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So it's ok for Wilder to not fight Povetkin. But you are also against Joshua right?

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  • #81
    Originally posted by VatoMulatto View Post
    I wish people would stop thinking they can look at an athletes body and know for a fact he's using illegal stuff. You can be super ripped and clean and fat as **** and a cheater. This is what James Toney looked like in his fight against John Ruiz when Toney was on anabolic steroids.

    How ignorant you are. Do you really think that using steroids alone will make you skinny? will make you lose weight like that? if that was the case, fat people would take steroids and period.

    We all know that steroids won't make you skinny. Having low fat % is mostly hard work, correct diet, exercise, etc. Steroids do help a bit in lowering fat, but not at the level of making you lose 20 or 30 pounds. Those fat asses are taking steroids and are also not training properly.

    Did you see Berto fat when he tested positive? did you see Peterson fat when he tested positive? no... so???


    • #82
      Originally posted by aldo5408 View Post
      Hey bro do you think fury is on PEDS? He looks fat and out of shape
      Being out of shape has nothing to do with Steroids. They are out of shape because they are lazy bastards that eat a lot between fights and doesn't train.

      You can be fat and take steroids and gain help with them.
      You can be skinny and take steroids and gain help with them.

      I think maybe he is, maybe not. He doesn't look as muscular as Wlad but he has some muscles that could mean he's taking them. Not because those muscles would be impossible to gain without steroids, but because he seems to be very lazy to do the hard work you need to earn those naturally.


      • #83
        Originally posted by larryxxx... View Post
        Man that is a down right horrible photoshop
        It was taken at the Anthony Joshua VS Dennis Bakhtov weigh in.

        Simply put that into Google images and you'll see the exact same photos from about one hundred different angles.

        I also took the image straight from The Daily Mirror's website. So there's no way it's photoshopped. As I said, he's abusing the hell outta growth hormone.


        • #84
          Originally posted by _Maxi View Post
          How ignorant you are. Do you really think that using steroids alone will make you skinny? will make you lose weight like that? if that was the case, fat people would take steroids and period.

          We all know that steroids won't make you skinny. Having low fat % is mostly hard work, correct diet, exercise, etc. Steroids do help a bit in lowering fat, but not at the level of making you lose 20 or 30 pounds. Those fat asses are taking steroids and are also not training properly.

          Did you see Berto fat when he tested positive? did you see Peterson fat when he tested positive? no... so???
          What the hell are you talking about? Did you even read my post?? People are quick to assume a ripped athlete is using roids while a fat athlete will never get accused of juicing. My point is stop judging based on their physique because in most cases it's impossible to tell who's dirty and who's clean.


          • #85
            Originally posted by motivational View Post
            I already had a large debate with about five different users about it. Four of them have stopped arguing since I refuted everything they said. If you want to see the argument, read through the thread below. I wont argue about whether his body can be achieved naturally or not since I've already had that argument in the other thread.


            Anthony Joshua looked like an average guy at eighteen and now he looks like superman. It doesn't take much intelligence to connect the dots.

            I'd prefer to use this photo. It shows his HGH gut a lot better. If you believe that a natural human abdominal looks like that, you're a fool. It's one of the first signs of HGH abuse and it ties in very well with him being 6'6.

            And Steve plunger

            We've already had this argument, leave it alone unless you want to comment back on the other thread. I've also commented on lots of different threads about training and nutrition and helped a lot of people so far. It wasn't my fault you kept replying to the thread.
            I'm not a fool but I think you're a bit crazy when you claim to be 100% sure that AJ is a drug cheat.

            I still want you to answer my simple question, yes or no. Is it possible in your opinion to get a body like this without taking steroids...yes or no.


            • #86
              Originally posted by VatoMulatto View Post
              What the hell are you talking about? Did you even read my post?? People are quick to assume a ripped athlete is using roids while a fat athlete will never get accused of juicing. My point is stop judging based on their physique because in most cases it's impossible to tell who's dirty and who's clean.
              No, you can tell by physique. That someone's fat can be natural. That someone has put 20 lbs of pure muscle from sunday to monday is not natural.


              • #87
                Originally posted by _Maxi View Post
                No, you can tell by physique. That someone's fat can be natural. That someone has put 20 lbs of pure muscle from sunday to monday is not natural.
                In most cases you can't tell that's why people shouldn't be so quick to take for granted that someone is a drug cheat. So many people see a ripped physique and start talking about he must be juicing, that happens all the time and it's quite annoying.


                • #88
                  Maxi you have some of the. Worst logic on this site Jesus Christ. Yea Joshua looks like he's on something but what point are you trying to make? That no one should fight him?


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by CatchweightKing View Post
                    what point are you trying to make? That no one should fight him?
                    2 days and 9 pages later, I'm still asking WTF his question was. It seems we've established that even fat guys can be on the junk and being skinny is hard work. Fantastic, now what is the relationship between Povetkin and Joshua proposed in the title? Maxi, please clarify.


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by Redd Foxx View Post
                      2 days and 9 pages later, I'm still asking WTF his question was. It seems we've established that even fat guys can be on the junk and being skinny is hard work. Fantastic, now what is the relationship between Povetkin and Joshua proposed in the title? Maxi, please clarify.
                      That Joshua, Wlad, Wilder, they are all on roids even though they pass the tests.

