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Comments Thread For: Garcia's Behavior Slaps Potential Haney Win With An Asterisk In Advance

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  • #11
    That's the bull****! KO by Tank, Ryan was weight-drained! Washed by Haney, Ryan had mental issues! This whole promotion has been garbage! Icing on the cake: A fight in NYC on the same night as the NY Knicks take on the 76ers @ MSG! From Dover to Bridgeport, the only concern is the NBA! The fight is over before it started!
    Roj Roj likes this.


    • #12
      Depends on how many times haney hugs, I just want a fair and clean fight.


      • #13
        This article is complete crap. Zero value and pointless


        • #14
          Originally posted by Casualfanboy View Post
          This article is complete crap. Zero value and pointless
          I was about to say the opposite. Often times on this site I read the article and don’t give a damn. I thought this one kinda stood out from the rest. Not for the opinions thrown out. But for the analogies and bringing some history into it. I generally could care less about quality of writing, but I actually enjoyed what I read for a change.
          TheOneAboveAll TheOneAboveAll likes this.


          • #15
            Ryan needs a killer jab plus all the rest to keep Haney at the right range. If Ryan loads up he will get outboxed & maybe KOd.


            • #16
              Did anyone see Ryan Garcia talking at yesterday's final press conference?
              It was so cringe I had to look away.
              If you saw it, you know.
              TheOneAboveAll TheOneAboveAll likes this.


              • #17
                Chin high's behaviour is the act of someone who's entitled to & scared, not of Haney but of loosing or quitting again & not being the boxing super power his easy path led his ego to believe.

                Right now he's trying to ice skate up hill.


                • #18
                  Ryan isn't an accomplished professional fighter and virtually no one gives him much chance. What exactly would an asterisk stand for?


                  • #19
                    I wholeheartedly recommend this article to my friends Sidknee and LAChargersguy.
                    greeneye99 greeneye99 likes this.


                    • #20
                      So many Psychiatrists here. Wouldn't it be funny if Garcia KTFO Haney. Would enjoy seeing everyone saying WTF. Pigs fly? You say? I'd prefer that outcome better than a boring hug fest.

