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Larry Merchant is racist.

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  • Originally posted by Goldie View Post
    Why are you people so scared to acknowledge and talk about race outside of your little dog whistles? You clearly don’t have a problem with posters here mocking and antagonizing blacks cause Ive seen you say nothing about it, yet you want to cry when I acknowledge race as a factor. It’s funny.

    This fact righteous BS is laughable. Since when has America had a problem supporting people convicted of crimes or people accused of crimes? There’s 10-15 women out here saying that ***** ***ually assaulted them in ways that he was caught admitting on tape, yet 60 million people went out and voted for him for president anyway. People couldn’t care less. I really don’t know why Floyd never had any endorsements. I suspect it’s because he has chosen not to. I was simply stating a fact of the matter, he became one of the highest earning athletes in the world without any national endorsements. That’s a hell of an accomplishment. None of the other highest paid athletes in the world can say that.

    No s**t he has people around him to advise and help him out with his business. That’s what he’s supposed to do. How dumb are you? You think that Jeff Bezos doesn’t have talented people around him? Bill gates? Nobody does it all on their own with no help. It takes intelligence to know who to have around you and who to empower to help you. You have a pawn mentality.

    Blah blah blah. Just acknowledge the man is intelligent in his own right and stop being a hater. It’s not that hard. You’re supposed to be a boxing fan right? Why spend time discrediting the best fighter we’ve seen of this era/generation? We all know that Floyd isn’t the most educated nor the most articulate. That doesn’t mean that he’s not intelligent though because his intelligence on display. Give the man his respect.
    Funny your should say that about race, because that is the primary accusation loaded onto anyone who criticizes Floyd. They jump right to race. Ironically, it’s Floyd who is the racist but his fans couldn’t be bothered with that.

    Stop comparing Floyd to brilliant minds. He navigated his career by avoiding the best at their best, never truly proved or tested himself. Always leveraged some sort of advantage and had his share of gifts along the way to help catapult his career and wealth. I don’t dislike Floyd for his antics or arrogance outside the ring, I dislike him because he is an overrated fraud. I’m entitled to that opinion.


    • Well when I saw the clip, I was thinking the same thing Larry was to be honest.


      • Originally posted by Leonbus2 View Post
        Not many. In fact, off the top of my head, just Murakami. When I read literature, which is rare, I like the old Beat writers as well as Henry Miller or Bukowski. I never read a wide variety of literature. I can say that my favorite writer is Dostoevsky. My favorite book is The Idiot. As you know, Baudrillard, Foucault, and Butler write theory and not literature. So, I guess I am not a "literary genius."

        My field is mainly Continental Philosophy, but I also like Lacanian Psychoanalysis and some of the Postmodernists. I also research Bilingual pedagogy. I am generally happy with my studies without many regrets. I teach Philosophy at a university and have a PhD.

        I responded to the poster to offer some reading that may provide him with more rational or concrete ways to explain or defend his conception of the cosmos. Essentially he can use his description of the infinite for anything and under any circumstance. It's just a poorly structured argument that is popular in new age circles. I deal with it a lot with my undergrad students.

        I never cared much for the hard sciences or applied science. I recall when a student was designing a drone and I told him that my class was discussing drones. He asked about my class and I told him that we are examining the ethical implications of drone bombing. He said, "I just want to design them, other people decide what to do with them."

        It's that cool detachment that appears to be prevalent in science circles that I don' like.
        wonderful... i am crap at grammer.. i pay people for that.. i am an engineer.. love great writers. and murakami is great. norweigan wood.. read it.. some japanese authors emulated french nilistic guys. and opted out of life. , Suna no Onna, a great read.. box man.. abe kobo.. great stuff... having spent a large part of my life in japan. i get invited to lecture on lit.. and i am not a lit guy.. i feel confident in my hebrew judaic up bringing.. i read all kinds of stuff.. i am off the cuff. and speak when i probably should listen or shut up.. i am not a young guy.. but i am spry...i loved reading fitzgerald..when i was in prison.. i read the count of monte christo.. sic spelling.. i do not care..

        i used to read every and any thing. my girl ex girl wen wen wang.. is published... maxine hong kingston was a teacher to me at cal.. go bears.. i can't make this **** chit up.. can not.. one of the hardest classes I ever had was a film class that i took as an easy A,, after a week.. i had to go and change my view and toook it pass or fail.. it was hard... i never imagined how hard or the subtleties of everything.. mattered. i am an engineer.. my eyes were rudely opened... i had a paper a week and i could barely keep up with my class mates.. a class i took looking for that easy A, became a bayonet in my ribs. and i could not take it lightly..

        back to lit.. i loved reading tolstoy and other russian authors.. i like dark stuff. pain.. suffering.. The Gulag Archipelago... i was in the shu.. special housing unit. and i read and re read it.. and said to myself.... wow.. being incarcerated in the usa is easy.. compared to this stuff.. when i read Saul Bellow... i smiled.. and wept..

        my wife says. hey.. have you read this book... and I lie and say no.. tell me about it. it is usually a book i buy for her. and she loves reading to me.. in japanese.. she is studying hebrew.. she thinks it is gods language..

        you are my friend..


