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  • #31
    My trainer almost hooked me up with a guy whos had 8 more fights than me, won all his fights, my trainer thought he had only 1 - 3 fights but there gym was lieing about his record! Its kinda crazy, but I still wanted to go for it lol, even if I got battered.

    In your vid, I like your style, its the style I adopt. Don't feel to bad on yourself man, my friend whos blaintently natural talented lost his fight last night, but he is determined to get back down the gym.


    • #32
      i have to say you fought well considering the circumstances

      3x1 is bull****. i hope you dont do that again, its just not good for anyone involved

      you did what i would have done, its not like you can set up your attacks and box in 1 min rounds, i would be in there throwing my head off too

      but yeah bad luck, you will do better next time, look for a rematch under normal rules


      • #33
        oh and yeah if u kept your cool and fought him over 4x2 min rounds im confident you would beat him


        • #34
          Originally posted by !! Shawn View Post
          And that's what you should dedicate yourself too. I am confident that you can do it. I know you can do it.

          All the tools you have been sharpening, like your speed and power, are moot points if you don't have the presence of mind to use them in the ring.

          At this point, your style basically is what it is. You know what you can do, and what you can't do.

          Its possible that you are the kind of fighter than will never keep your cool, in which case you would be well advised to develop a style that turns this to your advantage.

          I also want to know if you went into this fight without sparring like you were talking about. If you did, that could explain a lot.
          Well.. no I had no sparring and was going to gte some of my own a week before the fight but my new trainer advised me not too.. I was going to go light but with speed but he said I could get hurt or sprain something etc. So no.. I haven't been in the ring against anyone sparring or fighting since I won the sunshine state games in june... BUT I FELT GREAT and SHARP before the fight so i don't get it.

          I'm not going to put it on the not sparring and him having more experience and all that becuase I still feel I won though it was sorta ugly.

          I am so hoping to control myself on nov 15th... I'm to be working on tedious pivoting and repetition at home and sparring 2 times the week at the gym my trainer advised.

          And I pray im not that type of fighter you suggested... And will try to prove it on Nov 15th.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Oriachim View Post
            My trainer almost hooked me up with a guy whos had 8 more fights than me, won all his fights, my trainer thought he had only 1 - 3 fights but there gym was lieing about his record! Its kinda crazy, but I still wanted to go for it lol, even if I got battered.

            In your vid, I like your style, its the style I adopt. Don't feel to bad on yourself man, my friend whos blaintently natural talented lost his fight last night, but he is determined to get back down the gym.
            Brings new light to the styles make fights thing... because He didn't look as decorated as at the tournaments he won. Probably the pressure.. or maybe just my eyes.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Viktor777 View Post
              I dont know how you lost that. You clearly won, i'd rather be watching this vid live on oct 11 then that Vitali fight.

              BTW Da1 where you from Rahway NJ? If so we killed you guys in HS football.
              lol Naa im from Roselle NJ.. close to rahway though... and lol I taught there as a permanent sub before moving to florida.


              • #37
                Originally posted by DA1CATAS View Post
                Well.. no I had no sparring and was going to gte some of my own a week before the fight but my new trainer advised me not too.. I was going to go light but with speed but he said I could get hurt or sprain something etc. So no.. I haven't been in the ring against anyone sparring or fighting since I won the sunshine state games in june... BUT I FELT GREAT and SHARP before the fight so i don't get it.

                I'm not going to put it on the not sparring and him having more experience and all that becuase I still feel I won though it was sorta ugly.

                I am so hoping to control myself on nov 15th... I'm to be working on tedious pivoting and repetition at home and sparring 2 times the week at the gym my trainer advised.

                And I pray im not that type of fighter you suggested... And will try to prove it on Nov 15th.
                I think the lack of sparring played a big part in your performance.


                • #38
                  i haven't sparred since november. i think i'm slowly starting to lose my mind.


                  • #39
                    So Today I sparred...

                    And it makes me upset because I looked like a seasoned VET with the body of a VERY developed and in GREAT shape 22 year old. I rolled, I countered, Jabbed perfectly, moved perfectly on my toes and reacted faster than ever.

                    You guys will see the tape of this... and Then someone tell em how to stay calmer and don't say with time.. because their must be something Really wrong with me to spar the way you will see and keep fighting the way you always see.

                    You can/will see a HUGE/GREAT difference between the way I spar and the Way I fight.

                    2 Totally Different and Totally Opposite Styles... perfect contrast. perefectly on the other side of each other. Good and Eveil black and white..

                    Its seriously Ridiculous.. But ok.. watch the tape when I put it up and let me know something.


                    • #40
                      hey da1. i hope u didnt think i was hating with my post...

                      ur one of the most dedicated amatuers i seen, u got skills. **** if u won or lost . that was a good god scrap, entertaining fight. thats what the crowd likes to see...

                      i was only suggesting that there is other styles to resort to when one isnt working so well for a boxer...

                      u can fight with anyone, ive seen that. u aint afraid to **** with the big boys and u also do **** on em.. ive seen u enough to give you my respect...

                      just keep up the good work. a loss is nothing after 5 wins brotha

                      keep it up

