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Who's beatdown was worse? Spence or Haney?

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  • Who's beatdown was worse? Spence or Haney?


  • #2
    Spencerinas. The shltty crooked ref was saving hankey a handful of times. Cryan shoulda had that hypejob outta there


    • #3
      Spence's was more defined because he didn't have the habit of holding on to the opponent's waist. Haney's instant response is hug and therefore there's not much to see.


      • #4
        Spence. Not sure if he ever even fights again. That was a life and brain changing beatdown. He got outclassed badly to boot. Haney was still nominally in the fight despite being dropped 5 times. In terms of humiliation though, Haney got dropped repeatedly by a cherry picked contender with mental issues that he was saying he was going to destroy and kill etc, while Spence lost to arguably the best fighter in the world.
        Smash Smash kiaba360 kiaba360 like this.


        • #5

          Haney won most of the rounds, he just kept getting caught and dropped. A well deserved L on his part but he didn't get completely blown away.

          Spence was beaten comprehensively and in every way.
          Spray_resistant Spray_resistant likes this.


          • #6
            spence was beat down worst and possibly career ending but he was beaten by a better fighter. I had picked crawford to win.

            haney was beaten by a guy he was a massive favorite to beat, even i was picking him to get a TKO win, so that was more embarassing. Its probably not career ending though haney is in an odd position where he needs his size advantage yet he doesnt have the power or chin to actually move up, so i think he is stuck at 140 now and cat is out the bag how to fight him.


            • #7
              Spence got it way worse because he took a sustained beating round after round. Worst of all, he was already softened up by the accident so dude is shot now.

              Garcia’s effective attacks were more in spurts and late in the fight.


              • #8
                Originally posted by elfag View Post
                even i was picking him to get a TKO win, .
                yeah me too & ive only ever been wrong once on a pic

