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Franchise Champion - 20,000+ posts  46345
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Joined: 10-02-2009
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  • Except it demonstrably wasn’t as I’ve just said, the post history on here is public. It’s very easily verifiable by one 5 second search.

    You can’t run your fantasy land narrative here I’m afraid. Those pesky things called facts get in the way.

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  • I’m confused what are you comparing it to? Mayweather?

    I also think it’s very silly to say Crawford, a 3 weight Lineal and 2 weight Lineal champion has fought no one....
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  • Ok. And? This is one thread you moron.

    Barely any of my posts are regarding Floyd and that is a demonstrable fact.

    Unlike yours that are 90+% regarding Floyd. Also a demonstrable fact.

    Again, those fact things....
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  • He literally refused the terms you dumb cunt.

    If you can’t understand that at this point your pea brain never will....
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  • Posts are public on this website you twat.

    It’s easily provable by my post history. Whereby barely any of my posts are about Floyd whereas demonstrably over 90% of yours are.

    Those pesky facts again....
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  • Oh so now the time frame matters But not when Pacquauo refused the terms to then accept them later when it was publicly off the table,

    Are you listening to yourself? That is overt hypocrisy. Do you know that word?...
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    travestyny travestyny likes this.

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  • Oh right Freddie Roach admitting it was their fault it void now. He said this years ago by the way. At this point you’ll just literally move the goalpost in any direction to support your fantasy narrative.

    Do yourself a favour and just kill yourself end your pathetic life mate....
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  • Freddie Roach literally admitted on camera that the first negotiation falling through was their fault

    These people just simply don’t live in reality. They’re happier in their make believe worlds....
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  • He ended up accepting it without a cut off at all you fckin moron ...
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    travestyny travestyny likes this.

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  • Weird thing to do when you’ve lost 13 times and been absolutely battered in many of those losses.
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  • No, he didn’t accept it. He rejected it.

    If you can’t get your head around that then I don’t know what else to tell you.

    You thick cunt....
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  • No it doesn’t...
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  • I have it. Had it for about 30 years now (knowingly)

    Terrible to live with but you just have to deal with it.
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  • Mate, the comments are public There’s only 200 odd of them.

    I’ve literally read them all. Only one comment mentions it. Which is probably you

    You are a proper fckin weirdo....
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  • If he can still compete at the top level then why not?
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  • I thought Kabayl schooled him, and he was massive favourite in that.

    He gave the others decent fights.

    Price was shot so not much to say about that, Takam battered him but he pulled a KO out of no where and Pulev I thought he probably lost aswell.

    I personally...
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  • There is literally one comment on there of what you’re referring to.

    You have obviously made this whole story up Like I said you need to get a life asap....
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  • What do you mean by “same stuff”?...
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  • I respect all fighters at the base of it.

    And I don’t blame him for fighting.

    I just can’t understand how anyone would be a fan of him but different strokes for different folks I guess....
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  • Always thought he was a muppet yeah but didn’t mind him as much until he constantly just kept getting big fights for no reason and getting battered in most of them....
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    champion4ever champion4ever likes this.

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