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Who Won Pac-Bradley? Post fight discussion STOP MAKING NEW THREADS ABOUT THIS FIGHT.

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  • Originally posted by DeadLikeMe View Post
    That is what I thought too...he signed like a 5 fight deal before Shane, but the language on those could be ambiguous enough that maybe it left Pacquiao some room to bargain with...which Arum took away quite recently...
    were you referring to the bs last night?


    • About the same. Always respected him. Jack of all trades and a master of none.

      Great heart. He also has a better chin than I thought he did.


      • Seriously manny was Bobbed!!!


        • Originally posted by mathed View Post
          I've never heard anyone else complain when they were on the right tend of wrong decision. Pac "He was the better man tonight"

          You don't say that kind of stuff if you aren't supposed to be in on it.
          link to the quote pls.

          manny never conceded defeat. when asked if he thought that he won, he said "absolutely 100%"

          he congratulated bradley for his performance and accepted the judgement but never he said that bradley "was the better man tonight".


          • So what your saying is that the whole world was drunk during this fight and that the everyone including various professional boxers even the ref who did not want to comment on the outcome were all swayed by being drunk or listening to HBO.

            Guess they must have used some new tech to project their commentary over to other countries as well or people who were streaming, or the people who were there live.

            This why boxing is hurting. You all are reaching way to much, it's real funny and sad for the sport.

            This is great excuse now. You guys are wrong because you were drunk and listned to th commentators. I going to have a good time explaining that one to the two house keepers in my building who are def and watched the fight with us last night while working. Lol this should be fun because they both only gave Tim 3 rounds and I'll get to explain to them that they only gave Tim 3 rounds because they swayed by the sounds of the cheering and hbo commenters.


            • Then Pac has 2 fights left under the contract. Its either Arum trying to find or make another mega boxing star in Bradley to replace Pac if Pac retires from boxing. Or Arum trying to lower the stock of Pac after the contract is finish.

              Let say a rematch happens in November, same thing happens. Pac dominates but judges gave it to Bradley. Then both fights, Arum is lowering the stock of Pac when Pac tries to sign with another promotion after the 5 fight contract expires. Even if Pac wins his last fight(of the contract), the 2 losses will affect his stocks. Golden Boy might offer smaller money to Pac for a couple of fights. Arum on the other hand can say to Pac that they will offer him more money to sign again with them.


              • Originally posted by Paclan View Post
                You guys are some easily swayed dudes lol

                I don't even listen to the commentary. The fact that you have to force yourself to not listen just so your opinion isn't changed just shows how easily your opinion can be changed.
                Its not that, but in the heat of battle at an angle you may miss something, its possible to be manipulated by the commentators. The whole point of not listening to commentation shows that we are trying to be unbiased... Like I stated, I dont have nothing against manny, and would probably call it a draw..... But if it went to Pacquiao I wouldnt be crying robbery, and lying saying bradley only won x2 maybe 3 rounds. Thats ri****ulous....

                Truth is that Bradley simply swept rounds 9-12 and he won rounds 1-2 easily. Trying to throw and land a few punches at the end of the round doesnt negate the fact Manny wasnt controlling the action the first x2 minutes.

                Factor in that Bradleys ankle literally did twist, and thats when manny started to take control only adds fuel to the fire....

                It could have went either way. But what I really find funny is that most on here know that arum is scum, and last week Arums coniving ass was God. This week he sabotaged manny. Now I ask, was anyone in primetime yelling robbery when manny lost to marquez?? Again I didnt complain because it was pretty close and it could have went either way.

                Everyone remembers lampleys infamous "****" comments during the clottey fight, when alot of that **** wasnt even landing. I mean seriously the HBO COMMENTATORS ARE BIASED, AND FOR YOU TO THINK THEY ARE NOT, YOU DONT KNOW **** ABOUT BOXING!!!


                • Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
                  I agree that Mayweather vs Pac would have never happened but there's a bigger and deeper issue concerning the business aspect of boxing that we aren't discussing.

                  When you look at the way boxing is ran, it's based on the promoters and their ability to make the best fight, which in turn should net them the most money...right?

