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Comments Thread For: Judge In Fox-Maestre Debacle Discovered To Have Pattern of Racism

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  • Notice how the article has to inform the reader that ***** and Lebron are black.

    The words only become racist when said to blacks apparently - why the need to inform the reader if the words are intrinsically racist?

    but thats the standard these days. u must never talk to blacks in the same way you do with others you might run into words that become racist
    NachoMan NachoMan likes this.


    • racist... they are everywhere!!!



      • Supporting ***** doesn’t make you racist. Stop pushing that bullsh.t.


        • Originally posted by glenn mcrory View Post

          Look at this malibus most wanted cuck.
          Newsflash, no matter how much you kiss their ass, blacks will never consider you one of their own and they will never respect you.

          Hopefully your heroes will learn about personal accountability and merit.
          Crying victim and blaming everything on everyone else gets old doesn't it?
          Successful people are not victims. The lifestyle and mindset that creates are not compatible with success.
          You want to be a racist, okay let's get into race then. I'm going to give it you straight.

          Look, in my job, your kind makes my job easier. I utilize your kind as snitches. They voluntarily snitch as long as they know you are a clean officer. The best RCI's (reliable confidential informant) are you guys. Props for that.

          Honestly, don't be so harsh towards black people. In jails/prison, whites go to blacks for protection and drugs, in exchange for ***ual services. So I can understand why you're so intimidated by them. Latinos and Asian dudes don't do stuff like that though. Despite their being as many, or more whites in prison than blacks (rate is higher for blacks, but h2h, it's same) Latinos and Asians are outnumbered, and they still don't get punked around like you dudes. F/cuking disgrace talking tough when you dudes stay being some black dudes b.tch. Like, dude, blacks are your fcking husbands in prison. It's sad and embarrassing.

          Anyone here who has been to jail/prison or it's their job, would confirm this is true.

          I am talking sh.t about it, just bantering, but it's true and it's sad. Really sad as fck. Then these dudes kiss their wife and kids in visiting hours, while being some black dude's girlfriend. Like man, I will give you this argument if you want it so bad. You deserve a W here and there. Because you take nothing but L's in real life when it comes to toughness. Whites who defend themselves are few and far in between in prison, and I respect those guys. But man just submitting and bending over like that to take some vaseline and a bbc because you're scared. Pathetic.

          You would probably be my snitch if you were an inmate.


          • Originally posted by al3d3 View Post

            I think you are a racist...
            Look man. You are new here and I just want to help you out. The guy you've just insulted is one of the admins on here and he doesn't write the articles he posts. Click on the thread to see the writer, and actually read it and then address the writer, not the admin.

            As far as I'm concerned, these reporters are too conservative. Screw racist *****.


            • People showing Don King pics to say ***** isn't a racist. Don would sell his soul, if he has one, for a dime.


              • Originally posted by waymeather View Post
                Supporting ***** doesn’t make you racist. Stop pushing that bullsh.t.
                To me, it does. When he first came into office, he banned 5 countries from entering the US. None were white. It's illegal and racist to do so under the US constitution. People turned blind eye to it. You can't do that. He wanted to build a wall to Mexico. I can go on and on. Screw ***** and his ilk.


                • Originally posted by OnePunch View Post

                  the decision went for PBCs guy, so I doubt they have a problem.

                  If this had been a Top Rank show, you would be here claiming that Bob purposefully selected and paid racist judges to fix the outcome.
                  Clearly they do because this was one of the worst decisions ever seen.

                  Which is similar to what I’ve been posting about this decision. So I’m not exactly sure what point your making here.


                  • Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post

                    Clearly they do because this was one of the worst decisions ever seen.

                    Which is similar to what I’ve been posting about this decision. So I’m not exactly sure what point your making here.
                    the point im making is your selective outrage and where you place the blame.

                    When it suits your agenda, you blame the promoters (top rank, hearn, etc.). If this hadnt been a PBC show, you would have started 10 threads about racist promoters specifically CHOOSING racist judges to screw black fighters (as if the promoter picks the judges in the first place)

                    But since it was a PBC show, mysteriously no mention whatsoever about the promoter being a racist?

                    Coincidence? hmmmmm....................
                    Last edited by OnePunch; 08-11-2021, 07:54 AM.
                    glenn mcrory glenn mcrory likes this.


                    • Originally posted by OnePunch View Post

                      the point im making is your selective outrage and where you place the blame.

                      When it suits your agenda, you blame the promoters (top rank, hearn, etc.). If this hadnt been a PBC show, you would have started 10 threads about racist promoters specifically CHOOSING racist judges to screw black fighters (as if the promoter picks the judges in the first place)

                      But since it was a PBC show, mysteriously no mention whatsoever about the promoter being a racist?

                      Coincidence? hmmmmm....................
                      Selective outrage? You clearly haven’t seen the posts I’ve made about pbc judging in the last several months.

                      I’ve never created a thread when a black boxer gets a bad scorecard. I’ve never called a promoter a racist for selecting a judge that gave a black boxer a bad score. I’ve never called a judge a racist for a bad card against a black boxer. Why would I suddenly do it now?

                      so you’re criticizing me because I didn’t create a thread about the promoter being a racist because he picked a racist judge even though the promoter doesn’t pick the judges.

                      You’ve created a false narrative without any evidence solely because I’m black and have called you out for irrationally hating Haymon.

                      I get you have an axe to grind but doing it this way makes you look really bad.

