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Comments Thread For: Bernard Hopkins Attacks: Blasts Dawson, Tarver, Toney!

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  • #51
    Should be interesting let him have it toney!!! I know toney isnt what he once was but always fun to listen too a rant and never backs down from what he says...


    • #52
      not so gangsta on october 15, were you?, bernard?


      • #53
        Well at least Hopkins wants the rematch to be on HBO World Championship Boxing. Even he knows that ain't body gonna even consider buying a rematch


        • #54
          Originally posted by MrClutch85 View Post
          Shots fired he went in on Toney can't wait to hear his response its gonna be good
          Even with Bhop being my favorite boxer and toney being my 3rd favorite, im loving this. I gotta say JT is the better trash talker though, possibly the best ever


          • #55
            Originally posted by Floyd Sinclair View Post
            Even with Bhop being my favorite boxer and toney being my 3rd favorite, im loving this. I gotta say JT is the better trash talker though, possibly the best ever
            Too bad no one can understand half of what he says anymore, though. Dude is punch drunk.


            • #56
              There better be a rematch now, I'm a big Hopkins fan but he pisses me off when he always initiates guerilla warfare but then moans and screams like a ***** as soon as anyone does it back to him, trying to get points deducted and what not, that aint old school at all. Anyway its pointless arguing whether he faked it or not, didnt he have an MRI on like Tuesday? How long does it take to get results? He better be releasing them, he was pretty damn quick to release that pointles bit of paper that the Dr fills in based on what Hopkins told him...


              • #57
                Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
                outside the shots fired I feel as far as Bernard trying to shoot in with the right hand and Chad seeing it from a mile away and slipping it...IMO B.Hop tried to tie up his right hand but ended up on his IF thats a foul then so be STILL doesn't make what Chad did ok and within the do I think B.Hop was trying to milk a point? I think he felt like he couldn't beat Chad and skated out the side door?...**** NO!!!!!!!....and neither should ANY of you.....the ref handled that wrong IMO....Chad didn't have to grab his legs and toss him either....and B.Hop should've Echols'd the young punk instead of being human....should've turned into Super Bernard....thats the standard he's held to anyway....IF the fould didn't occur and B.Hop had went on to win that....dudes would STILL be using his legacy and accomplishments for target practice on don't bother me that you the head of the anti.B.Hop society're one of the few I like to respond....ya **** be hateful but it be having a lil' substance to....I'll admit that.....but at the end of the day....ya opinion of B.Hop is all wrong....dude is REAL as they come....when cats tell stories on here about meeting certain fighters I see dudes be on some crazy **** trying to discredit I won't get on herand start name dropping... but from a REAL dude to a REAL dude...B.Hop is far from a me on that...may not be the most skilled or gifted fighter but he' far from a fraud.....and the only thing Chad could've done was win more rounds than him.....I know you don't think he was afraid of THAT...c'mon man!! lol
                see thats why i officially respects your opinion, cause its on some real talk with no domino (sugar), ya dig...

                as you see i haven't been diggin in hard on nard lately, because these last two fights he stepped up his level of competition...i gave him full credit on the pascal win, and was ready to give him the same if he beat dawson...

                neither one of those guys is known for 1 punch ko's, so i was looking for a war of attrition...on the real they need to run that back...


                • #58
                  It's brutally obvious many of us posters have never had a serious joint issue before. That stuff is no joke..a small tear can prevent you from even lifting your arm up and hinder you for months- that's just a small injury.

                  Dawson, Toney, and these others can talk smack about him and call him a b!tch and what not but when Hopkins responds in kind, he is the one out of line? The stats even show that Hopkins had no reason what so ever to bail out of the fight, he outlanded Dawson by s clear margin.


                  • #59
                    He's absolutely correct in what he's saying.

                    That's the thing.


                    • #60
                      i think its hysterical when people say "chad was whuppin his ass the whole fight" LOL . you cant be serious 2 rounds? people that are familiar with Hopkins knows he takes the championship rounds over and wins. so 2 rounds dosent say anything. its a feeling out process.
                      Now chad was totally disrespectful after the fight, when he didnt have to be. you cant compare hopkins carrer with dawsons at all.
                      Tarver got his ass handed to him already, and toney well he dosent have the bernard resume to talk. period.

