs are not prohibited in the NSAC rules. As such, there was no need for Mr. Mayweather to apply to NSAC for a TUE for the use of IVs."


                • Original Zero-

                  First off, the one who issued the TUE is Nsac USADA can't do that since they are under Nevada and Nsac rules prevail.

                  If your saying it was USADA who did issue the TUE for Floyd. Then that alone is enough evidence to show USADA fuvked up the wada code.

                  Which up to this day they have no explanation to why Froid is dehydrated.


                  If no one issued a TUE. Then Floyd is not absolved of his illegal use of IVS under the wada code.

                  You can't spin what Bennett has already said. Sorry bud it's done. NSAC needed to be informed. It's you who is lying to yourself.

                  To get this out of your chest. Yes Floyd got away. But there are so many signs pointing to corruption to save his ass. You are only blind by what you don't want to see.

                  You can start by answering my question on top. And this one too.

                  Why do you think there was no attending physician to come forward to clear the air on why he was severely dehydrated that he can't drink from his mouth?


                  • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
                    -original zero

                    Answer this one instead.

                    Why did Floyd over pay USADA? He paid USADA 150k when it should have only been 36k. Why is that?
                    As usual, your questions are based on a false premise.

                    1. The 150k was agreed to by the promotion and paid by the promotion, meaning Floyd's side AND Manny's side.

                    2. It is your opinion that they overpaid, something you've offered nothing to support.

                    3. It is your opinion that it should have been 36k, something you've offered nothing to support.

                    There are plenty of reasons why testing for one fight would be different than testing for another. First of all, a third of the fee is reserved for future legal actions in the case of a failure. Nobody failed, so that money is refunded. Meaning USADA really got 100k, not 150k.

                    Second of all, since USADA testing is voluntary, the parties decide how stringent they want the testing to be. The more they are tested, the more expensive it is going to be.

                    Where the fighters are training affects the cost. Where the fight is being held affects the cost. How long testing is going to take place for affects the cost. There are lots of factors.


                    • Original zero-

                      Answer this:

                      1.What was the reason why Floyd was severely dehydrated?

                      2. Why do you think there was no attending physician to come forward to clear the air on why he was severely dehydrated that he can't drink from his mouth?

                      3. Why did Floyd over pay USADA? He paid USADA 150k when it should have only been 36k. Why is that?

