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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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  • Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post

    "There's nothing humorous about a far reaching conspiracy involving all levels of government orchestrated by none other than Mayweather. His abilities are so far reaching and destructive that even in retirement his pernicious powers of corruption and persuasion are still in place. Don't you see, he hasn't actually retired?!?!? He's still pulling the strings, he's still at it! Imagine what Mayweather did to the Philippines repeated on a global scale?!?!? He'll destroy us all if he isn't stopped!!!!"[/CENTER]
    Yup, you are so so right. YOU TELLL THEM. Not possible, it never happened before ..... oh wait, it can and did happen before ...... never mind!!!

    - "doctors helped Lance Armstrong by giving retroactive prescriptions when Lance took something that was in the prohibited list"
    - "above was acceptable reason for the positive test. That is, the positive test was thrown under the rug."

    - "doctors smuggled and gave Lance IVs to mask PEDs."

    - "Lance used delaying tactics to avoid or delay testing."

    - "Lance paid off competitors to win races"

    - "The director of the drug testing laboratory in Lausanne told him he provided Armstrong and his team manager, Johan Bruyneel, with information to avoid positive tests for the key blood-boosting agent EPO. "

    - "The above meeting occurred the year after Armstrong had provided a suspect sample"

    - "UCI accepted a £125,000 donation from Armstrong to cover up those tests above."


    - "There is no will by ALL the participants" -WADA president

    The above line was to indicate that the testing labs, UCI, doctors, teammates, competitors, and so on had no will to do anything against Lance Armstrong for various reasons. Mainly money and also not to blemish the sport of cycling since Lance Armstrong was the top cyclist in the world.

    Who is the UCI?
    "Is the world governing body for sports cycling and oversees international competitive cycling events."

    Yet Floyd fans keep on saying "It can't happen"

    Last edited by ADP02; 11-21-2015, 03:01 PM.


    • Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post

      "Indubitably, yes a scratch and sniff attractant based on the scent of Mayweather's balls. Yes, I believe it could work and we could arrange to have the liquid form of his sweat pumped into their water supply. The plan is developing so quickly now, we just might be responsible for saving the Philippines...."
      Rath & spoon need to share some Floyd Nut Sac weed. Help them clear up their PAC delusions. PAC lost. He lost. He just lost... Let him fail in peace... Let it go... Let it go. The cold never bothered Floyd anyway.

      On a different note, I pounded too many Filipinas. They took my best, and unlike PAC, it was good enough. Might have some more Mini Zaroku on the way. At least I will pay to support mine.


      • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
        Yup, you are so so right. YOU TELLL THEM. Not possible, it never happened before ..... oh wait, it can and did happen before ...... never mind!!!

        - "doctors helped Lance Armstrong by giving retroactive prescriptions when Lance took something that was in the prohibited list"
        - "above was acceptable reason for the positive test. That is, the positive test was thrown under the rug."

        - "doctors smuggled and gave Lance IVs to mask PEDs."

        - "Lance used delaying tactics to avoid or delay testing."

        - "Lance paid off competitors to win races"

        - "The director of the drug testing laboratory in Lausanne told him he provided Armstrong and his team manager, Johan Bruyneel, with information to avoid positive tests for the key blood-boosting agent EPO. "

        - "The above meeting occurred the year after Armstrong had provided a suspect sample"

        - "UCI accepted a £125,000 donation from Armstrong to cover up those tests above."


        - "There is no will by ALL the participants" -WADA president

        The above line was to indicate that the testing labs, UCI, doctors, teammates, competitors, and so on had no will to do anything against Lance Armstrong for various reasons. Mainly money and also not to blemish the sport of cycling since Lance Armstrong was the top cyclist in the world.

        Who is the UCI?
        "Is the world governing body for sports cycling and oversees international competitive cycling events."

        Yet Floyd fans keep on saying "It can't happen"
        You figured out everything.
        Lance & Floyd are the same person.

        Floyd & Lance hurt you badly. Give yourself a pat on the head, you have done your best. You have.

        Let it go... Let it go...... Nothing will happen anywY.


        • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
          You figured out everything.
          Lance & Floyd are the same person.

          Floyd & Lance hurt you badly. Give yourself a pat on the head, you have done your best. You have.

          Let it go... Let it go...... Nothing will happen anywY.
          Nobody hurt anybody.

