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Comments Thread For: Algieri on Benn's Positive Test: Not Surprised, I Heard Rumors He Wasn't a Clean Fighter

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  • #71
    Originally posted by 786 View Post
    Just saw an interview with Liam Smith and when asked if he was surprised about the positive result he said he wasn't because he'd heard rumours about it in the past. This isn't Algieri being salty, seems like it was already known.
    All is ''known'' after the fact.


    • #72
      Originally posted by BodyBagz View Post

      Testing is going on
      Ways to get around it is going on
      People still get busted
      Druggies are not instant winners.
      Druggies have yet to seriously injure their opponent
      Maybe, just maybe, the sport finds a way of allowing AND controlling it ?
      Like how weed is now legal in most states ?

      No one can convince me a guy is going to win a fight because he's taking PEDs.
      Interesting perspective. Mine differs.

      Steroids work otherwise there wouldn't be so much usage by athletes and why would they risk it.

      So, whether they win or not, it's certain that the fighter is stronger, faster or fitter than had they prepared for the fight without them.

      This is boxing, not running, swimming or cycling. That fitter, faster , stronger fighter is going to punch another fighter in the head with the benefit of contractually prohibited drugs.

      It should be considered assault not some kind of "sport" and punished accordingly.



      • #73
        Originally posted by tokon View Post

        Interesting perspective. Mine differs.

        Steroids work otherwise there wouldn't be so much usage by athletes and why would they risk it.

        So, whether they win or not, it's certain that the fighter is stronger, faster or fitter than had they prepared for the fight without them.

        This is boxing, not running, swimming or cycling. That fitter, faster , stronger fighter is going to punch another fighter in the head with the benefit of contractually prohibited drugs.

        It should be considered assault not some kind of "sport" and punished accordingly.

        Again, roiders don't hurt opponents nearly as much as natural fighters do.
        To think winning comes in a bottle.


        • #74
          Originally posted by BodyBagz View Post
          To think winning comes in a bottle.
          Well the fighters obviously do, otherwise they wouldn't be cheating.


          • #75
            Originally posted by tokon View Post

            Well the fighters obviously do, otherwise they wouldn't be cheating.
            Not just fighters but athletes from all sports.

            Lance,Mark McGwire,Barry Bonds,Sosa,Carl Lewis,Marion Jones....the list goes on and on and on. Like you said,if they didn't give an athlete an an advantage then why take them at all?! The science is there that they do lol.Look how many HR records were broken when Sosa n Big Mac were juicing,Lance etc.To suggest peds don't give an athlete an unfair advantage is baffling and asinine.


            • #76
              Originally posted by tokon View Post

              Well the fighters obviously do, otherwise they wouldn't be cheating.
              Forget what they think.
              Almost all of them think they are the best.

              What do RESULTS say ?!?!?


              • #77
                Originally posted by Sctrojan View Post

                Not just fighters but athletes from all sports.

                Lance,Mark McGwire,Barry Bonds,Sosa,Carl Lewis,Marion Jones....the list goes on and on and on. Like you said,if they didn't give an athlete an an advantage then why take them at all?! The science is there that they do lol.Look how many HR records were broken when Sosa n Big Mac were juicing,Lance etc.To suggest peds don't give an athlete an unfair advantage is baffling and asinine.
                Hard to compare other sports with boxing.
                No bicycles, teammates or other equipment (or weather conditions) added to the performance.

                If the worst that happens when a boxer takes roids or PEDs is that fighter entering the ring in his best possible condition, what's the harm ?
                No one can point to a fight where a ''cheater'' hurt his opponent beyond the fight.
                Boxers who take roids are not dying or ending up in the ER either.

                Science says roids help in training.
                Whether or not that's an advantage is if the opponent isn't training hard himself ???


                • #78
                  Originally posted by BodyBagz View Post

                  Science says roids help in training.
                  Whether or not that's an advantage is if the opponent isn't training hard himself ???
                  Are you really questioning whether a drug that helps in training provides an advantage that they wouldn't have otherwise?!



                  • #79
                    Originally posted by tokon View Post

                    Are you really questioning whether a drug that helps in training provides an advantage that they wouldn't have otherwise?!

                    Let's walk through this.....

                    One guy trains super duper hard.
                    Has an insane physique
                    No roids/peds.
                    His power is true game changer.

                    His opponent is a fat slob.

                    Fat slob KO.
                    And KO is not his go to way of winning.
                    Happened at least a few times recently.


                    How about this scenario.....

                    Again, you have a guy who is all in 100000%
                    Training camp immortal.
                    Gets KO'd in rd 1 by a pillow puncher....

                    I can give you logical hypotheticals but I;m hoping you get the picture.

                    So yeah. ''really''

                    Added bonus

                    What's worse -
                    A natural boxer bashing on a no hoper or fighting a roider


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by BodyBagz View Post

                      No one can point to a fight where a ''cheater'' hurt his opponent beyond the fight.