        • Originally posted by billeau2 View Post

          I s hit you not. when I started teaching high school in San Francisco one of the guys who helped lace me up was Mr Stephen Holdren. Holdren had changed his name to Bano! So they would think he was Hispanic and get him a job when he first started teaching! Lol. I remember being in his office and seeing his diploma with "Bano" on it lol. He was a crazy dude, I adored him. He died young pretty much after a binge. It was sad, his brother was also a teacher and called me. I don't think his family knew what a wild man he was... Dude used to party hard. But he was a great friend.
          awesome.. thank you. great stuff.. my ex..s till in contact leah m.. her dad was my mentor.. japanese american lost it all ... he was at manzanar.. his daughter leah teaches hearing imparied and visually imparied children. and she gets paid very little.. my wife knows we are close and in touch.. leah.. man.. good people.. good teachers... like you and others.. are needed..

          many years ago. my wife and i were walking in alum rock park san jose and as we were walking a guy older man showed up. walking in the same direction.. and he was telling us about alum.. sulphur etc he was my physics teacher ... ap physics.. and he said... are you that paul.. that was in my class 20 years ago.. i said yes sir.. i am.. my wife light up and said. was he a pain in the azz.. he said yes.. but he brought up very precise questions..


          • [QUOTE=Blond Beast;20342503]
            Originally posted by Curtis Harper View Post

            Right. It was us boys and our dad. I did everything I could to get the best rates. Still close to 1k a night in today’s money for our suite. 1/3 that any other non fight weekend. Still had drunk chicks crying in the hallway all night. Fight tickets say $100 printed on them but cost 4x that from the reseller. My brother did shoulder block Jay Z though. Vegas is a mess. I only ever paid through the nose for drinks every time I’ve been there, who ever got free booze? Though I have toyed with the idea of flying down watching a fight and flying back all without sleeping. But we know that’s asking for it these days. Bouncer wouldn’t even let me in the club with my “tennis shoes”. Now we all watch the fights and text eachother. It’s something at least.
            Those ''bonding'' excursions ....

            I have a pretty sick man cave and that's where we usually watch shlt.


            • Originally posted by Leonbus2 View Post
              Sounds like strong social constructionism mixed with new age rhetoric. I suggest reading Bruno LeTour's 1980s-90s books when he claims that science as a discipline and method is largely socially constructed. I think his work will also offer you a more rational rhetoric and vocabulary so that you can move beyond new age tautologies and into far more reputable and rigorously developed philosophy, e.g. Baudrillard, Foucault, Butler instead of the likes of Ekhart (sp.)Tolle or any of the other gurus.
              Did you read the whole thread, or just one post?

              You appear to be judging by your own stereotypes. Read something like "infinity", voilà: New Age, the most obvious instant association.

              If you need resorting to naming names to substantiate your way of reasoning, it might just suggest to me that you don't own an individual perspective, but just rely on someone else's writing and ideas, perhaps the ones you studied most recently and influenced you in some way. Provided that one truly understands in depth what he/she reads, of course (don't take this personally... I know a lot of pathetic wannabes who go around imparting wisdom about stuff they only have a superficial knowledge of).

              Who tells me how drug consumption, depression and other assorted psychological issues affected the thought of celebrated luminaries? I've never been subjugated to so-called authority, whatever the intellectual source. The books I read may offer different perspectives, but I would never base my opinions on them. My brain can't be owned by someone else's theories. I manage to find contradictions even in people I admire.

              But these aerials are clean, and the ability of observing the human behavior (including mine, needless to say) is perhaps the lone thing I'm proud of.

              My way of assessing events is mainly based on personal perception and direct experience. If that's labeled as social constructionism by your good self, that's perfectly fine with me. I'm not too far away from becoming 60, but still I don't feel insecure to the point of exhibiting my intellectual background on a boxing forum to express an opinion. Our exchange here just confirms what I wrote in other posts in this thread (which you probably did not read). Namely, that human language - be it philosophical, religious, or plain hippy - is pitifully limited, and mostly cause of deep incomprehension between different people.

