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Comments Thread For: Judge In Fox-Maestre Debacle Discovered To Have Pattern of Racism

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  • Originally posted by PunchyPotorff View Post
    Originally posted by PunchyPotorff
    IMO nacho boi is just pizzed that ********** are now right at 50% and more of the population, and so we'll have more and more dem leaning voters as years pass. GA just went over 50%, first state to hit that mark. I say good... diversity makes this nation greater. It's crazy that anyone would think it's a disaster that whites are not dominant as much. It's like they'd be first in line to support some wacko apartheid 2.0 style country. SMH

    You went on a racist rant... of which you describe as a mild post. Typical racist... not even the ballz to admit they're racist.
    That is a universal truth of racists, they simply won’t admit they are because they know it’s wrong and don’t want the label. Racists are cowards in every possible way


    • Originally posted by DClefthook View Post

      Jezuz f'n do I break this down for this idiot...let me try...."live your entire life as a victim"...hahaha I have never posted anything on this site that would make anyone think im a victim. I'm sitting in my backyard under my gazebo sippin' real good, happy wife in the house with my daughter who just graduated college and is on the way to grad school and my sonson who will be a freshman next year, great life, amazing investments, worked hard for everything I possess but cannot ignore what this country had planned for people that look like me. "fight to keep your status as a protected class" hahahaha this is the funniest one..those dumb ******ed inbred ugly fuqs who ran up in the Capitol building earlier this year are protecting their status as protected white confederates who feel their power slipping away. "coddled protected and never held to account"....wooooww....again you are talking about the dirty farm animal fuqing, inbred confederates whom never had accountability about anything they've done.
      “Victim” is one of those far right code words that extremists have latched on to and use at will. Just using it tells you a lot about an individuals world view or more accurately the lack thereof. When used, it always honks of opinionated bigotry and fear. In my experience it’s used almost always towards black people who state that racism against them exists. It’s no different from coded words like “thug.” For the purposes of extremists and very sad lonely incels who live in their mamas basements and sack groceries for their Cheeto, Mountain Dew, and online gaming money the term “ldbc” thrown around here on this forum and I imagine in any boxing forum is exactly the same type of word. These are proxy words used for the n-word. Next time you see the words “ldbc”, “victim”, “thug” used on this forum take notice of the context and ask yourselves if these terms would be used for anyone else. The mentality behind modern or “new racism” as psychologists call it is no different from the racism that’s been around for ages, no different from the dogma used for centuries even towards my folks the ***s. It’s all the same and it all starts with fear and dehumanisation


      • Sad to see this forum descend into politics. Life is too short for this nonsense. Enjoy boxing.
        chepboxingking chepboxingking likes this.


        • Originally posted by BlackR0bbb View Post

          Is that your mother on top of the building, Jose?
          Hit a nerve, crybaby?
          Need some tissue?
          Make sure you hold up your signs the right way when you go out protesting, so that the people passing by can actually read them and have a good laugh.


          • Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
            Maybe The commission or PBC should’ve checked her Twitter. Mofos were posting her racist posts in the forum within 2 hours of the fight being finished.

            Great vetting process guys. Lol.
            the decision went for PBCs guy, so I doubt they have a problem.

            If this had been a Top Rank show, you would be here claiming that Bob purposefully selected and paid racist judges to fix the outcome.


            • Originally posted by DClefthook View Post

              Jezuz f'n do I break this down for this idiot...let me try...."live your entire life as a victim"...hahaha I have never posted anything on this site that would make anyone think im a victim. I'm sitting in my backyard under my gazebo sippin' real good, happy wife in the house with my daughter who just graduated college and is on the way to grad school and my sonson who will be a freshman next year, great life, amazing investments, worked hard for everything I possess but cannot ignore what this country had planned for people that look like me. "fight to keep your status as a protected class" hahahaha this is the funniest one..those dumb ******ed inbred ugly fuqs who ran up in the Capitol building earlier this year are protecting their status as protected white confederates who feel their power slipping away. "coddled protected and never held to account"....wooooww....again you are talking about the dirty farm animal fuqing, inbred confederates whom never had accountability about anything they've done.
              The rally at the Capitol had nothing at all to do with “confederates” as you say. Your bias is blatantly obvious when you use such terms. The total number of people in attendance at the capital that day was well over 100,000 people. Of that, a subset of anywhere from 500-600 people (depending on where you read) stormed the capital. The media gaslit the entire event calling it an “insurrection” “attempt to overthrow” which is straight hot garbage. Trust me if it were a true “insurrection” we wouldn’t be speaking today and the capital would be lost. Your language parrots the taking points of ******* media outlets. It’s easy to tell you’ve been swayed into a linear thought pattern based on the language you choose. To each his own I guess. Were there crimes? No doubt…does anyone support what took place? Not that I’ve read anywhere nor seen. So what’s the beef? It’s called a political ruling class set on gaining control over people through gas lighting and overdramtization. The sad part about it is we have a weak minded public that no longer deploys critical thinking skills to actually stop and think, who benefits?

