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Do you rank Larry Holmes above Rocky Marciano?

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  • #11
    It is always interesting to see how history weighs in on these debates. For the longest time Holmes, like Lennox Lewis was to experience later, was castigated and told he was but for the grace of the great one (Ali), a mere jock strap holder himself, so to speak. Lets keep in mind that while it was sad that Liston was at times despised, it was not because of his talents...But in the case of Lewis and Holmes it took a while for them to gain credability. With Lewis all the guys he beat thought he was a lilly speaking pretender.

    meanwhile the boxing pundits all understood from the get go that the Rock, fine broth of a man that he was, and more than capable of carrying the accolades of, what was perhaps the greatest of sport's title at the time, had his limits... Men who cautiously weighed in on the finest fighters from JJ, Dempsey, to Ali...would never tell one that Marciano was in that category of fighter. No, the Rock was more like Patterson than prime Liston... capable, great, but hardly one of the best.

    Holmes had a great jab, incredible lateral movement...the heart of a lion... Ask Ernie Shavers. He fought tough hombres, and of course the legendary chip on his shoulder. I think Holmes lateral movement is underrated and his jab, though excellent, overrated a tad. marciano was much more accomplished technically than people realize: It reminds me of a discussion with some of my martial arts buddies, talking shop at a party while the women rolled their eyes and left us alone...

    first guy says, "The Aztecs had incredible martial arts" Second guy says "there is no documentation of these arts, how do we know?" third guy pipes in "because they were expected to subdue up to 4 prisoners at a time for the sacrifice...Try NOT having an incredible art and doing that!" With Marciano he HAD to be incredibly technically astute to fight guys like Louis, Walcott and Charles and get inside on them to brawl. One can break down his methods but sometimes the mere act of doing something implies a skill level.

    Not many heavyweights get by with such a short reach and make it work to their advantage... and marciano was not particularly fast on his feet, nor did he have lighting fast hands. While it would be a wonderful world if the Gattis of the boxing establishment could become supermen... its not the way the ball bounces. marciano was no Atturo Gatti... Unlike Gatti (RIP) marciano was either an ATG or close to one. So how good was he compared to the Easton Assasin?

    I can't say either man fought better comp. Marciano fought great ones past it...but not so past it that he got a pass! Holmes fought a lot of tough guys, good fighters but not great fighters...Weaver, Lyle, Norton, Shavers, Coony, etc. Both had great whiskers. You could even make the case that they were somewhat equal in terms of rank when it comes to their place in the pantheon of great heavyweights.


    • #12
      It's hard to talk about Marciano without mentioning weight. He fought around 185, 187lbs.

      Holmes in his prime was more like 212, 215lbs.

      That's why people like to mention p4p. Marciano would be a cruiserweight today. I thought this was obvious to posters here. I didn't figure it would need to be spelled out.


      • #13
        Top five to me. Master boxer with great abilities. Consistent with heart and drive. Marciano reign at the top was shorter. 'no pun intended'


        • #14
          All you need to give Holmes trouble is a big punch. Look at the Weaver, Shavers, and Norton fights if you don't believe me. Carry his jock strap? Lol no, Marciano would maul Larry Holmes.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Mr.MojoRisin' View Post
            All you need to give Holmes trouble is a big punch. Look at the Weaver, Shavers, and Norton fights if you don't believe me. Carry his jock strap? Lol no, Marciano would maul Larry Holmes.
            They all lost to Holmes. So no, I don't beleve you.


            • #16
              Holmes is higher on my ATG list as he should be on everybody else's.

              Anyone know why he wasn't given the WBO belt when he beat Mercer?


              • #17
                "All you need to give Holmes trouble is a big punch. Look at the Weaver, Shavers, and Norton fights if you don't believe me".......

                The problem with this statement is the FACT that Holmes won against these men!
                Plus a big puncher gives everyone some concern, don't you know that?

                "Marciano would be a cruiserweight today".............?

                Well he could be if he wanted to but he also could be at heavyweight. Heavyweight is a no restricted weight class, you could weigh 150 and fight at heavyweight don't you know that?



                • #18
                  Originally posted by Mr.MojoRisin' View Post
                  All you need to give Holmes trouble is a big punch. Look at the Weaver, Shavers, and Norton fights if you don't believe me. Carry his jock strap? Lol no, Marciano would maul Larry Holmes.
                  "Marciano would maul Larry Holmes." Yea sure he would with that 5' 10 body and no jab to remotely work his way in ,we have arguably the best jab of all time vs no jab at all with 68 inch reach ?


                  • #19
                    You cannot rank Marciano over Holmes or put him over Holmes H2H . Holmes title defenses are more substantial and harder to in the time span than Marciano going undeafeated in his . Without the Spinks fiasco fights ,Holmes career looks totally different as well .

                    If they were to actually fight Marciano is now fighting a guy at 6'3 with 81 inch reach . This means at 5'10 /5"11 he has to make up GREAT distance ,he is not only doing that but also dealing with speed and a guy who can take a punch at any weight 210 or 230 whos not just going to stand there . Any overly short fighter has to work harder to get inside a taller guy ,Louis , Charles and Walcott did not have Holmes dimensions nor footwork . The probability of Marciano winning this fight is slim ,if they fought 5 times Marciano would be lucky to win once.


                    • #20
                      Holmes is greater but h2h it would depend on which rules they're fighting under.

