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Comments Thread For: James Toney Reflects on Near Brawl With Donald ***** in AC

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  • #31
    A lot of People that call ***** a racist are in fact racists themselves. They either know that and don't care or they are simply not aware of it . People don't like ***** because he has standards and has a tough rule , but he would be tough on anyone , it's not a race thing with him. A ***** hater as a example would rather see a low life defenerate criminal win in court of public opinion than to ever admit ***** was right about something . One thing ***** has done is expose the insanity most people are in prisoned by, completely brain washed puppets who are such cowards they won't speak the truth in fear of how they would be looked at socially . The people who you see continually bash ***** are the biggest examples of these cases , they are extremely cowardly in life so they bash ***** at every chance. The NFL position they took was a disgrace plain and simple , they handled it in he worst way possible. They thought they could ride the anti ***** movement but it backfired on them. To Black people , guess what ? Many black people are racists and hate white people. You can give me every excuse or reason why that is but that is the truth. And many white people are racist against black people. The thing is every race have cultural biases, but only white people get looked at as the racist ones. It has become more and more clear of he anti white agenda has been promoted every where you see in today's modern society. It's too bad that instead of looking at your own cultures problems and try to expose the truth and really be leaders and influencial people you would rather lie to yourself and to others and simply bash ***** for all your problems or blame cops or anything you can point to that will get you victim hood status.

    Please wake up , the hipocracy is very evident here. This is why protests or kneeling for the flag or anything of that nature doesn't have the real impact you would like to see. BECAUSE a lot of people by now see the hipocracy in those views and see that it's a constant state of victim hood that is a danger and burden to your own communities and future . ***** is white so it's easy to bash him , shows you how cowardly all these ***** haters are. Because a non black president would never have been publically bashed constantly by athletes , celebrities , universities , etc the way ***** has been. The real cowards are you , the real racists are you . More and more clear each day (this part is not directly addressed to black people but to most of the ***** haters , especially the horrific white coward progressives).
    Last edited by Thunderous1; 11-26-2017, 09:05 AM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by IronDanHamza View Post

      "He might have ruled the heavyweights." You honestly believe that?
      If you read carefully what I wrote - namely that he could not stop eating - I do mean it. A well-trained Toney would have defeated most heavyweights at that time.

      At cruiser, and he was already getting fat then, he destroyed Vassiliy Jirov who, at that time, was thought of as a beast.

      Basically, Toney's huge talent was diminished by his premature physical decline.


      • #33
        Real talk here and if you do not want to be honest with yourself and tell the truth then you shouldnt try and comment on issues just to start **** or just to hear yourself talk, or rather type I should say because at that point then your nothing but a troll. At any rate what Thunderous said is true. If you call ***** a racist and your being real with yourself its because your a racist and you do not like him because hes white. Years ago, ***** helped black, white, red, brown, you name it hes helped alot of people become millionaires. I didnt agree with ***** at all, and he was my Commander in Chief but I didnt go around calling him a racist or a ****** because I didnt like the guy. Apart from boxing, because I used to buy a bunch of James Toneys pay per views and he was one of my favorite boxers for a time, but apart from boxing, Toney the boxer is a perfect example of a ******* who hates just to hate, he knows deep inside he hates ***** because the dude is white.


        • #34
          so this is what BS does then. takes out the worst race baiting sentences of an amazing interview to get clicks.

          If anyone wants to read the interview its here...


          • #35
            Originally posted by Tatabanya View Post
            If you read carefully what I wrote - namely that he could not stop eating - I do mean it. A well-trained Toney would have defeated most heavyweights at that time.

            At cruiser, and he was already getting fat then, he destroyed Vassiliy Jirov who, at that time, was thought of as a beast.

            Basically, Toney's huge talent was diminished by his premature physical decline.
            He didn't "destroy" Jirov at all. Toney's career is described with nothing more than sheer fantasy.

            Toney's record at HW is garbage. There is absolutely nothing to suggest he could beat most Heavyweights of that time, this time or any time other than sheer fantasy. Completely baseless claim.


            • #36
              Originally posted by KING5TWENTY View Post
              Its so weird the world we live in. I never in my lifetume thought someone as ****** and racist as ***** would become president. Theres a million other words for him
              never did I think that a black panther like you would be mainstream or that a ******ed fat idiot like toney would be taken seriously


              • #37
                Originally posted by IronDanHamza View Post
                He didn't "destroy" Jirov at all. Toney's career is described with nothing more than sheer fantasy.

                Toney's record at HW is garbage. There is absolutely nothing to suggest he could beat most Heavyweights of that time, this time or any time other than sheer fantasy. Completely baseless claim.
                toney was juiced on PEDs when he "beat" Jirov


                • #38
                  Originally posted by T.M.T View Post
                  not stronger that your white races kidnap and murdering child ******ers.not to mention how the whites love to kill their own kids to get back at the other parent over break ups, divorces, and custody battles. Worse race ever.
                  yea and black ***** donors abandon their kids at a 78% rate and they grow up shooting each other. just in Chicongo on a weekend 15-20 shot. put that in your crack pipe and smoke it


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 1mb11 View Post
                    ***** was never a promoter, so you can be sure the rest of story is just as inaccurate. Toney is a has been anyway, why is this news?
                    Thank you for clearing that up. He probably owned the building they fought in, sounds like it was at the ***** Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Just shows how ignorant Toney really is. Wanting to knock someone out because they do not know your name. Toney is kind of like Mayweather, its a good thing boxing is a popular sport in this country because if it wasnt for boxing, then Toney and Mayweather would more than likely be dead, in jail or garbage men. If you think im being racist, then just ask B-hopkins and Tyson and many other boxers what they were doing before boxing. Theres a huge difference between making stuff up to fit your racist ideology and presenting facts and I was only talking facts in those two examples but there are many others with the same story.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by mlac View Post
                      so this is what BS does then. takes out the worst race baiting sentences of an amazing interview to get clicks.

                      If anyone wants to read the interview its here...
                      When talking about James Toney, the words "amazing" and "interview" should NEVER be used in the same sentence. Rid**** Bowe, Floyd and Holyfield are more articulate and intellectual than Toney is when it comes to interviews.

