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Comments Thread For: David Diamante Critically Injured in Motorcycle Accident

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  • #51
    I wanna know why the hell he was riding a bike in the winter in NYC?


    • #52
      Originally posted by Boxing Logic View Post
      I know it sounds bad but it should heal quickly in saltwater same as Pacquiao's shoulder. I'm more worried about him catching covid in the hospital than I am about his recovery. If Adonis Stevenson and Errol Spence can recover so well from their injuries, then David Diamante's will hopefully recover 100% and not have anything to worry about long term except the possibility of catching covid. I hope he was wearing a mask when the other guy ran into him because that usually means it was less than six feet. But hopefully maybe it was the back of a long truck or something that hit his motercycle this time, because then the driver would be more than six feet away. But if it was a normal car or even a normal truck, then it was probably less than six feet. Hopefully it's part of the hospital's procedure now to send nurses out to the scene of the accident to measure the distance between the people in the vehicles at the time of the collision, and if he did have exposure to another **** sapien, to test 5 times a day for the next 72 hours.

      If he's truly injured though, then of course I hope he recovers. There have just been so many questionable covid positives and one-in-a-billion injuries in boxing lately that it's made me a bit of a skeptic. I'm starting to wonder if a lot of it is fake and just for the press. Of course I realize that would have to mean some doctors are lying too, and falsifying records, but nothing would shock me in 2022. And who is really left these days to keep watch about what documents are real, and which are fake, anyway? If no one is enforcing the law anyway for some classes of people, then those people would have no reason (other than ethics) not to break the law in the first place.

      I don't mean David Diamante in this case, but just in general, it could be any celebrity and I would question if the latest big celebrity soap opera event is actually true, or just for the press. Sometimes I make jokes that riff of this skepticism, that are intended to say, "always keep an open mind until you have all the facts and you can confirm them for yourself." I'm definitely not assuming anything for certain one way or another, but I maintain a healthy skepticism.
      haha dude you issues?


      • #53
        Wow! What an awful tragedy? On behalf of boxing fans everywhere; We wish him a very fast and speedy recovery. This reminds me of the Diego Corrales and Paul Williams motorcycle accidents.


        • #54
          Terrible news! Get well soon, David.


          • #55
            Speedy recovery Dave


            • #56
              Originally posted by YoungManRumble View Post
              Terrible news. Hope he recovers.

              He's an interesting man, though a bit of a strange character.

              Here's a long in depth interview for anyone interested.

              Damn. I mean the dreads are a bit of a giveaway but I didn't know a fraction of his story and there's huge chunks of that I can relate too, tough home, living in squats and shooting galleries, kinda places where you hadda check before you sat down ... punk - always my first love - the fights, travelling. Much respect.

              Ha just checked and the dudes only a year older than me too, thought he was a bit older than that, so very much same generation. Rooting for him even harder now, but I reckon the man's a survivor.
              YoungManRumble YoungManRumble likes this.


              • #57
                ****ed up... I wish people didnt ride motorcycles in places like NYC.. it's an absolute recipe for distatser. Do that **** in the country not in the thick of the maw of madness where people driving with masks on while texting and not paying attention.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by paulf View Post
                  God speed in your recovery, Mr. Diamante! Best in boxing after the legend, Michael Buffer.
                  I would say he is the best after Buffer, and Jimmy Lennon Jr.

                  He is very good and hopefully he can make a full recovery.


                  • #59
                    Terrible. His smiling face and obvious deep love of the sport are going to be missed. One day at a time, David, and come back to us when you can.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by Rodtang View Post
                      Not just a fantastic ring announcer and a great personality, but knows his boxing also. I hope he makes a great recovery as quickly as possible. Salute.
                      Yea,he's a genuine fan of the sport. He literally flew out of his seat in excitement when Kamboso dropped Teofimo lol. Great guy and with the spinal injuries mentioned,I doubt he's ever able to announce again....but he survived and that's a win in itself.
                      Rodtang Rodtang likes this.

