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Comments Thread For: Judge In Fox-Maestre Debacle Discovered To Have Pattern of Racism

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  • Originally posted by Amir Imam View Post

    Subject seems to be bothering you.

    I said her bias judging is because of corruption not racism

    This is just your opinion but you’re saying it as if you have scientific proof to back up your claim. You don’t know this woman from a can of paint.
    It’s common sense.

    The only people who think this is about race want it to be about race.

    Whilst this judge is a racist POS, it’s corruption that caused this- as I said in a previous post, look at her track record. She’s robbed black fighters, white fighters, Latino’s etc etc.


    • Originally posted by bballchump11 View Post

      She called Michelle ***** a monkey.
      She’s a racist POS no doubt, but she robbed Fox because she’s also a corrupt judge not just because she’s a racist.

      As I said, look at her track record, she’s robbed black fighters, white fighters, Latino’s, men, women etc. I provided a list of fights she’s blatantly favoured the house fighter in an earlier post on this thread.


      • Originally posted by aaronbnb View Post

        if you think those vids are disgusting, you agree it's disgusting that ***** went to Epstein's mansion and hangs with Dershowitz. Too proven pedo's - that didn't just hug girls on stage too closely. They actually had *** with them.
        *****'s been accused of a lot of stuff. Some of it is probably true, a lot of it probably isn't. I'm more bothered about what I see with my own 2 eyes than by what some people with an agenda have to say about someone. That goes for anyone.


        • Originally posted by Boxing-1013 View Post

          *****'s been accused of a lot of stuff. Some of it is probably true, a lot of it probably isn't. I'm more bothered about what I see with my own 2 eyes than by what some people with an agenda have to say about someone. That goes for anyone.
          there's tape of ***** talking about groping women. there's video of him groping women at an Epstein party. Like ***** said, "I could shoot someone in the middle 5th Avenue" and my supporters would still love me. You're just in that crowd.


          • Of course its about racism affecting her judgment abilities. While everyone is playing the deflecting game by mentioning the other 2 judges( at least their score cards weren't grossly atrocious), This de****able WELL DOCUMENTED bigot did not give Fox ONE round. Her public comments on social media in regards to Mr. And Mrs. ***** are a clear sign as to her total disregard and respect for Black Americans. That speaks volumes in regards to her and where her warped metric and view points lay. So YES race did most certainly play a part In her ability to professionally judge a bout with the utmost integrity. To say otherwise because it doesn't make you feel comfortable and some of you are clearly in the category of attack the victim in order to maintain your racial denial festival, is the height of being disingenuous and frankly being incapable of speaking with true insight on these topics.
            And Boxing scene isn't playing politics. It's reporting THE FACTS of what has been revealed to not only them but the entire scope of the Boxing sporting media. It's called doing their job. The knee jerk reaction of "Certain " individuals when the uncomfortable truth is brought to light, is to blame the source who brings the truth, as catering to left wing politics. To me that's code language for those who prefer to stay comfortable with the lie because their warped and uninformed views on the race issue won't be disrupted.
            The mentioning of the former amoral wanna be dictator despot is justified.
            It is no secret that he aligned himself and his rhetoric with Known hate groups and his racial dog whistles insulting Black NFL players and NBA players, referring to them in the most obvious of stereotypes would appeal with this woman who echoed similar derogatory statements on social media.
            You can't critique Boxing scene writers for reporting the FACTS AND the news.
            While the other 2 judges were simply engaging in the usual corruption of the WBA irrespective of ethnicity, you can't attempt to misrepresent the situation by trying to change the Narrative by giving this woman a pass just to suit your own biases. She clearly is in a very compromising position due to her intense and blatant hatred for Black Americans as a whole. A black athlete to her( as her tweets underscore) is not to even be regarded as a human being of worth.
            So please stop the nonsense and disingenuous deflecting Playbook.


            • Originally posted by BIGPOPPAPUMP View Post
              In other tweets, Martinez-Rizzo was unequivocal in her support for former president Donald *****.
              So are you saying folks who voted for ***** are racist? Stick to boxing else stop spewing your racism.