                  Wrong, what has happened in the last 15 years in boxing has been the opposite. There's no more cross promotional fights being made anymore, it's top rank with top rank and Gb with GB and so on. That's not the way boxing should be because it creates monopolies and takes the big time fights away from the fans. Arum is content to make smaller fights like Bradley vs Pac, because he makes a ton of money and he doesn't have to shell out major money for a Mayweather fight.

                  The system that should be leaning itself towards giving the best fights for the most money, is backfiring in boxing. Don't dismiss the govt stepping in and it's been talked about. Sen. John McCain is a huge fan of boxing and has been suggesting this for over 20 years now. We cannot continue to let these commissions like the one in Texas to run wild and allow the promoters to have as much power as they do.

                  Boxing is in big trouble people, it's not about PPV numbers, it's not about countries who support it, it's about the integrity of the sport and even the most skeptical people and conspiracy theorists are now starting to look like the people of reason and that's scary.
                  I would think that what makes the most money would ultimately prevail. I don't think Arum is intentionally ruining the sport. I really don't. I think in this case what happened is that Floyd simply will not fight Mannie Pac. And, Mannie has run thru all his competition. Who is left to fight but yet another JMM fight? Maybe a Cotto rematch? Where the major public interest in this? JMM v Pac rivalry was great but its done now. Cotto was destroyed by Mannie. Think of how Cotto, who is well past his prime, was able to compete with Floyd. Now look at how Mannie handled him. IN FACT look at all the common opponents of both Mannie and Floyd. This analysis shows you why Floyd will not fight Mannie. He will not do it. Pac is just too dangerous. He is an ATG of the highest caliber. This is the problem.

                  I hear what you say about promoters protecting their stable. Of course that plays into the business of what we get to see. But, as to the MEGAFIGHTS, that analysis goes out the window. Today's promoters groom their clientelle for that MEGAFIGHT. And its for the big money. Make no mistake. If Floyd would fight Pac, it would have already happened.


                  • Solution for Boxing's Problems Such as What Happened in Paq Fight(boring but needed)

                    I know its a bit of a boring post, but this is what I believe needs to be done for boxing to be respectable again. Their is quite a simple solution for solving the problems that are facing boxing and destroying the sport. The most severe and urgent problems are incompetent and what some would argue corrupt judges and incompetent and again some would argue corrupt referees.

                    The major promoters such as Top Rank and Golden boy plus several other promotional companies, the sanctioning bodies like WBC, WBA, etc , boxer's and trainers should hold a conference to discuss and lay out a prospectus of what the major problems are in the sport and on top of the list should be the above mentioned problems, plus the many possible solutions to those issues. Once that is done specifics should be drafted up by the many professionals in the sport (those I mentioned above). A new set of criteria, rules, discipline measures, training standards for judges and referees. For example these new measures would have detailed ways on how to become a judge, how they are trained, and disciplinary standards. This new set of rules would also include standards on when a judge is no longer able to perform his duties. For starters this should include age, eyesight, mental faculties, etc. Also it should include high standards on what kind of relationships judges can and cannot have with promoters, state athletic officials etc. When a controversial decision occurs like last nights Pacquiao fight then an investigatory arm should be deployed. As for referees, the very same standards should apply.

                    This initial gathering should come up with I would say a new set of rules for the future of boxing. Then let the professionals in the sport get to setting up the details such as I have described above. Once this is done the promoters, boxers, sanctioning bodies should approach, first, the Nevada Athletic Commission and say," This is what we want in order to clean up the sport and end these bad decisions by judges and bad calls by referees". They should state that these new set of rules are absolutely necessary for the sake of the sport and its future revenue stream. And if Nevada hesitates with taking the side of this new direction then the collective people of the boxing business should give Nevada an ultimatum and that is if the new set of standards are not taken up then boxing will take its business to the states that will agree to these new standards and Nevada would potentially lose out on millions of dollars a year in taxes and revenues. The boxing community should go state by state starting with the states that do the most boxing events. The new standards could be paid for by adding a fee or tax to each boxing event that would go to enforcing and applying this new board or whatever you want to call it.

                    I know it would be a dream to get all these parties together but if boxing wants to continue into the future then it definitely needs to do something like this and do it soon.
                    Last edited by jbp23; 06-11-2012, 12:31 AM. Reason: grammer error


                    • Originally posted by Phenom View Post
                      very overrated
                      That sums its up.

