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Comments Thread For: ?I?d like to announce my retirement from boxing,? says Tyson Fury

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  • Comments Thread For: ?I?d like to announce my retirement from boxing,? says Tyson Fury

    Former unified heavyweight champion Tyson Fury has announced his retirement. Fury posted a video with the announcement to his Instagram account on Monday.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Yeah, right.
    landotter landotter likes this.


    • #3
      So he can say AJ beat a retired Fury when they eventually do fight and if he lost


      • #4
        We’ve heard this before. The guy isn’t going to know what to do with himself. Part of the problem is he has a wife and like 6 kids, of fairly young age. I have a wife and two kids and I love them all dearly, but I need to get out of the damn house lol.

        Anyways, at least he isn’t retiring with some sort of claim to a linear championship, so we won’t be in a giant mess regarding who the champ should be when he inevitably announces his comeback, but it’s been 1-2 years and his titles have been stripped.

        However, if he is actually retiring, God bless you too Mr.Fury, and thanks for the wars and being one of the most unique characters we’ve ever seen in boxing.


        • #5
          Does that mean that fragile AJ will now rematch DD?
          And why not?


          • #6
            Give it another 6 months and he will realise he can't live without fighting again and an extra £35mill won't hurt to face AJ


            • #7
              Well played and thanks heaps for the memories!

              Travel well...


              • #8
                Blabla - we have heard that 100times before.
                Turki‘s Will bring him back


                • #9
                  If I know how greedy works , this is to enhance his next pay with more retirement money
                  Gotta offer Hume more money to come out of this so-called retirement


                  • #10
                    Fury's ego got crushed. Poor little baby!. .. Oops! I mean, rich fat baby!
                    Damn Wicked Damn Wicked likes this.

