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Joe Louis vs both Klitschkos

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  • Originally posted by JAB5239 View Post
    Lol, Tunney is legit, but Louis isn't? Please explain.
    It's a Troll account.......


    • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
      Tunney had the skills to do it all. Louis only looked good when properly matched.

      Like Pacquiao.
      Tunney had great skills, but how do you know how he would have fared against other greats, by beating a Dempsey who had been off 3 years?

      And you must know something about Louis' skills that experts, historians, trainers and other pro boxers don't since he is almost unanimously seen as the most skilled heavyweight of all time.


      • Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
        It's a Troll account.......
        Of course it is. But I don't mind contributing some free education.


        • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
          Disagree with pov = Troll account

          Some real legit historians up in here.

          claim a fighter that fought heavy weight what 5 times? is more legit at heavyweight then some one who defended the heavy weight title more then any one else = Troll account

          adamant about ones delusional POV = Troll account

          Get called a troll, insult posters = Troll account


          • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
            Disagree with pov = Troll account

            Some real legit historians up in here.

            So respond to my last post and show everyone you're not a troll and know what your talking about. So far you haven't showed squat.


            • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
              Never claimed that.

              being a part of a self affirming echo chambers of self appointed "historians" sounds lot more trollish to me. Except you seem to lack awareness that it in fact you who is a troll.

              didn't insult anyone. but I will defend myself.

              thanks for playing.
              Originally posted by ALT Liquor
              The only heavies' that are legit are Holmes, Tunney
              =Troll Account

              next, adamant about ones delusional POV: "being a part of a self affirming echo chambers of self appointed "historians" sounds lot more trollish to me. Except you seem to lack awareness that it in fact you who is a troll."

              =Troll Account

              Get called a troll, insult posters:"Disagree with pov = Troll account

              Some real legit historians up in here."

              =Troll account

              No but really thanks for playing.


              • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
                I disagree with them. Louis isn't that impressive. He was ok, but he made a lot of mistakes and had flat feet and suspect defense.

                Either Klitschko would handle him relatively easily and quickly. I'm not asking for your approval or to agree with me. I answered the thread.
                thats a great opinion, its unfortunate that its been thoroughly dis proven over the past few pages.

                but if your just here to voice your opinion, then you shouldn't really care that its been thoroughly shut down, and move on.


                • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
                  I disagree with them. Louis isn't that impressive. He was ok, but he made a lot of mistakes and had flat feet and suspect defense.

                  Either Klitschko would handle him relatively easily and quickly. I'm not asking for your approval or to agree with me. I answered the thread.
                  Can you name 3 heavyweights who had a better combination of speed, power and punching accuracy ? His supposed lack of defense has already been dispelled and his footwork was by design to lure fighters in to be countered.


                  • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
                    Yeah, when you called me a troll I really felt derailed by it and it compelled me to see that Louis is awesome.
                    well thats unfortunate, id much rather you see that louis is awesome because of the wealth of information in this thread as most people who arnt blatantly trolling do, not because you've exposed your self as a troll and only have sarcasm to fall back on.


                    • Originally posted by ALT Liquor
                      Tunney had the skills to do it all. Louis only looked good when properly matched.

                      Like Pacquiao.

                      So apparently Pacquiao has been not properly matched...against one opponent, Juan Manuel Marquez. Other than that Manny has looked quite good going back many years.

