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Comments Thread For: Merchant Gives His Take on Mayweather IV Scandal

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  • The reason NSAC say no investigation is warranted really just proves that they are in this corruption & conspiracy up to there asses themselves.
    A fighter has ILLEGAL EXCESSIVE amount of saline drip secretly in his won home. Gets caught red handed. Then he applies to NSAC for a TUE for the treatment 19 days AFTER he received it & the NSAC grant him the TUE..
    Vegas is a **** NEST of Corruption Even a blind man can see that


    • Originally posted by CJRock View Post
      The reason NSAC say no investigation is warranted really just proves that they are in this corruption & conspiracy up to there asses themselves.
      A fighter has ILLEGAL EXCESSIVE amount of saline drip secretly in his won home. Gets caught red handed. Then he applies to NSAC for a TUE for the treatment 19 days AFTER he received it & the NSAC grant him the TUE..
      Vegas is a **** NEST of Corruption Even a blind man can see that
      this one takes the cake.

      - End thread -


      • Originally posted by CJRock View Post
        The reason NSAC say no investigation is warranted really just proves that they are in this corruption & conspiracy up to there asses themselves.
        A fighter has ILLEGAL EXCESSIVE amount of saline drip secretly in his won home. Gets caught red handed. Then he applies to NSAC for a TUE for the treatment 19 days AFTER he received it & the NSAC grant him the TUE..
        Vegas is a **** NEST of Corruption Even a blind man can see that
        So when they cleared Manny that was wrong too .

        Youre like a fella down the coffee shop complaining about whats on the front page of the tabloids , even the way you word your post you dont even know wtf youre on about .

        Ive got 10 bags of Hartmens solution in my fridge for animals , you can buy it on line for $4 a bag , this is no big deal you idiots are sucking Hauser off because you dont know anything about this stuff so you think its a Watergate conspiracy , youre just hate driven pig ignorant sheep blowing *****ets .


        • Originally posted by aboutfkntime View Post
          STOP !

          Back the truck up.

          Look what happens when I change the word Toradol, to Mayweather, in your post.....

          So USADA/NSAC are a relevant enough authority to comment on Toradol, but not on Mayweather?

          Dude, your post above is correct imho, but you used USADA/NSAC authority to justify Toradol use, but not a TUE ?

          If USADA are credible enough to use as justification for Toradol, then they are credible enough to comment on Mayweathers TUE.
          USADA and NSAC are using a 3rd party source for toradol and that is a ton of medical literature (which is available for anyone to see) that it is an NSAID which at this and that time is not illegal to use.

          Have you seen their justification for Mayweather's retroactive TUE?


          • Originally posted by justicia liga View Post
            USADA and NSAC are using a 3rd party source for toradol and that is a ton of medical literature (which is available for anyone to see) that it is an NSAID which at this and that time is not illegal to use.

            Have you seen their justification for Mayweather's retroactive TUE?
            Did you read this about Toradol ? if so and you want more I can find a lot more if you want , do you want me to explain to the circumstantial evidence that clearly suggests Manny has been using Toradol since 2009 .

            Can you show me a single blood test result from Manny from 2009 - 2015 if not why cant you ?

            Was Manny even tested before the Mayweather fight if so , show me the result of the Rios and Algieri blood tests or its all BS .


            The latest salvo in the “Questionable Performance Enhancing Drug” storyline in today’s professional baseball landscape was this interesting statement from Jonathan Papelbon last week; he and other Boston teammates frequently were injected with the drug Toradol by team doctors when they were feeling “run-down” or overly fatigued in order to get a quick pick-me-up for a game. Apparently Toradol had the effect of giving players a four hour window of feeling “pretty damn good” and it was used by a portion of the Boston clubhouse. Its also in use in many other clubhouses (though apparently not in Philadelphia, who told Papelbon his Toradol days were over).

            Ok, how is Toradol not a Performance Enhancing Drug? It certainly seems to qualify based on WADA’s “Three Criteria” for PEDs:
            1.The capacity to enhance performance (clearly, as discussed by Papelbon)
            2.Use can result in negative health consequences (absolutely; Jon Lester suffered some of them and had a serious internal bleeding issue, and now Boston is reportedly reviewing its use of the drug)
            3.Violate the spirit of sports. (opinion based .. but after reading what Toradol can do, how can you NOT argue that its use violates the “spirit of sports?”)


            In an intriguing feature included in tonight’s new Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO, 10o p.m. ET/PT), Andrea Kremer explores the NFL’s “magic potion” that “masks pain from head to toe.”

            The wonder drug goes by the name of Toradol. It’s not a narcotic, it’s not addictive, it’s legal to use.
            And plenty of players are using it.

            Former NFL center Jeremy Newberry tells Kremer that, when he played for the 49ers, players lined up for a dose of Toradol before games. “I’ve seen lines of 20 or 30 of them standing there waiting for a shot,” Newberry.


            But the Super Bowl? With little hesitance, Holt asked for and received a Toradol shot.

            "I felt like new money," Holt said. "You get that shot and you feel like you're 18, 19 years old. It's like a sheet of armor. I was a new man."
            Several hours later, after making seven catches for 109 yards, including a 9-yard touchdown grab, Holt was also a Super Bowl champion with the Rams edging the Titans 23-16.

            Everything about the day felt great. Until the Toradol faded.
            "It was very, very, very painful once that medication wore off," Holt said. "When you get that Toradol shot, you feel like you have a whole new body on you.


