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Lamon Brewster: "I'm Ready To Unleash on The World"

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  • #21
    Originally posted by edgarg View Post
    BOOFIE I see you're "at it" again. Klitschko gave Brewster such an unm,erciful beating up in their first fight that the analysts were suggesting that the fight should be stopped when brewster was KD'd. Klitschko was sick in that fight, EVERYTHING points to it, his previous caree and his subsequent career, so don't quibble.

    In the second fight there wass nothing wrong wirh Brewster's eye, it was his heart and his skills which were lacking. If there were to be a third fight-which I really don't think will happen- Brewster would likely be seriously injured. Klitschko is just to strong and too good for him.

    Brewster supposedly suffered a detached retina against Lyakhovitch. This injury causes the central sight to blur, but not to disappear completely. It can be repaired in minutes and the general rehab time is about a month. Brewster didn't fight for a year.

    That Brewster is a sort of nasal sounding whiner, rolling his eyes up to the Heavens to bring in the Creator, makes me feel that the eye injury was not valid, or not the real reasion for his defeat, just an excuse afterwards thought of, to salve Brewster's self-conscious pride.
    I thought Brewster lost to Kali Meehan too actually.
    He's a really good guy who hit like a freight train (ask Marcus Rhode who hit him hardest).
    He was on a run there for a while, obliterating Golota but he is always gonna take a pounding when he fights really good guys like Wlad.
    To his credit, he took his whupping like a man and kept going.

    Batchelder isn't horrible though, he's not a bad fighter.


    • #22
      I don't think anyone comes back from a beating like Wlad gave Lamon in their second....hell, in both their fights, really. But especially in number two, he was beaten like a side of beef in serious need of tenderizing. You don't take an ass kicking like that and not walk into the ring thinking of that and nothing else for a long, long his age, for the rest of what little career he has in front of him. He'll never be the same, and I don't think he'll ever, ever, EVER want to step into the ring with Klitchko again, which is what he'd have to do to prove he's "back". After all, it's 1 and 1 so far, right? Technically, there is need of a rubbermatch, though everyone who saw that second fight knows what's going to happen, and there will probably be a hundred cell phones at ringside with the local paramedics on speedial, and 4 fresh pints of Lamon's flavor of blood hooked up and ready just in case.

      Brewster can, and probably will, do OK against lesser opponents, though I think he's going to be more cautious, and will be less likely to take the risks he used to, but he can't beat Klitchko, which is what he needs to do. That's OK, though, there's nobody else in the division that can, either.


      • #23
        Originally posted by edgarg View Post
        BOOFIE I see you're "at it" again. Klitschko gave Brewster such an unm,erciful beating up in their first fight that the analysts were suggesting that the fight should be stopped when brewster was KD'd. Klitschko was sick in that fight, EVERYTHING points to it, his previous caree and his subsequent career, so don't quibble.

        In the second fight there wass nothing wrong wirh Brewster's eye, it was his heart and his skills which were lacking. If there were to be a third fight-which I really don't think will happen- Brewster would likely be seriously injured. Klitschko is just to strong and too good for him.

        Brewster supposedly suffered a detached retina against Lyakhovitch. This injury causes the central sight to blur, but not to disappear completely. It can be repaired in minutes and the general rehab time is about a month. Brewster didn't fight for a year.

        That Brewster is a sort of nasal sounding whiner, rolling his eyes up to the Heavens to bring in the Creator, makes me feel that the eye injury was not valid, or not the real reasion for his defeat, just an excuse afterwards thought of, to salve Brewster's self-conscious pride.
        Brewster came back for the money. He should've fought a tune up.


        • #24
          Originally posted by Stickman View Post
          I don't think anyone comes back from a beating like Wlad gave Lamon in their second....hell, in both their fights, really. But especially in number two, he was beaten like a side of beef in serious need of tenderizing. You don't take an ass kicking like that and not walk into the ring thinking of that and nothing else for a long, long his age, for the rest of what little career he has in front of him. He'll never be the same, and I don't think he'll ever, ever, EVER want to step into the ring with Klitchko again, which is what he'd have to do to prove he's "back". After all, it's 1 and 1 so far, right? Technically, there is need of a rubbermatch, though everyone who saw that second fight knows what's going to happen, and there will probably be a hundred cell phones at ringside with the local paramedics on speedial, and 4 fresh pints of Lamon's flavor of blood hooked up and ready just in case.

          Brewster can, and probably will, do OK against lesser opponents, though I think he's going to be more cautious, and will be less likely to take the risks he used to, but he can't beat Klitchko, which is what he needs to do. That's OK, though, there's nobody else in the division that can, either.
          Brewster got jabbed and that's it. He was out of condition. There was no beating. You guys are overrating a guy who didn't fight back because he wasn't in condition.


          • #25
            Originally posted by Boofdatruth View Post
            Brewster got jabbed and that's it. He was out of condition. There was no beating. You guys are overrating a guy who didn't fight back because he wasn't in condition.
            No, buddy, I'm telling it like it is. Lamon Brewster was beaten silly by one hand. Klitchko could've tied his right behind him and as far as Brewster was concerned, he wouldn't have noticed. And in condition or not, he was never able to get close enough to fight back because he was getting the dog**** beaten out of him. The fight wasn't stopped because he was bored, or late for a dinner date. He looked like someone had taken a sack filled with oranges and worked him over from his shoulders up for maybe 10 minutes.


            • #26
              Originally posted by Stickman View Post
              No, buddy, I'm telling it like it is. Lamon Brewster was beaten silly by one hand. Klitchko could've tied his right behind him and as far as Brewster was concerned, he wouldn't have noticed. And in condition or not, he was never able to get close enough to fight back because he was getting the dog**** beaten out of him. The fight wasn't stopped because he was bored, or late for a dinner date. He looked like someone had taken a sack filled with oranges and worked him over from his shoulders up for maybe 10 minutes.
              Boof, gotta go with Stickman on this one. Brewster was beaten down. Roach saw it too.
              He just didn't have it that night.


              • #27
                Originally posted by Stickman View Post
                No, buddy, I'm telling it like it is. Lamon Brewster was beaten silly by one hand. Klitchko could've tied his right behind him and as far as Brewster was concerned, he wouldn't have noticed. And in condition or not, he was never able to get close enough to fight back because he was getting the dog**** beaten out of him. The fight wasn't stopped because he was bored, or late for a dinner date. He looked like someone had taken a sack filled with oranges and worked him over from his shoulders up for maybe 10 minutes.
                Good post

                Wlad beat the **** outta Brewster and made him quit....Brewster would've gotten KO'd in the next round or so if he had continued.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by jreckoning View Post
                  Boof, gotta go with Stickman on this one. Brewster was beaten down. Roach saw it too.
                  He just didn't have it that night.
                  That's what happened literally. Brewster didn't even fight back. Wlad gets very few points for that.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by WLAD OWNS View Post
                    Good post

                    Wlad beat the **** outta Brewster and made him quit....Brewster would've gotten KO'd in the next round or so if he had continued.
                    Yeah, it's always the next round lol. I like Wlad, but don't overrate him. He is probably the best of a very suspect lot of heavies today.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by Boofdatruth View Post
                      That's what happened literally. Brewster didn't even fight back. Wlad gets very few points for that.
                      Why do you always try to discredit the white man??

                      ****in racist prick!!

                      Brewster tried to fight, but he couldn't get by Wlad's superior jab...Wlad was a man on a mission that night and completely dominated Brewster

                      It was a great performance from Wlad.