              Last edited by al3d3; 08-10-2021, 06:38 PM.


              • Originally posted by BIGPOPPAPUMP View Post
                In other tweets, Martinez-Rizzo was unequivocal in her support for former president Donald *****.
                I think you are a racist...


                • Originally posted by BIGPOPPAPUMP View Post
                  In other tweets, Martinez-Rizzo was unequivocal in her support for former president Donald *****.
                  I think ***** likes Boxing...


                  • Originally posted by BIGPOPPAPUMP View Post
                    In other tweets, Martinez-Rizzo was unequivocal in her support for former president Donald *****.
                    Boom-Shaka-LMLK Niece.pngaka


                    • Originally posted by -Kev- View Post

                      You know what the most amusing part is of people who say “racism against blacks doesn’t exist.”? Is that 99% of people who say that are not black.

                      My wife, who is white, a ***** supporter, and a conservative person (I have no political affiliation so idc what side my friends, coworkers or family are; doesn’t bother me) who grew up in the countryside of CA and admits being raised in the middle of nowhere; says that there is no such thing as racism against blacks because, in her own words, she has never witnessed it. Her reasoning for saying cops are nice people and she has never met a racist cop, is that the few times she has interacted with police they were nice to her. And to her, it is a genuine belief. She is not trolling or saying it out of malice or hatred. It is a strong belief of hers.

                      This might sound so naive, that it seems like she is ****** and clueless. But this is actually the typical mindset of non-black people. They do not and can not experience it, so it’s not real.

                      A white racist can post anti-black posts in a white supremacist forum with his other like-minded e-buddies, shoot up a Church full of black people, admit that he did it because he hates black people; and still, some people will say that was not racist.

                      Never having issues with cops and never witnessing racism against blacks, while being white, means there is no such thing as racism. If it does not happen to you or your family and friends, then it does not exist. Meanwhile, those same people say that white people are the victims of racism from black people. You know the same people who owned ****** and the same people that blacks had to fight against as recently as the 1960s just to get some equal opportunities and be treated at least a fraction of how whites are treated. Yes, those people are the one’s being racist. We all know that it was actually a black man who entered an all-white church to shoot them all up because they are white.

                      I do not care about someone’s skin color, it does nothing for me. But as a non-black person, I am not naive to what goes on in the world. From slavery of people still existing today, human-trafficking, mass ***ual abuse of children, and racism. These things are all part of what we do as humans. The ugly side of being human exists and some groups of people are just in denial about the evil that goes on in this world. This is why things are so slow to get better. People see something wrong and their reaction is “it’s okay, nothing to see here.”
                      Look at this malibus most wanted cuck.
                      Newsflash, no matter how much you kiss their ass, blacks will never consider you one of their own and they will never respect you.

                      Hopefully your heroes will learn about personal accountability and merit.
                      Crying victim and blaming everything on everyone else gets old doesn't it?
                      Successful people are not victims. The lifestyle and mindset that creates are not compatible with success.

                      Originally posted by budfr View Post
                      OK, the ref did bad but how many times have Afro-Americans been giving wins after they lost in the ring? Spwcially vs Latinos. Racism? OK thatīs not a good thing but how many times boxers like Mayweather, Hopkins, etc. Used racism in public, in front of cameras and social media? So when itīs the other way around it becomes a big deal? Letīs be fair, and itīs not that Fox killed the guy, Fox was doimg the typical running and hugging.
                      Yeah but thats fine though.
                      Its just equity.
                      Standards for winning fights were too high for racial reasons.

                      Typvial racist boxing, actually expecting blacks to have to actually achieve enough in the fights to claim the titles, thats f**king racist.
                      Lower the standards, that’ll show everyone how superior they are.

                      People so racist to them, they deserve the belts when they sign up to box. Its only fair, boxing so intrinsically racist against them and only them, especially not the ones they do racist stuff to themselves, thats just airing grievances.

                      Simply another gift for a perpetually self-victimized group.

                      Theyre just airing out frustrations at how everything is racist to them. You could never understand.
                      NachoMan NachoMan likes this.