              Simply put, I'm not buying into the human concept of "culture". I do not even trust official history, for that matter.

              "New age tautologies" made me really laugh hard, though. Have you ever heard Frank Zappa's song "Cosmik Debris"? That expresses rather accurately what I think about that kind of shìt. And, for the record, I never read a line by Eckhart Tolle.
              Last edited by Tatabanya; 01-25-2020, 05:33 AM.


              • Originally posted by Leonbus2 View Post
                Not many. In fact, off the top of my head, just Murakami. When I read literature, which is rare, I like the old Beat writers as well as Henry Miller or Bukowski. I never read a wide variety of literature. I can say that my favorite writer is Dostoevsky. My favorite book is The Idiot. As you know, Baudrillard, Foucault, and Butler write theory and not literature. So, I guess I am not a "literary genius."

                My field is mainly Continental Philosophy, but I also like Lacanian Psychoanalysis and some of the Postmodernists. I also research Bilingual pedagogy. I am generally happy with my studies without many regrets. I teach Philosophy at a university and have a PhD.

                I responded to the poster to offer some reading that may provide him with more rational or concrete ways to explain or defend his conception of the cosmos. Essentially he can use his description of the infinite for anything and under any circumstance. It's just a poorly structured argument that is popular in new age circles. I deal with it a lot with my undergrad students.

                I never cared much for the hard sciences or applied science. I recall when a student was designing a drone and I told him that my class was discussing drones. He asked about my class and I told him that we are examining the ethical implications of drone bombing. He said, "I just want to design them, other people decide what to do with them."

                It's that cool detachment that appears to be prevalent in science circles that I don' like.
                I read this post only after directly responding to you.

                Now I know everything I needed to know. It's called "exposure of presumed knowledge", obviously linked with a rather rigid categorization. In my daily life I deal with this kind of pretentiousness on a constant basis. Someone decides what is wrong or what is right for him/her, and judges/addresses the others by that parameter, to the point of attempting to steer them towards their own vision of things.

                "Explain or defend his conception of the cosmos". I can't believe what I'm reading. In the great philosopher John McEnroe's words (*), you cannot be serious. In front of which entity should I "defend" my conception of the cosmos, which is totally irrelevant - like anyone else's - to begin with? In a few decades both of us will be dead, our molecules and respective consciousness entirely transformed into who knows what, and you still think that a miserable human's cosmic conception is trustworthy, and needing to be "explained"? Perhaps by a student (whose theories, incidentally, weigh exactly the same of a professor's conception, provided we're not dealing with unintelligent specimens).

                Good luck with your professional activities, and thanks for trying to teach me a new vocabulary. It might come handy one day to impress younger chicks, one never knows

                (*) It's irony.
                Last edited by Tatabanya; 01-24-2020, 03:44 PM.


                • Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post
                  Funny your should say that about race, because that is the primary accusation loaded onto anyone who criticizes Floyd. They jump right to race. Ironically, it’s Floyd who is the racist but his fans couldn’t be bothered with that.

                  Stop comparing Floyd to brilliant minds. He navigated his career by avoiding the best at their best, never truly proved or tested himself. Always leveraged some sort of advantage and had his share of gifts along the way to help catapult his career and wealth. I don’t dislike Floyd for his antics or arrogance outside the ring, I dislike him because he is an overrated fraud. I’m entitled to that opinion.
                  Well a lot of you people are racist. That’s why race is usually brought up when y’all offer these ridiculous criticisms of Floyd. Nobody takes that “well he avoided the best at their best and never proved himself” bs seriously. Y’all clearly have an ulterior motive to hate on him and the most obvious motive would be race. I joined this site in 2012 and there hasn’t been one day that I’ve come to this site and not seen threads on the front page hating on Floyd trying to discredit his career/legacy. You people spend every day hating on this man and it’s supposedly a coincidence that it’s all the non black people? None of the Floyd hate from non black people is rooted in race and it’s Floyd and his fans who are the actual racists lol?

                  “Don’t talk about race.......but since you brought it up Floyd is the racist”

                  You can have whatever opinion you want, just be honest about it. Y’all don’t judge Mayweather on just his boxing ability and resume. Y’all have personal issues with him that have absolutely nothing to do with boxing.

                  Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
                  Blah Blah Blah indeed...

                  If your notion about advice were true, why do so many athletes go broke? You are naive and think that it is easy to get good, honest people, and that people will listen to these people, yeah right.

