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Comments Thread For: Bernard Hopkins Attacks: Blasts Dawson, Tarver, Toney!

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  • #41
    Originally posted by djtmal View Post
    damn somebody is

    damn what did he say about dawson...he hit that hoe with a bodyshot and heard him gasp...? but that hoe was still getting at you, while you were backpeddling and potshotting faster than roy jones, when you were the one who was baiting that hoe to fight, not run, in all the pre-fight hype...

    damn the hopkins excuse making machine has to work overtime saying hopkins is an old man that got bodyslammed by dawson, like dawson picked him up over his head ala hulk hogan, and of course the old standby that hopkins is a slow starter and was figuring chad out and was the victim of a foul, without mentioning that hopkins was the instigator of the dirty

    somebody on here said hopkins is a con-artist, i'd say thats about right...face it hopkins fans, dude is a fraud man...
    I keeps it 100 my dude....B.Hop might've twisted and bent the rules a few times here and there....but c'mon can't say Chad didn't foul him.....and yea, Chad was the dude coming forward and B.Hop was trying to find his range....nothing more nothing less....Chad was frustrated after the first 2 minutes....saw how he dropped his hands as if he was saying B.Hop was running?...Chad is a mental midget...and for him to say the oldman is mentally weak is like the pot calling the kettle dark.....smh....the anti-B.Hop crowd won't let this one go by without throwing a few shots...its only right....but at the end of the day....Chad fouled him and caused the injury leading to the fight be is what it is


    • #42
      Originally posted by Realizniguhnit View Post
      I like Bernard much better as an announcer than a pro boxer, Bernard folded imo and I'm glad Dawson called him out right after. Dawson was getting closer to Bernard and I think he just felt the pressure because Chad was much bigger than he expected even Emmanuel noticed it ringside. Dawson is not like the smaller Pascal who Bernard pretty much man handled in the 2nd fight, he realized he couldn't do that to Chad...
      real talk...hopkins was finally fighting an equally sized, equally talented fighter at 175, who wasn't hanging on movie sets like


      • #43
        Bernard Hopkins knows he doesn't want to get back in the ring with Chad Dawson. Bernard knows Chad can hurt him easy. Bernard should just shut the **** up and retire.


        • #44
          Originally posted by MrClutch85 View Post
          Shots fired he went in on Toney can't wait to hear his response its gonna be good
          I know man I was thinkin the same ****. Hopkins has always kind of watched his mouth when it comes to Toney. I still say Toney vs Hopkins should happen. If Toney actually beats Lebedev. Lebedev hits like a mule and if Toney's slipping at all Lebedev can take him out. I'm honestly pretty pumped for this fight.


          • #45
            Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
            I keeps it 100 my dude....B.Hop might've twisted and bent the rules a few times here and there....but c'mon can't say Chad didn't foul him.....and yea, Chad was the dude coming forward and B.Hop was trying to find his range....nothing more nothing less....Chad was frustrated after the first 2 minutes....saw how he dropped his hands as if he was saying B.Hop was running?...Chad is a mental midget...and for him to say the oldman is mentally weak is like the pot calling the kettle dark.....smh....the anti-B.Hop crowd won't let this one go by without throwing a few shots...its only right....but at the end of the day....Chad fouled him and caused the injury leading to the fight be is what it is
            real talk?...lets just focus on the incident that brought the fight to a halt...

            dude swan dove on chad's back man...that was the FIRST INTENTIONAL foul right there....

            the referee didn't see dawson's act of getting hopkins off his back as an illegal foul, so a warning for both sides is fair and the fight continues...unfortunately hopkins hit the deck

            now the aftermath with hopkins is all in how the referee sees it and what the rules are...the referee ruled dawson's shove not illegal, so hopkins has to get OFF THE FLOOR AND SHOW the ref that he can continue with the injury.... not writhe on the floor and say your shoulder is separated or whatever, while claiming you can leave the outcome in the refs hands...and if there is any fighter in the world who can't afford to let a fight to be left in the hands of a referee or judge, it hopkins whining azz...


            • #46
              Hopkins Has It Right!

              Tarver and Winky got embarrassed by Hopkins. Toney is a fat broke crackhead, and Dawson is a weasel. Listen, Hopkins is a throwback warrior to the Tommy Hearns, Marvin Hagler. He's never showed up out of shape, most wish they were in the shape Hopkins is at 47 years old. He never ducked or backed down from anyone. How could anyone ever accuse Hopkins of laying down!


