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Hatton on Mayweather AGAIN!

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  • Originally posted by OptimusWolf View Post
    Amateur boxing is much more about core boxing skills than the pro game.
    Do body shots get scored in Amateur boxing?


    • Originally posted by Technical_Skill View Post
      He hit zab with a sickening punch, Tsysu had a tremendous right hand, that doesnt mean he is 'way more skilled' than judah, Tzysu got figured out by vince phillips for a reason, lol. look at his record, other than Judah, tell me these superstars tzysu was knocking out. Please.

      Actually, he hit him with 3.

      Phillips figured him out? Is this another one of those fights that you like to talk with such authority on but haven't actually seen? LOL...

      Tell you what, why don't you lay out Judah's record for giggles instead?

      Originally posted by Technical_Skill View Post
      You dont have to be skilled to win a title at boxing, is Manny Pacquiao really skilled? not really, is he one of the best fighters in the world, yes.
      You're right, you don't. Look how many title's Judah's won (& lost).

      However, you do have to be skilled to dominate a division for a decade and have the ludicrously impressive amateur record that KT has.

      Originally posted by Technical_Skill View Post
      Are you serious? Judah's been high up on the p4p list before, was a two weight world champion, gave floyd mayweather his only legitimate tough fight (mayweather was one handed in castillo 1), dont be so quick to write off zab, if he beats cotto, ill pick zab over mosely, and then if he was to win that fight he would be near the top of p4p.

      Oh and please tell me about all these wonderful skills tzsyu had. lol
      Hatton's been high up on the p4p list for the last 2 years so he must be super-skilled, right?

      Sorry, but I don't buy into the bull**** about the 1st Castillo fight. You don't throw at all with a torn rotator cuff, never mind as much as Floyd did.

      Tsyzu's skills? Ring generalship, intelligence, unbelievable timing and accuracy, more than solid technique....will that do for starters?

      Technical Skill? You don't even know what the **** it is.


      • waits for an ass related insult from technical skill....


        • In principle yes they do, although there are frequent criticisms that amateur judges place too much weight on head shots.

          But that is precisely my point. The body is a much bigger target that requires less balance and punching form and accuracy to hit. Being a good body puncher requires less skill than finding the head target.

          besides, in which of Zab's fights has he gone to the body frequently. In the fights I can remember he has considerable success with his overhand left to the head, and occasionally the right hook upstairs, not hooks to the body. So yes, I think amateur boxing relies much more on core boxing skills and much less on the other boxing intangibles such as heart, power, chin and stamina.

          Executing a game plan is a mental aspect of any sport. It's what separates Roy Keane from Riquelme, Sachin Tendulkar from Chris Gayle, Hatton from Judah. It isn't skill.


          • To me 2007, no ass -related insults here, apparently Kosta Tzysu is way more skilled that judah .

            now to you,

            Originally posted by Cletus Funk View Post

            However, you do have to be skilled to dominate a division for a decade and have the ludicrously impressive amateur record that KT has.
            Ermm, did i say tzysu had no skills? nope, what i said was he wasnt more skiiled than Judah, once again, dont dodge the question, WHO ARE THESE SUPERSTARS TZYSU WAS BEATING?

            Next time ill put it in bold, after that if you still can't see it, i shall ask rick reeno to send you a copy in braile, after that ill use sonar tongue clicking techniques in the hope the message will get through to your brain.

            Originally posted by Cletus Funk View Post
            Hatton's been high up on the p4p list for the last 2 years so he must be super-skilled, right?
            Are you attached to life support? you have just proved my earlier point, you dont have to be skilled to win titles in boxing, manny pacquaio is not that skilled and yet he is one of the best fighters in the world. Read the earlier post properly before you reply please.

            Originally posted by Cletus Funk View Post
            Sorry, but I don't buy into the bull**** about the 1st Castillo fight. You don't throw at all with a torn rotator cuff, never mind as much as Floyd did.
            Good for you, judah has come the closest to out boxing floyd in the opinions of most observers.
            Originally posted by Cletus Funk View Post
            Tsyzu's skills? Ring generalship, intelligence, unbelievable timing and accuracy, more than solid technique....will that do for starters?
            LOL. So you think Tsyzu's timing is way better than Judah's, Tsyzu is way more accurate than judah, tsyzu is a way more intellgent fighter?

            Listen, Judah has far better footwork, more accurate, more methodical, has a wider range of shots, now thats my opinion, and i need to go back and rewatch some tsysu fight i saw a long time ago, but you post mostly backed up what i have already said, so no need for the bad lang yeah.

            Now do me a favor if you are going to reply, read my post properly before you agree with what i say.


            Last edited by Technical_Skill; 06-06-2007, 09:25 AM.