              The public, including you are being played like a fiddle. Jim Jones, Joseph Goebels and Baghdad Bob would have an absolute field day with today’s ignorant public.
              Last edited by Boxingfanatic75; 08-10-2021, 09:01 AM.


              • Boxing News is merely doing its job. REPORTING THE NEWS. And as such they are reporting FACTS pertaining to the outright BIGOTRY of a thoroughly de****able person who allowed her degenerative views on people of another ethnicity, specifically Black people, to affect her responsibilities as an impartial judge.
                The writer mentioned her affection for the amoral bigot who was evicted from the Whitehouse because she publicly put out tweets with racist overtones that reflected the divisive rhetoric he was well known for putting out there on social media.
                Boxing scene is not playing politics. They're simply reporting the NEWS and the pertinent FACTS that tie directly into this woman's disgusting behavior and mentality. Only certain individuals find this offensive because when Racism is exposed and not swept under a rug to make them feel comfortable, they can't hide from the TRUTH And as a result they have no excuse or leg to stand on when their own ignorant biases are challenged.
                Boxing Scene and its writers have done a commendable job here.


                • Originally posted by Boxingfanatic75 View Post

                  The rally at the Capitol had nothing at all to do with “confederates” as you say. Your bias is blatantly obvious when you use such terms. The total number of people in attendance at the capital that day was well over 100,000 people. Of that, a subset of anywhere from 500-600 people (depending on where you read) stormed the capital. The media gaslit the entire event calling it an “insurrection” “attempt to overthrow” which is straight hot garbage. Trust me if it were a true “insurrection” we wouldn’t be speaking today and the capital would be lost. Your language parrots the taking points of ******* media outlets. It’s easy to tell you’ve been swayed into a linear thought pattern based on the language you choose. To each his own I guess. Were there crimes? No doubt…does anyone support what took place? Not that I’ve read anywhere nor seen. So what’s the beef? It’s called a political ruling class set on gaining control over people through gas lighting and overdramtization. The sad part about it is we have a weak minded public that no longer deploys critical thinking skills to actually stop and think, who benefits?

                  The public, including you are being played like a fiddle. Jim Jones, Joseph Goebels and Baghdad Bob would have an absolute field day with today’s ignorant public.
                  The out of this world sense of entitlement those folks had/have is truly staggering….the attacks (and deaths) on and of police officers that day was truly reprehensible by a group that *****ets mantras like “blue lives matter” truly blows the mind. The fact that so many were sworn or formerly sword LE offices and agents as well as military members both present and prior is truly disturbing. There is a heavy presence of radicalised citizenry within the USA these days. When I first joined the Army, this sort of thing was referred to as “social chaos” and military police, civil affairs, psyop, and other units were actually trained on scenarios for what happened at the capitol which speaks volumes for n why the military, even the National Guard qrf for that area. The 3rd Infantry Regiment Old Guard is responsible for the defence of DC, that crowd is damn lucky they were not activated. Those are the most disciplined Soldiers in the Army.
                  LEONIDAS26@ LEONIDAS26@ likes this.


                  • OK, the ref did bad but how many times have Afro-Americans been giving wins after they lost in the ring? Spwcially vs Latinos. Racism? OK thatīs not a good thing but how many times boxers like Mayweather, Hopkins, etc. Used racism in public, in front of cameras and social media? So when itīs the other way around it becomes a big deal? Letīs be fair, and itīs not that Fox killed the guy, Fox was doimg the typical running and hugging.


                    • Originally posted by Amir Imam View Post

                      So the powers that be wanted Maestre a 35 yr old immigrant Venezuelan with 4 fights ranked 120 in the world to win? Interesting!

                      Yeah clearly they did. He’s their fighter, Fox is just an opponent. Same thing would have happened to Crowley.

