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Comments Thread For: Showtime's Espinoza: There's Too Much Boxing On TV

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  • Comments Thread For: Showtime's Espinoza: There's Too Much Boxing On TV

    LAS VEGAS As someone who's heavily invested in boxing, Stephen Espinoza is increasingly concerned about some of the sport's troubling trends. One of boxing's most prominent problems, according to the Showtime executive, is relatively new. With so much live boxing available via free TV, basic cable, premium cable and streaming services, Espinoza believes the market has been saturated with entirely too much content.
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  • #2
    And ironically not enough on Showtime


    • #3
      He's just salty that he doesn't control as much of the boxing on TV as he used to.


      • #4
        What an ARSE!!

        Yeah, Badou Jack is top of the line... GTFOH Espinoza, he is just jealous his shows are the minor league games!! I'm loving that I get to watch boxing almost every weekend, sometimes multiple fights... DAZN is killing it so far and a year of that costs $15 more than your wack a$$ Boner vs Pac PPV fight!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by uncle_ray View Post
          And ironically not enough on Showtime
          Beat me to it. Probably thought with HBO gone, Showtime was gonna be top dog for boxing. Then came the competition. Only thing Showtime got better than rest is the announce team. Every other networks' announce team needs real announcers bad. Regardless, the more boxing, the better.


          • #6
            He can thank his buddy Al Haymon for taking all of the PBC fighters from Showtime to Fox.
            Showtime boxing on life support.


            • #7
              "Unless you’re the hardest of hardcore fans, it’s tough to figure out which are the big fights, which are the medium fights, which are prospect fights. You tune in not really knowing what to expect. It’s hard for all of us to sort of remember what platform, what fights, where, what they mean.”

              Can't blame anyone but the commissions and sanctioning bodies that allow this BS. Boxing is the only sport with this problem.


              • #8
                Lol, lost me a Badou Jack. Espinoza really saying people want to see that bum? That's the problem C-level headliners. I don't want to see that bum on tv at all, let alone SHO! GTFOH!!


                • #9
                  He’s single handily combating the problem of too much boxing on TV.


                  • #10
                    Seems like Stephen Espinoza is afraid DAZN and ESPN are gonna run him and Showtime Boxing out of business the same way they ran HBO Boxing out of business...

                    I wonder how the Showtime/PBC nuttriders are gonna spin this??