          I get why Floyd fans are reacting the way they are. Because they are Floyd's fans but there is a point that one needs to step back and look at it objectively. Instead, most have reacted just like Armstrong fans. Go back and check it out. History is repeating itself in more ways than people think.

          Actually, this Floyd IV scandal had just started and the Floyd fans reacted the way they are reacting now. They want it to go away so they deflect from the actual topic/discussions. Its easy to see.

          As for letting it go, Lance Armstrong's case went on for a long, long time. Not just a few months. Be patient. I am. I'm still waiting for a good response instead of all these deflections from Floyd's fans.

          You should be on my side on this one. Did you ever see a reasonable objective response from a Floyd fan on this topic? Why an investigation is not warranted? Where is their evidence. We have listed quite a few against Floyd.


          • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Nobody hurt anybody.

            I get why Floyd fans are reacting the way they are. Because they are Floyd's fans but there is a point that one needs to step back and look at it objectively. Instead, most have reacted just like Armstrong fans. Go back and check it out. History is repeating itself in more ways than people think.

            Actually, this Floyd IV scandal had just started and the Floyd fans reacted the way they are reacting now. They want it to go away so they deflect from the actual topic/discussions. Its easy to see.

            As for letting it go, Lance Armstrong's case went on for a long, long time. Not just a few months. Be patient. I am. I'm still waiting for a good response instead of all these deflections from Floyd's fans.

            You should be on my side on this one. Did you ever see a reasonable objective response from a Floyd fan on this topic? Why an investigation is not warranted? Where is their evidence. We have listed quite a few against Floyd.

            I am not against you. But Lance & Floyd have different reporting lines. Floyd is not a sponsor for any federal government organization. He is not under any investigation. Even if people came forward and said he was on PEDs nothing would change.

            Please, please understand that because Lance represented the post office his situation is completely different from Floyd's.
            State law vs federal law.


            • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Yup, you are so so right. YOU TELLL THEM. Not possible, it never happened before ..... oh wait, it can and did happen before ...... never mind!!!

              - "doctors helped Lance Armstrong by giving retroactive prescriptions when Lance took something that was in the prohibited list"
              - "above was acceptable reason for the positive test. That is, the positive test was thrown under the rug."

              - "doctors smuggled and gave Lance IVs to mask PEDs."

              - "Lance used delaying tactics to avoid or delay testing."

              - "Lance paid off competitors to win races"

              - "The director of the drug testing laboratory in Lausanne told him he provided Armstrong and his team manager, Johan Bruyneel, with information to avoid positive tests for the key blood-boosting agent EPO. "

              - "The above meeting occurred the year after Armstrong had provided a suspect sample"

              - "UCI accepted a £125,000 donation from Armstrong to cover up those tests above."


              - "There is no will by ALL the participants" -WADA president

              The above line was to indicate that the testing labs, UCI, doctors, teammates, competitors, and so on had no will to do anything against Lance Armstrong for various reasons. Mainly money and also not to blemish the sport of cycling since Lance Armstrong was the top cyclist in the world.

              Who is the UCI?
              "Is the world governing body for sports cycling and oversees international competitive cycling events."

              Yet Floyd fans keep on saying "It can't happen"

              Don't you understand why I'm so compelled to mock you cats? All you do is repeat the same information hoping someone will listen the damning conclusions you've arrived at. Dude, look around, you're all by yourself getting harassed daily in this lone thread.

              Anyway, carry on.....

              Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
              Rath & spoon need to share some Floyd Nut Sac weed. Help them clear up their PAC delusions. PAC lost. He lost. He just lost... Let him fail in peace... Let it go... Let it go. The cold never bothered Floyd anyway.

              On a different note, I pounded too many Filipinas. They took my best, and unlike PAC, it was good enough. Might have some more Mini Zaroku on the way. At least I will pay to support mine.
              Those guys need to live a fortnight with Beiber and Mayweather. Heh, not that it wouldn't change much, it would probably only inflame them more.

              Ha ha ha doesn't PAC support his kids through tithes and offerings doe?


              • Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post
                Don't you understand why I'm so compelled to mock you cats? All you do is repeat the same information hoping someone will listen the damning conclusions you've arrived at. Dude, look around, you're all by yourself getting harassed daily in this lone thread.

                Anyway, carry on.....

                Those guys need to live a fortnight with Beiber and Mayweather. Heh, not that it wouldn't change much, it would probably only inflame them more.

