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Prime Mayweather vs. Prime Cotto: who wins?

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  • Prime Mayweather vs. Prime Cotto: who wins?

    Give or take a round, these scores suggest we could've been in draw or split decision territory.

    Kevin Iole, Yahoo! Sports: 115-113 Mayweather
    Jake Emen, 115-113 Mayweather
    John Chavez, Boxing Truth: 115-113 Mayweather
    Kevin Mitchell, The Guardian (UK): 116-113 Mayweather
    Lance Pugmire, Los Angeles Times: 115-113 Cotto
    Suge Green, On The Grind Boxing Radio: 114-114 Draw
    Kellerman, Rafael & Fischer scored it 116-112 Mayweather

    But having just rewatched the fight, and as a Cotto fan, I think this fight showed how much he's deteriorated. He boxed very well in some rounds, and there's an argument for him to get the nod for 4, or maybe 5 rounds. But Mayweather's clean punching was nice.

    "You're a helluva champion. You're the toughest guy I ever fought." Floyd Mayweather Jr. to Cotto following the bout.

    So who wins? MAYWEATHER-COTTO circa 2007-2008 at 147lbs?

    I think a prime Cotto, circa 2007-2008 would've been able to make a fight against Floyd go into draw or split decision territory.

    I'd take a prime Cotto over Mayweather - fan of both.

  • #2
    Originally posted by freethinkersam View Post
    Prime Mayweather vs. Prime Cotto: who wins?.

    We would know the answer to this if Floyd wouldn't have faked a retirement to avoid the welterweight division in 2007 and 2008.


    • #3
      each person has their own opinion but these scores are outliers.

      Cotto's people turned down the fight back then. If you don't think that suggests who would win then there isn't much else to be said.


      • #4
        Originally posted by E.P.T. View Post
        We would know the answer to this if Floyd wouldn't have faked a retirement to avoid the welterweight division in 2007 and 2008.
        Cotto didn't avoid Floyd at 140?


        • #5
          Prime Cotto wanted no parts of Prime Floyd, I still pick Mayweather.


          • #6
            Originally posted by J The UnBiased View Post
            Cotto didn't avoid Floyd at 140?
            Cotto didn't live "too far away" at 147?


            • #7
              I don't think Mayweather's prime was at 147 and if he had fought him at 140, where I felt was his most balanced weight class-all things considered, he would have destroyed Cotto inside the distance.

              Sadly, I think Cotto's prime began AFTER the scores were announced for the Shane Mosley fight due to the mental boost that win gave him. He was no longer having to struggle as much to make weight, his punches still had a very damaging effect on opponents, his timing was on point, his defense was sound and now he knew he could handle anybody put in front of him.

              Margarito ended that.


              • #8
                There is no version of Cotto that beats Floyd. Old or prime Floyd whips his ass. He whips his ass.


                • #9
                  A young Floyd Chico's his ass R.I.P Chico...


                  • #10
                    Prime Mayweather, easy. As someone stated already, those scores are outliers. I don't see how anyone could've had Cotto winning 115-112. Simply no way possible. Even a draw seems unfathomable.

