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The Official - I WILL KILL it in the GYM TODAY - MOTIVATION

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  • Man i had 0 energy today, not sure why but went to the gym anyway and my arms seems messed up...Left forearm is in pain and i think i hurt my shoulder....**** day


    • admittedly, i did around 100 shups before i took this picture. i wanted to strike fear into a select few loungers, who seem to think i'm a b#Tch because annie said so. annie, of course, won't post his picture, and lives with his mom.

      215ish. maybe 225. 5'9". no idea on my body fat %, other than it is over 10.

      been eating vegan several days a week, and doing sprints on a stationary bike with a cooldown built in between them. i'd work out more, but this is my busiest time of the year at work.

      i'm seriously considering a "bulk" after ski season. i haven't tried to put on weight in 5 years, and i freaking love to eat.

      i'll need to change gyms, doe. you can't get big at planet fitness. you just can't. i'm only there because it's a two minute walk.


      • Originally posted by johnm is...
        I did traps today. Barbell shrugs/back shrugs, high pulls, upright rows, seated side lateral raises, face pulls.

        Legs tomorrow.

        blasted reed with some green.

        no ****

        will get you when i can. i thnk you make a funny the other week, so i gotta spread around mo rep.


        • Originally posted by New England View Post
          admittedly, i did around 100 shups before i took this picture. i wanted to strike fear into a select few loungers, who seem to think i'm a b#Tch because annie said so. annie, of course, won't post his picture, and lives with his mom.

          215ish. maybe 225. 5'9". no idea on my body fat %, other than it is over 10.

          been eating vegan several days a week, and doing sprints on a stationary bike with a cooldown built in between them. i'd work out more, but this is my busiest time of the year at work.

          i'm seriously considering a "bulk" after ski season. i haven't tried to put on weight in 5 years, and i freaking love to eat.

          i'll need to change gyms, doe. you can't get big at planet fitness. you just can't. i'm only there because it's a two minute walk.

          Yeah at first it was funny, but now that thread is kind of sad..

          How you eat your veggies? You steam them or something?

          I've been considering to change my diet and eat only vegetables, I wonder how it feels


          • Originally posted by Banderivets View Post
            You mean how your wrists are supposed to be once the bar is on your collar bone? Like the stage before the press jerk if you were to do a clean and jerk?

            In that case you really do bend your wrist almost to the point where the back of your hand is parallel to the floor.

            But up to that point the wrists should be inline with your forearm. The bend in the wrist only happens once you rest the bar on top of your chest.
            For sure brah. When I'm done with work. I'm gonna work on it some more.


            • I decided to throw some money down to get a little supply of supps. Been years since I've seriously had a stash that I had daily, but I figured I'm a little reckless when it comes to eating so it could help me out.

              Had a $50 amazon gift card so I got 180 tabs of ON Optimen multis. 3 a day so should last me a good while.

              Got a 200 fish oil tabs also. 4 a day for those I believe.

              6 pounds of Syntha 6 Cookies and cream (seriously best tasting protein ever) ran about $58 with shipping... meh, not bad.

              Lastly, I'm gonna pick up a preworkout tomorrow. Not sure what to grab there is nothing that reallys kills it like original jack3d or DS craze. Probably will grab c4 or something. It is funny pwo doesn't jack me up that much for the workout itself, it is more of just a kick in the ass for me to actually go to the gym after work rather than just skip it. If I take a scoop I always think to myself "Well I'm not just gonna go home and watch tv while buzzing on all this caffeine"

              I'm getting kind of sick of the strength routine I'm doing. Squatting 3 times a week is good for building the strength (which I needed legs were always weak relative to everything else) but it seriously is the biggest pain in the ass ever. I might make the switch to a regular bro split. I like the feeling of just annihilating certain muscle groups each day.


              • I just got some speed x3 pwo. I love it. Much better energy and focus than I'm used to.

                Also, that syntha 6 cookies and cream is amazing.


                • Originally posted by Szef View Post
                  Yeah at first it was funny, but now that thread is kind of sad..

                  How you eat your veggies? You steam them or something?

                  I've been considering to change my diet and eat only vegetables, I wonder how it feels


                  i put them in a wrap sandwich. whole grain wraps, wihch i usually double up to fit all of my veggies

                  hummus, kale, spinach, romaine, baked potatoes with skin, whatever else i want to chuck in there.

                  on a veggie day, i'll throw in two slices of reduced fat cheese. fully vegan day, i'll freaking load that b#Tch with hummus.

                  on a non vegetarian day i usually do three slices of sliced chicken breast from the deli.


                  • stepped on a scale at the cpharmacy over the weekend. not sure how accurate it is. 227 lbs with clothes on.



                    • My right shoulder is a bit messed up now too. Nothing terrible but there are a couple lifts where I can really feel it being in discomfort. It feels like the joint right above my front delt. It gets irritated at the top of the movement on bench, and at the top of the movement on most flies. Specifically though if I try and hit my mid or rear delts I can feel it. I was able to do OHP without much of an issue and most back exercises.

                      I'm almost certain it was from doing this exercise, which I haven't done much

                      I'm gonna take it easy for a couple of days and hope it goes away.

                      ******** shoulders man. No matter what you do lifting it seems like they will get messed up