                Ha ha ha doesn't PAC support his kids through tithes and offerings doe?

                I won't be sued for child support. I take care of mine. PAC is an axx clown. He lost and lied, made excuses. I don't fault him for having extra marital relations. He & I are both *******s in that way. But I pay for mine. I see kids in the streets here selling flowers, gum & candy. Where are their dad's? My daughter Chloe is envied because she has a dad who pays the bills. These dudes here, are hit & run specialists. Create a kid, run away.

                I told my girlfriends here, make me President of this country and I will fix that shyt. Giant prison, no child support = prison, free incarceration & daily axx whippings. Bring in companies to hire these Lazy Lothario's , pay them a fair wage, give it to their kids, problem solved. My girl friends love my clear platform. One stick of dynamite up your axx if you don't support your children.

                I would have a weekly show with me lighting the dynamite for fools who got out of line.. If you could see the amount of pain caused by clowns who hit and run.

                Btw, I arrived at my home in Makati and found 3 additional kids there, my woman said they had no place to go. I said, "mi casa es su casa."

                I am pissed beyond reason now. I am now father to mine, & 3 others. It is easy to get ****** in, and I don't mind at all.


                • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                  I am not against you. But Lance & Floyd have different reporting lines. Floyd is not a sponsor for any federal government organization. He is not under any investigation. Even if people came forward and said he was on PEDs nothing would change.

                  Please, please understand that because Lance represented the post office his situation is completely different from Floyd's.
                  State law vs federal law.
                  No 2 situations are the exact same but there are definite similarities. So that should be used and compared instead of closing our eyes.

                  The difference is that for Lance, the people close to the issue were are OK with hiding it under the rug. USADA was looking more from the outside and not really part of that inner circle. That is, Lance's big events were in Europe (Tour de France). So that is where the big money was at.

                  For Floyd, USADA was working hand in hand with Floyd in agreeing to shady wordings in the contract vs Manny. USADA was there when Floyd used delay tactics in providing a urine sample on more than one occasion. That is a red flag. Delay tactics can be considered an anti-Doping Rule Violation.

                  So it appears that if there were to be an investigation, USADA would not be the right people to do it. They are part of the "inner circle". Not saying that all people who work for USADA but like NSAC said, "There are enough incidence that one can longer call it just an anomaly"

                  As I stated in previous posts, an investigation could have and should have happened with Floyd. It does not have to be because "who the sponsors were". That was just so they can give a reason as to why they can do an investigation that is outside of their jurisdiction.
                  Floyd's case is easier to investigate than Lance's situation. Floyd signed a pre-fight form and didn't state that he had any medical problems, IVs, and how he was taking his vitamins. NSAC doctor nor the examination didn't agree with what Floyd is using as an excuse. Floyd signed and so did the NSAC doctor sign. So just like with Manny's case, there should have been an investigation on that alone.

                  "Manny Pacquiao shoulder injury could spark perjury charge - Nevada authorities investigating"

                  So the same should have happened for Floyd. RIGHT???

                  Once you begin the investigation, that is when you start finding all kinds of things that we do not even know about, yet.


                  • Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post
                    Don't you understand why I'm so compelled to mock you cats? All you do is repeat the same information hoping someone will listen the damning conclusions you've arrived at. Dude, look around, you're all by yourself getting harassed daily in this lone thread.

                    Anyway, carry on.....

                    You are part of the deflection team ......

                    BTW - Where were you when the same went on by many Floyd fans against Manny on PEDs and then faking an injury? Oh yes, I remember, you were part of that group!

                    Anyway, carry on.....


                    • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
                      You are part of the deflection team ......

                      BTW - Where were you when the same went on by many Floyd fans against Manny on PEDs and then faking an injury? Oh yes, I remember, you were part of that group!

                      Anyway, carry on.....
                      You're a parrot, you're fond of using the word "deflection" but were you a Mayweather fan before you heard about the iv "scandal?" If you weren't does creating a worse case scenario from this iv stuff play into what ever narrative you had formed before this? The guy is retired, its over I'm afraid now join us in the real world who can't wait for later tonight! Cotto vs. Canelo!

                      P.s. I never really thought Manny was on PEDs because there are several head enlargement clinics in the Philippines. Apparently its sheikh to have your head enlarged to the size of a pumpkin, its some sort of status symbol....

