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Comments Thread For: Joyce: [Zhang Has] Got A Good Chin, Very Tough Fighter; I Think He's Capable Of Getting Stopped

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  • Comments Thread For: Joyce: [Zhang Has] Got A Good Chin, Very Tough Fighter; I Think He's Capable Of Getting Stopped

    Zhilei Zhang took Joe Joyce's power without incident April 15. The gigantic Chinese heavyweight has previously displayed a reliable chin during his nine-year professional career, including during his close 12-round, unanimous-decision loss to undefeated Filip Hrgovic 13 months ago at Jeddah
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    If you think you will beat zhang, maybe that in itself is underating zhang? So predict Zhang beats you, then if you do win that's a bonus


    • #3
      [QUOTE=BIGPOPPAPUMP;n32015142]Zhilei Zhang took Joe Joyce's power without incident April 15. The gigantic Chinese heavyweight has previously displayed a reliable chin during his nine-year professional career, including during his close 12-round, unanimous-decision loss to undefeated Filip Hrgovic 13 months ago at Jeddah
      [Click Here To Read More][/QUOTE

      Read the article. Zhang says Hrgrovic hit harder than Joyce, and we know Joyce can hit. I give Zhang chin a solid 8.5 or 9 of 10. He was iced by Cammarlle in the Olympics... down for the count.

      Zhang is good on defense and uses a high guard his hand speed to counter well .
      Last edited by Dr. Z; 09-23-2023, 06:55 AM.
      landotter landotter likes this.


      • #4
        Zhang is very beatable and quite old with stamina issues. Joyce losing to Zhang is his own fault rather than Zhang's brilliance. Joyce fought wrongly and took much damage at the beginning of the fight. A smarter strategy should help Joyce beat him. Moving his head would be an added bonus.
        landotter landotter likes this.


        • #5
          Joyce sacrificed some of his power coming in light in their first match. Hopefully, the power returns at this 280 range without losing too much endurance. Zhang is a sharp shooter. Joyce will lose some rounds. Hrgov did, and most HW would. But Zhang is hittable and punches himself out at times, allowing his opponent to earn rounds back. If Joyce avoids injury, I still think he wins. Joyce's motor has never been the problem, his desire to take 2 punches to deliver 1 can be with Zhang.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zelda View Post
            Zhang is very beatable and quite old with stamina issues. Joyce losing to Zhang is his own fault rather than Zhang's brilliance. Joyce fought wrongly and took much damage at the beginning of the fight. A smarter strategy should help Joyce beat him. Moving his head would be an added bonus.
            moving his head would be a major accomplishment but even avoiding punches by not standing in front of Zig Zag all night would do the trick. whatever happens the fight has got the attention of most fight fans it is a fight not much else they can do neither is going to dance and move around the ring like ballerina's ..........


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zelda View Post
              Zhang is very beatable and quite old with stamina issues. Joyce losing to Zhang is his own fault rather than Zhang's brilliance. Joyce fought wrongly and took much damage at the beginning of the fight. A smarter strategy should help Joyce beat him. Moving his head would be an added bonus.
              Can Joyce be nimble and defensive? IMO, he is slow and has never shown us that before. No one's plan is to be hit flush early in a fight. Joyce took a beating because he is not nimble and defensive. A Zebra can not change this stripes. Move his head? In what fight has he shown you that?


              • #8
                Joyce doesn't really have much power. When he stops people - it's just attrition from volume of punches. He rarely throws a proper power punch anyway. I remember that Parker fight - Parker must have got hit 100s of times before he finally went down. I'm sure he could stop Zhang but only late in the fight if Zhang gets tired and just keeps getting hit

                Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

                Can Joyce be nimble and defensive? IMO, he is slow and has never shown us that before. No one's plan is to be hit flush early in a fight. Joyce took a beating because he is not nimble and defensive. A Zebra can not change this stripes. Move his head? In what fight has he shown you that?
                ​He tried it when Adam Booth was training him but that style just didn't suit him because he can only win by landing tons of his fairly light punches. After a couple of rounds he would always revert back to his pressure style to win.

                He did avoid some punches with the Adam Booth style but then he wasn't landing much of his own
                Last edited by Roberto Vasquez; 09-23-2023, 09:28 AM.
                Dr. Z Dr. Z likes this.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

                  Can Joyce be nimble and defensive? IMO, he is slow and has never shown us that before. No one's plan is to be hit flush early in a fight. Joyce took a beating because he is not nimble and defensive. A Zebra can not change this stripes. Move his head? In what fight has he shown you that?
                  None. It would be hard for him to suddenly start moving his head because he didn't need Zhang to realize that. It is difficult to change styles at this stage of his career and age in life. Sure you can learn a few things in the training camp but executing it in a fight under pressure require that those moves become second nature and would require loads and loads of drills and rounds of sparring. I am not saying he would do that which is why I worded it as a bonus (even if he did a little bit).

                  However, I do think he can change his approach a bit in this fight and make a few adjustments to get hit a little less and to make Zhang pay a little more for hitting Joyce. What he could do is concentrate a bit more on footwork and change angles, and perhaps stay slightly farther than he did last time. The basic idea is to get hit less and make Zhang work harder and have to chase him more. I believe Joyce has a better chin and stamina than Zhang. Even in the last fight, Joyce improved his stats in the last round and if it weren't for his eye closing, he COULD have had more success in the later rounds.

                  I believe those are doable steps for Joyce. He will still get hit but a little change in the balance of getting hit to hitting ratio and making Zhang move more could make the difference. Zhang, even with his conditioning that he claims, is not a spring chicken and is known to get tired.


                  • #10
                    This fight is about who got the harder chin. Let's not forget Joyce had moments in the first fight and Zhang absorbed some big blows himself. Some defensive changes in Joyce's part must happen in this fight. Otherwise, the outcome will be the same.