            • Originally posted by Reloaded View Post
              Did you read this about Toradol ? if so and you want more I can find a lot more if you want , do you want me to explain to the circumstantial evidence that clearly suggests Manny has been using Toradol since 2009 .

              Can you show me a single blood test result from Manny from 2009 - 2015 if not why cant you ?

              Was Manny even tested before the Mayweather fight if so , show me the result of the Rios and Algieri blood tests or its all BS .


              The latest salvo in the “Questionable Performance Enhancing Drug” storyline in today’s professional baseball landscape was this interesting statement from Jonathan Papelbon last week; he and other Boston teammates frequently were injected with the drug Toradol by team doctors when they were feeling “run-down” or overly fatigued in order to get a quick pick-me-up for a game. Apparently Toradol had the effect of giving players a four hour window of feeling “pretty damn good” and it was used by a portion of the Boston clubhouse. Its also in use in many other clubhouses (though apparently not in Philadelphia, who told Papelbon his Toradol days were over).

              Ok, how is Toradol not a Performance Enhancing Drug? It certainly seems to qualify based on WADA’s “Three Criteria” for PEDs:
              1.The capacity to enhance performance (clearly, as discussed by Papelbon)
              2.Use can result in negative health consequences (absolutely; Jon Lester suffered some of them and had a serious internal bleeding issue, and now Boston is reportedly reviewing its use of the drug)
              3.Violate the spirit of sports. (opinion based .. but after reading what Toradol can do, how can you NOT argue that its use violates the “spirit of sports?”)


              In an intriguing feature included in tonight’s new Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO, 10o p.m. ET/PT), Andrea Kremer explores the NFL’s “magic potion” that “masks pain from head to toe.”

              The wonder drug goes by the name of Toradol. It’s not a narcotic, it’s not addictive, it’s legal to use.
              And plenty of players are using it.

              Former NFL center Jeremy Newberry tells Kremer that, when he played for the 49ers, players lined up for a dose of Toradol before games. “I’ve seen lines of 20 or 30 of them standing there waiting for a shot,” Newberry.


              But the Super Bowl? With little hesitance, Holt asked for and received a Toradol shot.

              "I felt like new money," Holt said. "You get that shot and you feel like you're 18, 19 years old. It's like a sheet of armor. I was a new man."
              Several hours later, after making seven catches for 109 yards, including a 9-yard touchdown grab, Holt was also a Super Bowl champion with the Rams edging the Titans 23-16.

              Everything about the day felt great. Until the Toradol faded.
              "It was very, very, very painful once that medication wore off," Holt said. "When you get that Toradol shot, you feel like you have a whole new body on you.

              Toradol is a member of a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

              Medical Definition of nonsteroidal: of, relating to, or being a compound and especially a drug that is not a steroid.

              And for the record, PED use is rampant in the NFL. Those players taking toradol are most likely on variety of real PEDs, they wouldn't be able to tell you which one was causing them to feel like "new money".


              • [
                Originally posted by IR0NFIST View Post

                And for the record, PED use is rampant in the NFL. Those players taking toradol are most likely on variety of real PEDs, they wouldn't be able to tell you which one was causing them to feel like "new money".

                So Manny wouldnt be on PEDS like the NFL players would he because his sht dont stink does it ? its really funny how you ignore what they say and add your own interpretation to it , thats a pattern Manny fans all seem to have , spin it around and around lol .

                You got any blood test results showing the levels from Manny between 2009-2015 , Id like to see them .

                Was Manny even blood tested before the Mayweather fight , very odd you cant find them anywhere .


                • Originally posted by radioraheem View Post
                  It's not a matter of being right, I'm not arguing. It's just a reported fact that they all had failed URINE samples. You can do the research and you'll find this out too.
                  I can hear a frantic tone in the things they write, begging anyone to take up the cross with then. Kinda like those extreme catholic guys who whip the skin off their backs, and hung on a wooden cross.

                  This is their cross to bear, in the name of their father bob arum, his son PAC, and ....his fanatic fans.

                  Extreme hero worship.


                  • Originally posted by CJRock View Post
                    Larry Merchant has forgotten more about boxing than most of you guys dissing him will ever know. He was right on the money about Mayweather I agree with the poster that said " Larry did kick Mayweather's ass didn't need to be 50 yrs younger" ROFL
                    I was ridiculed myself years ago when I posted about the corruption in Vegas concerning Mayweather but todays events have proved my su****ions were probably spot on
                    Mayweather's career is a FRAUD! & FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    the reason i did not buy the floyd fights, even the one vs pac is that floyd only needs to last the distance and the powers that be in vegas will make sure floyd's arms will be raised in triumph...

                    floyd is vegas' cash cow...

                    the nsac, usada and the casinos will not be happy with floyd losing his 0...

                    so, they have to allow him all the advantages, look the other way, if need be..

                    vegas, the city of entertainment, needs to protect the tbe - the best entertainer!


                    • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                      I can hear a frantic tone in the things they write, begging anyone to take up the cross with then. Kinda like those extreme catholic guys who whip the skin off their backs, and hung on a wooden cross.

                      This is their cross to bear, in the name of their father bob arum, his son PAC, and ....his fanatic fans.

                      Extreme hero worship.
                      as i may repeat, this thread is about the iv scandal...

                      you guys continue to harp about toradol that is very irrelevant to the topic at deflect the heat away from your tbe...

                      Extreme hero worship.

