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On this day, 1967

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  • #21
    Originally posted by JAB5239 View Post

    He didn't savage the American system, he navigated it through righteousness and integrity, blazing a trail that will not soon be forgotten. You only wish you have that kind of perseverance, integrity, and be a fraction of the man Ali was. Instead, you're just a drunk trolling the internet.
    - - I was the first generation of Lottery draft. I immediately dropped my college draft deferment to ride the year. I could've volunteered, entered officer training, free collegiate training and so on and may not have ever been sent to Vietnam, but as a potential draftee I threw my lot with the rest.

    I was friends with a lot of draft protesters and Vietnam Vets, opposed the war on obvious US political mismanagement by LBJs cabinet mostly filled with JFK appointees. I'm not gonna protest while my buddies were out fighting a war most didn't want, an extension of the prematurely ended Korean stalemate that has led to most of the vicious world problems since then.

    But I digress as clearly you ain't the brightest. Anyone who makes as many political statements as Ali did is gonna be criticized. Get over it. He was a charming, magical presence, but he weren't the smartest and got snookered by NOI and didn't want the Malcolm treatment, so for once shut his yap, hunkered down to keep the family safe until Elijah passed and he felt like he could convert.

    I never condemned him, he followed his rights as a US citizen and got his justice, but you trying to make out like he was some kind of great hero like Manela or MLK, well whatever floats you petticoats, dearie.


    • #22
      Ali getting pissed off!!
      Willie Pep 229 Willie Pep 229 likes this.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Willow The Wisp View Post

        You want the horns? Figured I'd run anyone like that off, lol.

        Well, don't look at me as though the veneration of Muhammad Ali was my idea.
        For much of his adult life he was one of the most well known people on earth.
        If I just left it at him 'using his soapbox gained through sport for what he perceived as good', that would qualify as vague, and rightly so, but true nevertheless.
        So much has been written about the man; you might take it up with all of them.

        His persona could certainly have used some polishing. Still, even when he was insulting people, it usually came off as funny to most.
        But he was no angel. No perfect person.

        Steve Jobs had a daughter he denied for years living on welfare. Pete Townshend of the Who loves Kiddie ****. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill busted up peaceful demonstrations using poison gas. US Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Polk, Zachary Taylor, Andrew Johnson, and Ulysses S. Grant all owned ******. Former South African president Nelson Mandela belonged to a ********* splinter group of the African National Congress that implemented sabotage, torture and killed more than 130 people. Showman P.T. Barnum bought a black woman from an acquaintance of his (slavery was banned at that time, but he used a loophole to evade that). He ended up holding a live autopsy of the woman once she died, and cut up her body in front of a crowd for one of his very first exhibits. Thomas Edison electrocuted an elephant as a demonstration of his electric power. Coco Chanel was a big supporter of the **** party.
        And so it goes. I can't say that their contributions should be "canceled" for their failings however.
        For Ali, you can read things like this to embellish your understanding effectively:
        The weird thing is they referenced the Thomas Edison elephant incident in an episode of Bob's Burgers. What's weird about it is the show isn't usually known for getting political or getting controversial like that, so I thought it was interesting. In the episode, one of the kids recreates the historical moment for her science fair experiment by having her brother and sister pose as Edison and the elephant and making it look like the elephant is being electrocuted. I believe they even write a song called Electric Love and turn it into some kind of love story.

