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Comments Thread For: Pacquiao Sides With Philippines President Against Barack *****

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  • #51
    Originally posted by Adam Kirchstein View Post
    Hey he's exercising his 5th ********* rights! Cops do have a bad problem with police brutality against **********, he just wants his voice heard that's all.
    that's pretty awesome..............I heard he went to court and plead the 1st as well...


    • #52
      Originally posted by PunchyPotorff View Post
      Originally Posted by PunchyPotorff View Post
      Uh, yeah we DO know about drug wars. Anyone remember Miami in the 80s? That's just ONE example. And no, sorry bubba, very few unjustified killings by cops... even though there are stacks of *** saying otherwise, protesting before an investigation has even started, throwing rocks and bottles at cops, blocking roads keeping me from getting to work etc etc. Get your facts straight, THEN comment. That's how it works.

      Yep. Instant justice doesn't work, never did, never will. Have to have the rule of law, properly carried out.


      I like Pac as a boxer, but he needs to shut up regarding politics and social commentary altogether. The guy is clueless on all of that.

      It was the rule of law that cleaned up Miami, not the type 'justice' the Philippines prez advocates. As for your other comment, Eric Garner case is one of very few where the cop was at fault, Trayvon Martin also. Michael Brown case, all the witnesses disagreed. The guy recently who was reaching for his gun when he was shot: His fault he's dead, just like Brown. See, if you do some research, unbiased research, you'd see the vast majority of cops are legit, and the vast majority of shootings were justified. EVERY group has some rogues here and there. And there's no evidence cops have a higher percentage than any other group.
      The problem is that when you're in an organization in which you must have your partner's back in good times and in bad times, there are very few times that the "good" will do the right thing and turn on those "few bad apples," and we know what happens when you have a "few bad apples!" Look at Charleston, SC. The white cop blatantly shot a black man in the back. Then a Black cop showed up and his words were "I got your back." Then they proceeded to plant evidence to make the black man appear to be armed. That Black cop is now a criminal, just like the cop who shot the man. Would you have the courage to tell on your partner? Will there be justice? Time will tell! There has never been a white police officer that has been convicted for the murder of a black man in the history of South Carolina. Maybe technology (it's on video) will change all that?


      • #53
        Originally posted by Bronx2245 View Post
        The problem is that when you're in an organization in which you must have your partner's back in good times and in bad times, there are very few times that the "good" will do the right thing and turn on those "few bad apples," and we know what happens when you have a "few bad apples!" Look at Charleston, SC. The white cop blatantly shot a black man in the back. Then a Black cop showed up and his words were "I got your back." Then they proceeded to plant evidence to make the black man appear to be armed. That Black cop is now a criminal, just like the cop who shot the man. Would you have the courage to tell on your partner? Will there be justice? Time will tell! There has never been a white police officer that has been convicted for the murder of a black man in the history of South Carolina. Maybe technology (it's on video) will change all that?
        Like I said, yes, there are bad cops, and of course, some cops cover for dirty cops... making 2 dirty cops. But when *** pre-judge a cop, hours after a shooting, not even waiting for the investigation to begin... and then after it's proven the cop was in the right... yet *** refuses to believe it... that's a problem too. No easy solutions, but taking the attitude many *** take that cops are randomly killing blacks for no good reason, that's just incorrect. It isn't random, it rarely happens where the cop was wrong. I used to think there were more rogue cops than just the small amount there are in reality. Then I did some research. I hear what you're saying though. Cops do need body cameras.


        • #54
          Originally posted by Luilun View Post
          ***** is a worthless douchebag who's destroying our country from the inside. ***** will have a big mess after ***** and Micheal Lavugn Robinson leave the White House
          LOL that idiot ***** would only make it worse! I cant stand how some are supporting that idiot.


          • #55
            Originally posted by Tobi.G View Post
            LOL that idiot ***** would only make it worse! I cant stand how some are supporting that idiot.
            I'm supporting him and hope he wins to piss off Black-America.


            • #56
              Originally posted by Tobi.G View Post
              LOL that idiot ***** would only make it worse! I cant stand how some are supporting that idiot.
              Originally posted by PunchyPotorff View Post
              Like I said, yes, there are bad cops, and of course, some cops cover for dirty cops... making 2 dirty cops. But when *** pre-judge a cop, hours after a shooting, not even waiting for the investigation to begin... and then after it's proven the cop was in the right... yet *** refuses to believe it... that's a problem too. No easy solutions, but taking the attitude many *** take that cops are randomly killing blacks for no good reason, that's just incorrect. It isn't random, it rarely happens where the cop was wrong. I used to think there were more rogue cops than just the small amount there are in reality. Then I did some research. I hear what you're saying though. Cops do need body cameras.
              #BlackLivesMatter = Anti-White Program


              • #57
                Originally Posted by PunchyPotorff View Post
                Like I said, yes, there are bad cops, and of course, some cops cover for dirty cops... making 2 dirty cops. But when *** pre-judge a cop, hours after a shooting, not even waiting for the investigation to begin... and then after it's proven the cop was in the right... yet *** refuses to believe it... that's a problem too. No easy solutions, but taking the attitude many *** take that cops are randomly killing blacks for no good reason, that's just incorrect. It isn't random, it rarely happens where the cop was wrong. I used to think there were more rogue cops than just the small amount there are in reality. Then I did some research. I hear what you're saying though. Cops do need body cameras.

                Originally posted by royjonesjrKTFO View Post
                #BlackLivesMatter = Anti-White Program
                In many ways, that's true. May not be their 'official' stance, but many in their organization have that agenda. And I use the term 'organization' very loosely.... because if the agenda is to get people to listen to their crusade... yet they block the malls and the airport in MN at Christmas time, throw rocks and bottles at cops in Atlanta... the same cops who would take a bullet to protect them... block the roads so we can't get to work... start riots and looting before the verdict is in, on a cop shooting a known criminal who was going for his gun... jump on stage and take over a Bernie rally when he's worked for racial equality his entire career.... there's really not much thought or organization to the 'movement', and so not many will come over to their side on the issues.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by Tobi.G View Post
                  LOL that idiot ***** would only make it worse! I cant stand how some are supporting that idiot.
                  Worst thats funny ***** by far is the worst we have had added 10 Trillion to the debt, destroyed our Healthcare system, left the Middle eat in a complete mess added more people like you to the Welfare rolls


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by deathofaclown View Post
                    What people must realise is the Pacquiao you know is probably all an act. He probably absolutely hates USA and hates the culture. He put on that smiling nice guy act to squeeze money out of dumb americans while spending their money on impregnating hookers.

                    Once he retires from the sport and doesn't need their money anymore, you will see the real Manny Pacquiao. He's already been showing it now he's on his way out of boxing with his real views on *******uals being worse than animals and all that stuff. This is probably the tip of the iceberg on his real feelings.

                    I'm not saying i even disagree or agree with him, but now you're seeing what he really is all about.

                    I actually respect him more now he's being open, because it was obvious that nice family man christian act was exactly that, an act.
                    Pac does not hate America and American culture. He went to the White house with his wife to take a picture with *****. He takes his family to Disney land and he brings his kids to watch NBA games. He also wouldn't buy a house in Cali and live in it for months at a time if he hated the country so much.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by Mpower View Post
                      Lol Manny.

                      Whilst it wasn't diplomatic I really don't see the problem with calling Baracks mum a whore as she clearly was.

                      Bit obvious the general American population would disagree with them as since moving to the USA everyone seems to think criminals shouldn't be bothered by the law. Odd bunch.
                      And you're clearly an impotent douche bag

