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Comments Thread For: Algieri on Benn's Positive Test: Not Surprised, I Heard Rumors He Wasn't a Clean Fighter

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  • #21
    The payday was still good enough for Algieri to get KTFO by a drug cheat.
    MinuteMaid5 MinuteMaid5 likes this.


    • #22
      Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

      Yup. Which is why certain fighters just prefer to stay over there or drag people out there.

      peds are everywhere, there is no fool proof system to catch them, vada is the only one getting results it seems


      • #23
        Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

        It gives newfound respect to Devin Haney for what he did and to Spence when he went to beat Brook.
        u think kambo and brook are juicers?


        • #24
          Originally posted by hitmanjosh View Post
          That’s your team and your fault for not having order! You got your assssss whipped fair and square so stay retired with the BS!
          fair and square ? How can you be so sure considering the guy just got caught ?

          this is what happens when you get exposed as being a drug cheat. All your other victories are put in question. Don’t believe me ? Ask Lance Armstrong.
          ballencrieff Scotland The Brave likes this.


          • #25
            have to hold my hands up i was hyping him but looks like he cheated.... would explain the sudden improvement too


            • #26
              I'm sure that had no bearing on the result, unless someone's hand wraps are loaded, as with Margarito before Mosley fight.

              Benn knocked Algieri into la la land, that was like a Marciano ko of Walcott.
              Boxviewer Boxviewer likes this.


              • #27
                Originally posted by Sctrojan View Post

                Therein lies the problem. Connor very well may have been juiced to the gills in that fight as well so Chris didn't get beat "fair and square" as you put it.
                Chris ain’t ****tt nor his fan base! How about that for yo ass!


                • #28
                  Originally posted by JLC View Post

                  fair and square ? How can you be so sure considering the guy just got caught ?

                  this is what happens when you get exposed as being a drug cheat. All your other victories are put in question. Don’t believe me ? Ask Lance Armstrong.
                  So shut up and prove you still have it, don’t come out about a questionable drug that doesn’t even help a fighter or camouflage other drugs. Get the hell outta here! This boxing not cycling
                  Last edited by hitmanjosh; 10-07-2022, 01:07 PM.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by hitmanjosh View Post

                    So shut up and prove you still have it, don’t come out about a questionable drug that doesn’t even help a fighter or camouflage other drugs. Get the hell outta here! This boxing not cycling
                    It boosts testosterone. How does that not help ? If it didn’t help why would Benn be taking it. Nah man, you’re tripping. Sorry.
                    Oldskoolg Oldskoolg likes this.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by boxingitis View Post
                      Connor doesn't have great boxing skills, but he has power. Probably from PEDs.
                      Power that seemed to appear all of a sudden and I’m sure would vanish again if he was clean

