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Is Cotto Mayweather’s “Manos De Piedra?”

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  • #31
    Originally posted by cortdawg25 View Post
    I don't think it is crazy to consider he may never lose. right now, his fight game is in a whole another league. It is almost unfeasible for him to lose especially to a Miguel Cotto.

    Who can really beat him around his weight? Stating something that is almost fact is not being a nuthugger which some haterz either can't or choose not to understand. Fact is no one has the total package like he does around his weight and no one is that much better at 1 particular boxing skill than he to overwhelm him.
    I don't know but I know you for one are a "nuthugger," and not a real fan of the sport. You support one guy and if he loses one fight you'll stop following boxing. That's not following the sport, that's finding some twisted validation in the career of a man you never met.


    • #32
      Originally posted by hulme#1 View Post
      Objectivity, man!

      Which comparison? Leonard/Duran? Yeah, nothing new under the sun in that respect. Except I think Leonard/Duran was dredged up for different reasons in the case of Mayweather/Hatton... if anything, I think Ricky was the first to cite Duran's fight with Leonard in the build up to Undefeated (correct me if I'm mistaken). This guy's point focuses less on presenting Duran's win over Sugar Ray as a blueprint for how Cotto could beat Floyd, and more on the potential rivalry that could build between them should Floyd lose a mooted first encounter. Now, I'm not so sure Cotto can beat Floyd, but that's open to argument obviously.

      I don't think this article (or its writer) seeks to diminish Floyd. If anything, it expresses a wish to see Mayweather pushed to the very extremes of his talent, by an opponent who could push him into showing a layer of fortitude he almost certainly possesses but has never had to show before. Of course, this search may be entirely vain, and pinning those expectations on a Miguel Cotto may just be more clutching at straws. Floyd probably is just too good for every welterweight out there. But you can't blame a fight-fan for dreaming of great fights.
      Who wouldn't lick their lips over a Mayweather/Cotto bout? We've all done the rounds of logically outlining the reasons why Cotto may not pass Floyd's muster as a feasible next opponent, but, as fans, with no interest in the business, can't we all just admit how much we want to see this fight? I'm dying to see it. Doesn't mean I think Floyd loses any credibility if it isn't made. I'm just being a greedy-ass fan. Ain't we all?
      I want to see Floyd Cotto so bad I can taste it. That's the fight I want to see more than any fight that can be made in this day and age. It will happen and when it does, I will be paying whatever needs to be paid to watch this go down.


      • #33
        can u imagine how its gonna feel the first time we all see pbf on his back, im not sayin koed but just a knock down, but whos to say that will even happen dudes doin his thing


        • #34
          Didnt Duran RULE a division for 7 years before becoming "what was standing between Leonard and p4p greatness"?

          Didnt Leonard had ONE name on his entire resume at that time (Benitez)?

          The comparison makes no sense, which makes this article CRAP.


          • #35
            Originally posted by cortdawg25 View Post
            Black Jesus and others are simply saying why must 1 lose in order to be considered great. when u think about it, the notion of losing to be great is contradictory....atleast to me anyway.
            No, I get where you're coming from, man. I agree. I just sensed a touch of devil's advocacy about the piece is all. Y'know, to the paradoxical notion that true greatness has to be flawed in some way, or that to be great is to have been exposed at your achilles heel during battle yet shown the ability to cover the ch1nk in the armor and win the war. The idea of 'flawed perfection' and not perfection (or an 'immaculate' record) per se. That's the angle the writer seems to be coming from, granted. However, if put straight to him -- "is it possible to retire undefeated as a 5 weight p4p#1 champion and still be great?" -- I'm sure he'd concede it is, or else the idea of greatness is just a contradiction in itself as you observed.
            The incredulity some have shown in the face of the evidence pointing to Floyd's genuine greatness is attributable in part to the gold-dust scarcity of champions who have retired undefeated. But if Floyd retires having proven to be simply too good for whoever was out there (a slew of generation-defining fighters among them), who could reasonably detract from his claim to greatness? It would be difficult.
            The purpose of having these screeds posted out on the boards is presumably to spark debate and discourse, which is what we're here for. If it has all already been said, what is there to discuss?

            Additionally, just to throw in another coupla cents - I think the key to all this could be found in Floyd's own words (circa Gatti).
            "I've never shown my weakness. I will never show my weakness."