            • Originally posted by OptimusWolf View Post
              In principle yes they do, although there are frequent criticisms that amateur judges place too much weight on head shots.
              Exactly, proof of why amatuer boxing is different to pro boxing, just cos you make it in the am's doesnt mean you will make it the pro game, just because you are a good amatuer doesnt mean you are a good professional, Ibragimov won olympic silver didnt he?

              I rest my case. lol.
              Originally posted by OptimusWolf View Post
              Executing a game plan is a mental aspect of any sport. It's what separates Roy Keane from Riquelme, Sachin Tendulkar from Chris Gayle, Hatton from Judah. It isn't skill.
              The skill comes from pacing yourself, getting the opponent to fight at your tempo, you also need good footwork to execute this plan also, thus why it is a skill.

              P.S. Riquelme is a genius, without question.


              • If you can find someone to agree with you in more than one sentence of drivel like a few on here would, I'll accept that we have differences in opinion. As it stands, you're on your own whereas myself and Cletus agree pretty much straight across the line.

                Riquelme=genius. Maybe, but that is my point. the difference between having skills and executing performance is a huge part of any level of sport. it explains why a mediocre player such as myself could play London league football, whereas hundreds pf others I've played with with much more skill than I have got nowhere frankly. Not boasting or anything, just trying to illustate a very important point.


                • You should have another go. This time follow you're own advice before posting.

                  You need superstars to justify someone's skills? There really aren't any apart from a couple of washed up legends. He fought every challenger in his division and destroyed them all, Phillips aside, but a couple of pretty famous names decided to skip his division on their way up, which says quite alot to me.

                  How about I flip that on you and let you use the same logic to justify your opinion of Judah's skills.

                  You didn't say he had no skills but you certainly implied it in the post that I replied to.

                  Yes, I think that Tszyu is superior to Judah in every conceivable way, speed and footwork aside. Judah does not have great variation, he has a good straight left and a nice uppercut which he uses to death.

                  Sorry, I don't get your attempted wit. Am I attached to life support? No, not the last time I checked. Or, maybe I'm in a coma and this is all a dream? I don't normally come accross people as dense as you so it could be true.........

                  Originally posted by Technical_Skill View Post
                  To me 2007, no ass -related insults here, apparently Kosta Tzysu is way more skilled that judah .

                  now to you,

                  Ermm, did i say tzysu had no skills? nope, what i said was he wasnt more skiiled than Judah, once again, dont dodge the question, WHO ARE THESE SUPERSTARS TZYSU WAS BEATING?

                  Next time ill put it in bold, after that if you still can't see it, i shall ask rick reeno to send you a copy in braile, after that ill use sonar tongue clicking techniques in the hope the message will get through to your brain.

                  Are you attached to life support? you have just proved my earlier point, you dont have to be skilled to win titles in boxing, manny pacquaio is not that skilled and yet he is one of the best fighters in the world. Read the earlier post properly before you reply please.

                  Good for you, judah has come the closet to out boxing floyd in the opinions of most observers.

                  LOL. So you think Tsyzu's timing is way better than Judah's, Tsyzu is way more accurate than judah, tsyzu is a way more intellgent fighter?

                  Listen, Judah has far better footwork, more accurate, more methodical, has a wider range of shots, now thats my opinion, and i need to go back and rewatch some tsysu fight i saw a long time ago, but you post mostly backed up what i have already said, so no need for the bad lang yeah.

                  Now do me a favor if you are going to reply, read my post properly before you agree with what i say.


                  Last edited by Cletus Funk; 06-06-2007, 09:35 AM.


                  • Originally posted by OptimusWolf View Post
                    If you can find someone to agree with you in more than one sentence of drivel like a few on here would, I'll accept that we have differences in opinion. As it stands, you're on your own whereas myself and Cletus agree pretty much straight across the line.
                    I couldnt care less who agrees with me or not, and to be honest, i could make a poll right now and im sure someone would agree with me, then again that is unesscesary mainly because i think it is undoubtedly a skill to do the following.

                    "To use footwork to move around the ring at high speed/pace, evading your opponents shots in a effort to tire him out and make him more vunerable late on"

                    Thats a skill inself, and to execute it you have to be good defensively and also with footwork, or you shall get caught with punches till you cant keep fighting at the pace you want to.

                    Thats one of the reasons mayweather is so good, he cant fight at a high tempo without getting hit longer than nearly anybody else, which is one of the reasons why his opponents become so open to getting pot-shotted, the gatti fight was classic example, gatti was fighting at floyd's pace trying to land body shots, it didnt happen and he payed the price, Roy Jones Jr who was commentating for HBO, spotted that, and said there was no way gatti could win if he kept fighting on floyd's pace.

                    Ill side with Roy Jones on this one.

                    Simple really.


                    • There is some hypocracy in your posts. On one hand you accuse Pacman of 'not really' being skilled. Yet on the other hand you point out using footwork and moving in and out of range, firing shots, (in my words) is a skill in itself.