              • #47
                Originally posted by tlarry View Post
                Tarver and Winky got embarrassed by Hopkins. Toney is a fat broke crackhead, and Dawson is a weasel. Listen, Hopkins is a throwback warrior to the Tommy Hearns, Marvin Hagler. He's never showed up out of shape, most wish they were in the shape Hopkins is at 47 years old. He never ducked or backed down from anyone. How could anyone ever accuse Hopkins of laying down!
                ref talking to hopkins on floor:

                bernard are you able to continue?

                hopkins: did you see that ref? chad just picked me up over his head and bodyslammed me onto the floor, my shoulder is out of the socket. you gonna disqualify him so i can keep my titles and collect my check?


                bernard you able to continue?

                hopkins: yo ref did you hear what i just told you man? my shoulder is out of the socket man its killing me. You gonna disqualify him?

                ref (ten minutes later):

                bernard you able to continue?

                hopkins (still on floor): yo ref you don't see my shoulder out of the socket man?

                ref: ok bernard fights over on a tko you can't get up and continue

                bernard (after the ref stops the fight): yeah ref i can continue, i gotta keep it gangsta for all my fans. chad's a *****..the ref sucks man...hell no i don't want a rematch i would have beat that hoe anyway...



                • #48
                  Originally posted by tlarry View Post
                  Tarver and Winky got embarrassed by Hopkins. Toney is a fat broke crackhead, and Dawson is a weasel. Listen, Hopkins is a throwback warrior to the Tommy Hearns, Marvin Hagler. He's never showed up out of shape, most wish they were in the shape Hopkins is at 47 years old. He never ducked or backed down from anyone. How could anyone ever accuse Hopkins of laying down!
                  real talk!!!


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by djtmal View Post
                    real talk?...lets just focus on the incident that brought the fight to a halt...

                    dude swan dove on chad's back man...that was the FIRST INTENTIONAL foul right there....

                    the referee didn't see dawson's act of getting hopkins off his back as an illegal foul, so a warning for both sides is fair and the fight continues...unfortunately hopkins hit the deck

                    now the aftermath with hopkins is all in how the referee sees it and what the rules are...the referee ruled dawson's shove not illegal, so hopkins has to get OFF THE FLOOR AND SHOW the ref that he can continue with the injury.... not writhe on the floor and say your shoulder is separated or whatever, while claiming you can leave the outcome in the refs hands...and if there is any fighter in the world who can't afford to let a fight to be left in the hands of a referee or judge, it hopkins whining azz...
                    outside the shots fired I feel as far as Bernard trying to shoot in with the right hand and Chad seeing it from a mile away and slipping it...IMO B.Hop tried to tie up his right hand but ended up on his IF thats a foul then so be STILL doesn't make what Chad did ok and within the do I think B.Hop was trying to milk a point? I think he felt like he couldn't beat Chad and skated out the side door?...**** NO!!!!!!!....and neither should ANY of you.....the ref handled that wrong IMO....Chad didn't have to grab his legs and toss him either....and B.Hop should've Echols'd the young punk instead of being human....should've turned into Super Bernard....thats the standard he's held to anyway....IF the fould didn't occur and B.Hop had went on to win that....dudes would STILL be using his legacy and accomplishments for target practice on don't bother me that you the head of the anti.B.Hop society're one of the few I like to respond....ya **** be hateful but it be having a lil' substance to....I'll admit that.....but at the end of the day....ya opinion of B.Hop is all wrong....dude is REAL as they come....when cats tell stories on here about meeting certain fighters I see dudes be on some crazy **** trying to discredit I won't get on herand start name dropping... but from a REAL dude to a REAL dude...B.Hop is far from a me on that...may not be the most skilled or gifted fighter but he' far from a fraud.....and the only thing Chad could've done was win more rounds than him.....I know you don't think he was afraid of THAT...c'mon man!! lol
                    Last edited by Mr. Philadel; 10-21-2011, 03:18 PM.


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by Muscles72 View Post
                      Yo bernard u forgot about that punk winky...
                      From his twitter :

                      "Winky wright who hes back on milk carton!! I beat him easy!!"

                      And I'm a Winky fan.
                      Last edited by Light_Speed; 10-21-2011, 03:32 PM.

