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Comments Thread For: The Rise And Fall Of Lomachenko

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  • #51
    People are accusing Lomachenko of not hating a nation but rather feeling sad Ukraine and Russia aren't close but enemies because of someone else's interests. This is insane. He deserves big credit for wanting peace and also not mixing sports and politics (as Usyk did).


    • #52
      Originally posted by TDLand View Post

      Glad you mentioned independent research. Ever here of Wagner? Of course you have. **** tattoos on the founder of that group. You know about that? Don't pretend to know anything from your independent research. It's tainted with Russian propaganda. And they are the most prolific with straight out fabrications. Moscva was sunk because a soldier was smoking a cigarette. Bucha was manufactured by actors in Ukraine. U.S. biolabs in Ukraine created mosquitos programmed to only bite Russians. Zelensky and Ukraine is overrun by ****s. Secret bases in Ukraine. Must still be a secret because where? Moscow is not 40 miles from any border in Ukraine and now you're saying they were to have nucs? Do you see how absurd your independent research is? Human rights abuses? Care to explain? All I know, from my Russian mother in law living in Eastern Ukraine, married to a Ukrainian man, she hates ***** and never saw or heard of abuses of any sort. Only it was inconvenient to deal with the Ukrainian language being the official language now. If you are talking about Russian propaganda and accusations of abuses, to try and cause an uprising, you're deluded. The CIA. My dad is CIA. And an expert in Russian and Ukrainian affairs. I can't share all but you are seriously deluded.

      Your father is C.I.A? Ask him about the bases. Oh, he can't tell you, lol. Wake up dude. The C.I.A has had bases there for years. You poke the bear, you get attacked. All staged to weaken and deplete Russia's military. Ask your C.I.A daddy about Tim Osman (Osama Bin Laden's C.I.A name) Either your daddy doesn't trust you or he sucks at his job! Peace out!


      • #53
        Originally posted by Hous

        People said the same thing about Vietnam and Afganistan (twice). Perhaps you shouldn't be an armchair general.
        What value came from those wars? They were all to just make money. They were never done for MORALITY, though the governments like to say that.
        I actually agree with Ukraine stance. That’s a totally different type of war. I’d like to see a peaceful agreement made. If possible.


        • #54
          Originally posted by eco1 View Post

          I understand the someone went into your house part, let any country surround the USA with missiles and other poo and let's see what you say then.

          Russia was provoked and I am against this and all wars.
          No point in arguing with these dudes, although I get caught up in it too, lol. One guy on here claims his father is C.I.A yet he has no clue what is going on. Russia was provoked and responded. Is ***** a good guy? Of course not but that's besides the point. We almost went to war in the 60's because of Cuba yet Russia is going to allow the same shyte? Once the C.I.A put the bases in the Ukraine, it was on! Hopefully it ends soon with very few more casualties.
          Sabiondo Sabiondo eco1 eco1 like this.


          • #55
            Originally posted by KillaMane26

            Exactly and anyone who doesn't see this has a clear lack of intelligence
            You'd be amazed and can have a bonus if you add Israel to the picture.


            • #56
              Originally posted by Finito2K View Post
              Looks like this article isn't aging all that well...
              It has hit the wall hard and is looking to settle down


              • #57
                Hold on a sec

                This is what loma said recently

                "In an interview last year, Lomachenko claimed he no longer looks for the knockout because of his newly rekindled religious convictions. "I no longer have that bloodthirstiness. Before ... the goal was to cause as much damage as possible. Today that's gone. Thank God it's gone."​

                So is this back again now? or was he just spoofing?

                He better say a few extra prayers for the next week or so to make up for it or something like that might be a good idea


                • #58
                  loma is not too bothered about the war in ukraine any more and the reason is simple, loma was on his way for a undisputed shot v kambo in Aus which he would have easily won, but the war intervened & he had to go to the front line as others were doing to show solidarity as was almost demanded at the start, haney then got the shot for the all the titles and his fans were almost having ******s telling the world what a star their guy was having to go to AUS twice, twice no less to face kambo, loma eventually got his shot at haney & it didnt go his way further irritating him


                  • #59
                    the rise & fall & rise? again of lomachenko

                    it sort of goes like this

                    W L W


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by MusoMeanderings View Post

                      Russia lost none.

                      The exit from Afghanistan was a planned one due to the main objective being complete and was an organised one, unlike American.

                      The fate of Russia now is certain: five regions of Ukraine already joined it voluntarily and all the rest will follow.
                      The number of people who liked this comment is very encouraging for the future. Crimea, in any fair election, would overwhelmingly vote to be part of Russia,

