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HBO's One Sided Thrilla

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  • #21
    This documentary was a must. For years what many have been fed is that it was all about "Promotion" and made it out to be like Joe should have understood it even though it affected him and his family. True boxing fans knew the details even before the documentary but for the casual viewer, it will open their eyes to another side.
    So often we only hear the "Winners" or the Big Name's side to the story. Well, Joe won the first match and he gave Ali his toughest fights in the next two bouts. And yes, I do agree that Ali wasn't the same when he came back after his exile and it was probably to soon to fight someone like Frazier when he met him the first time. But if we are going to bring that up, which I often do as well, we should bring up other issues dealing with the promotion and how Joe was affected (and his family) and you the viewer should reflect on yourself if you laughed along with Ali.

    Ali and the stories on the surface reminds me a lot of Comedians that are racists and bullies that hide behind their "I am a Comedian; I didn't really mean it that way" line. They can dish it out but they can't take it back. We are supposed to believe Ali was just some type of Comedian having a little fun for promotion. Some was about promotion and having fun and the other side was about being insecure, having fear himself, and being a racist...while arguably being misled and a contradictory character. Ali was human and the full story will show us that. It's a good thing because we can learn from it. And Ali may have learned from it if he did truly change.
    Last edited by Benny Leonard; 04-18-2009, 03:48 AM.


    • #22
      I don't think the documentary was shockingly one sided. It definitely leaned towards sympathy for Smokin' Joe, but I think history as its been written over the last 30 years has been unfairly biased in favor of Ali.

      Ali was the best heavyweight of his era and I believe he could stand alongside almost everyy heavyweight since his era. The world loved his venom because he was playful in his taunting. But Ali never knew where to draw the line. We see old footage of him in a suit and tie, standing alongside dignitaries and world leaders.... but we forget, Ali was just a damn kid. He was thrust into the spotlight at a very young age and he DID spend most of his life as a son of a *****... there's no excuse for his behavior during the Frazier years. Playing the race card (and especially calling someone an "Uncle Tom") should forever be cause for a lifetime ban from the sport.


      • #23
        I'm glad it showed Joe's side of the story and of course I felt sympathetic for the man.......but then a minute later I came back to reality.......boxing is a hurt business, a blood sport.......a sport where PUNCHES are suppose to damage you......NOT pre-fight words or trash talk ........when you watch this documentary you can't help but feel sorry for Joe until the last 2 or 3 minutes of the flick when you get to hear that lame ass message on Joe's cell phone........sympathy gone!!!..... back to reality!!.....Joe is a bitter old dude and it showed.......bitter because he lost 2 outta 3 to Ali.....bitter that Ali stopped Foreman, somebody who owned him.......bitter because he was never able to regain the HW title after losing it something Ali accomplished 3 times........Joe has every reason in the world to be jealous of Ali's legacy.......Ali was raised during the Jim Crow days in America and for some of you to call him a racist is NOT looking deeper.......the man won an GOLD medal for the country....and the SAME country wouldn't allow him to sit in a restarant and his anger was created by his was ANGER!! anger at the system.......he stood up against the powers and spoke his mind.......the voice of the poor people.....thats what Ali was....MORE than a fighter....unlike Joe!........I'm not the one to see Ali as a bad person and theres nothing HBO or any other program can show me to change that!!!
        Last edited by Mr. Philadel; 04-18-2009, 04:35 AM.


        • #24
          good article, left out the but about the KKK...most shockin revelation of the film


          • #25
            As there were so many documentaries about Ali, after seeing this people might say this one is bull**** and so on...

            But, the truth is that, while many people think that he was such a nice guy, he was the first and one of the biggest trash-talkers of all times...

            It is good that the documentary with another point of view was made...


            • #26
              i really liked this doc was a real eye opener ! ............ i wouldnt say it was anti ali more just about joes side and FACTS ............ no cheesy music "hes the worlds greatest " with ali montages .......... coz in reality ali was a racist 2 faced womeniziner with a massive ego !! who was really just a puppet for a terorist ****** group! he was mixed race he had white devil in him lol


              • #27
                It was good to see it from Ali's opponent point of view for a change.. It's always Ali that steals the spotlight in just about any documentary that features him anyway.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Sin City View Post
                  everyone has heard Ali's side of the story, there are many documentaries on it. No one's really heard the story from Joe Frazier's point of view though.. this is what the documentary was about, I doubt the writter of this article wasn't nagging when other documentaries where presenting the fight from the point of view of Ali.
                  Very true. There are two sides to every story. Im glad we got to hear Joe's side through something more than just comments and the same recyled stories. That documentary peiced everything tgether very nicely, I thought. I don't dislike Ali because of these things, but it certainly put Joe's bitterness into a brighter light. I thought HBO did a good job.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by fatmash View Post
                    plus he was mixed race he had white devil in him lol
                    Silly statement - almost every black American has some white blood in them.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by Dave Rado View Post
                      Silly statement - almost every black American has some white blood in them.
                      IMO there is something in that statement: even George said that he was twice as dark as Ali...

                      Ali is rather mulatto, i guess.