            Floyd's focus doesn't appear to be a put-on or some balancing between hype and truth kind of deal. He is alarmingly, almost monomaniacally, focused when it comes to the business of breaking down his opponents. In his way, so is Miguel Cotto, which is partly why a projected meeting 'twixt the two holds so much fascination for me. It would be an absorbing clash of styles and a fight for the ages, in my opinion.
            But, saying that, I think for Floyd to be defeated would require him to demonstrate the same kind of lapse in mental focus which contributed significantly to that initial Duran-sized mark on Leonard's record. The chances of which happening seem slim.
            I think the best chance of Floyd being beaten is if he fights well past his physical best. But time will tell.

            ps. thx for the positive words, tredh and beauty. too kind.
            Last edited by hulme#1; 01-23-2008, 11:51 AM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by !! $iN View Post
              Natural welterweights, difficult styles, and in their primes. At least one of them will beat him. Have you noticed Mayweather has avoided all of the top welterweights? I mean he is making excuses not to fight Cotto and he's the biggest draw in the entire division and the most lucrative fight out there.
              Cotto is not the most lucrative fight out there and we all know that. They're weights have nothing to do with it IMO. PBF beat De la Hoya being out weighed by 15+lbs. Williams is the only one with a difficult style which is only based on his work rate. But Williams has many flaws right now that will probably be corrected as he learns and matures more. Margarito is as plain as vanilla ice cream nothing difficult about his style at all. Cotto is plain to but he has more skills than Margarito which doesn't say much. None of those 3 can beat PBF RIGHT NOW IMO. Williams once he hits his prime I think a case could be made if he fixes those flaws in his game. But by then PBF will not be in his prime.


              • #37
                Originally posted by tredh View Post
                Williams once he hits his prime I think a case could be made if he fixes those flaws in his game. But by then PBF will not be in his prime.
                Yassir. That's when I think Floyd is most prone. If he was to face a fully-seasoned, primed Paul Williams while just past his own physical prime. Those are the two I'd love to see Floyd fight, Cotto and Williams, but I think Williams represents the sterner test in time.

                Damn, I'd watch a Mayweather/Tony showdown just for the hell of it if I was placed in the position to make fights for fun, boxing economics be damned.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by kayjay View Post
                  Don't do it, BJ. You're sounding like a Floydboy. Do you think we should never consider that he might lose? Real boxing fans are not fans of just one guy.
                  when i first read the article i didint like the tone, but i wasnt in the right frame of mind last night, after reading it again this morning, there isnt much wrong with it at all. but i still have the same problem that basically floyd has to lose to become something, essentially until he loses, he wont be much of anything. and no im not just a fan of one fighter, i post in plenty of other threads involving other fights/fighters, look at my post history.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by hulme#1 View Post
                    Objectivity, man!

                    Which comparison? Leonard/Duran? Yeah, nothing new under the sun in that respect. Except I think Leonard/Duran was dredged up for different reasons in the case of Mayweather/Hatton... if anything, I think Ricky was the first to cite Duran's fight with Leonard in the build up to Undefeated (correct me if I'm mistaken). This guy's point focuses less on presenting Duran's win over Sugar Ray as a blueprint for how Cotto could beat Floyd, and more on the potential rivalry that could build between them should Floyd lose a mooted first encounter. Now, I'm not so sure Cotto can beat Floyd, but that's open to argument obviously.

                    I don't think this article (or its writer) seeks to diminish Floyd. If anything, it expresses a wish to see Mayweather pushed to the very extremes of his talent, by an opponent who could push him into showing a layer of fortitude he almost certainly possesses but has never had to show before. Of course, this search may be entirely vain, and pinning those expectations on a Miguel Cotto may just be more clutching at straws. Floyd probably is just too good for every welterweight out there. But you can't blame a fight-fan for dreaming of great fights.
                    Who wouldn't lick their lips over a Mayweather/Cotto bout? We've all done the rounds of logically outlining the reasons why Cotto may not pass Floyd's muster as a feasible next opponent, but, as fans, with no interest in the business, can't we all just admit how much we want to see this fight? I'm dying to see it. Doesn't mean I think Floyd loses any credibility if it isn't made. I'm just being a greedy-ass fan. Ain't we all?
                    Why Hulme...this was quite impressive. Great post!


                    • #40
                      I think a lot of people read their own opinions into this article. There are a certain core of Floyd fans who seem to seek out the negative in any statement that mentions him.
                      This writer echoes my own sentiments entirely.
                      Hatton was never a likely victor to their fight.
                      DLH was never going to be quick or accurate enough to beat Floyd.

                      Should the fights have been made though? God YES!!!!!

                      Both fights had an element of excitement and the unknown but neither opponant was ever likely to win a fight with Floyd. They were still good fights.

                      Cotto is more significantly more dominant than either DLH or Hatton.
                      He's an excellent fighter with a growing record of good names.
                      He's the highest ranked fighter in the division that Floyd is champion in.

                      Mayweather/cotto is a very different concept from Floyd's last two fights and NEEDS to be made. It's the two best fighters in one of the best divisions of all time.

                      This fight is why you face the Hattons and DLHs. Build up to better things.
                      I will never understand why Floyd fans don't want to see their boy fight.

                      BTW I do not follow Cotto more than I support Floyd. I just want to see the best fights.