                  It is no discredit to athletes to point out when someone is lacking. We all have to contend with such, why not Floyd? And lets see where he is in the years that follow.

                  Sonny Liston was an example of somoene who took a lot of flack, that was cruel, because he was illiterate. Sony also was a very smart individual actually, and just expressed it through his training and understanding. Floyd is not an example of this. floyd looks for the limelight at all times, has a history of doing things that are awful, and not being a very trustworthy sort. Liston had his demons but could be a gracious individual when somoene just did not mistreat him.

                  Floyd's father taught him and brought him up, Liston's father as Sonny famously said "my old man never gave me anything but a beating." Floyd has all the tools he needs to be a decent individual and to live a productive life, he is not a victim because people call him out on his nature.
                  You don’t even understand what this discussion is even about lol. This isn’t about Floyd’s ”nature”. Get someone who can actually read and comprehend what this is about, then try again.

                  You inadvertently prove my point. Many of you are downright ****** yourselves but want to question Floyd’s intelligence. It’s hilarious who people completely divorce themselves from reality when they log online.


                  • Originally posted by Goldie View Post
                    Well a lot of you people are racist. That’s why race is usually brought up when y’all offer these ridiculous criticisms of Floyd. Nobody takes that “well he avoided the best at their best and never proved himself” bs seriously. Y’all clearly have an ulterior motive to hate on him and the most obvious motive would be race. I joined this site in 2012 and there hasn’t been one day that I’ve come to this site and not seen threads on the front page hating on Floyd trying to discredit his career/legacy. You people spend every day hating on this man and it’s supposedly a coincidence that it’s all the non black people? None of the Floyd hate from non black people is rooted in race and it’s Floyd and his fans who are the actual racists lol?

                    “Don’t talk about race.......but since you brought it up Floyd is the racist”

                    You can have whatever opinion you want, just be honest about it. Y’all don’t judge Mayweather on just his boxing ability and resume. Y’all have personal issues with him that have absolutely nothing to do with boxing.

                    You don’t even understand what this discussion is even about lol. This isn’t about Floyd’s ”nature”. Get someone who can actually read and comprehend what this is about, then try again.

                    You inadvertently prove my point. Many of you are downright ****** yourselves but want to question Floyd’s intelligence. It’s hilarious who people completely divorce themselves from reality when they log online.
                    There is no ulterior motive for criticizing Floyd. It's very transparent on my part. I find him to be an overrated, boring fighter. I'm entitled to that opinion as a boxing fan. But, it's cheerleaders such as yourself who expect unconditional praise for your favorite fighter based upon your own personal bias. News flash: Floyd isn't going to add you to his Christmas Card List just because you defend his honor on an internet forum. He wouldn't p i s s on you if you were on fire. He doesn't give two shyts about you or any other fan of the sport. Get over it.


                    • Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post
                      There is no ulterior motive for criticizing Floyd. It's very transparent on my part. I find him to be an overrated, boring fighter. I'm entitled to that opinion as a boxing fan. But, it's cheerleaders such as yourself who expect unconditional praise for your favorite fighter based upon your own personal bias. News flash: Floyd isn't going to add you to his Christmas Card List just because you defend his honor on an internet forum. He wouldn't p i s s on you if you were on fire. He doesn't give two shyts about you or any other fan of the sport. Get over it.
                      Very good post.

                      I can't convince nor waste my time convincing others to like Canelo. Everyone has preference. It's as arbitrary of a waste to convince someone whom is a Nike purist over Adidas or whatever. Who gives a fook. I prefer nationalistic tensions for rivalries vs pulling race cards. For example Brits can't be AJ fans without being called Hearn lovers or racists. This is why many black Brits and their youtube channels aren't LDBC.

                      I also give users benefit of doubt for those whom train or have trained before, or boxed. For example, many don't like Andre Ward's style from the perspective of what they prefer having trained for years. There are basic fundamentals and world styles, but we can't be pulling race cards whenever possible. Then there's personal circumstances for people having lost money at events or betting.

                      For example, is it racist for a casual group having gone to see Floyd vs Ortiz (in a family event or with friends) having spent a holiday budget only to see Floyd KO Ortiz in that manner? Many Floyd fans and even Ortiz fans could've been turned off to that event. THey have every right. Criticize Floyd for that and its automatically racist?

                      At least Canelo ran it back with GGG for those whom felt sour or thought their money was wasted in the first fight. Even if those original attendees didn't trust attending the rematch they at least saw that Canelo showed up in the rematch.

                      In other words GGG is a h0m0***ual and the LDBC are prison lovers

