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The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly

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  • The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly

    Manny “Pac-Man” Pacquiao represents what is good in boxing today. Not only for his skills in the ring, but for the way he comports himself outside refusing to engage in trash talk. After a fight, he always praises his opponent in the manner of old school fighters. "Dissing"was not a word back in the day and it's not one Manny uses today.

    Moreover, Pacquiao skills have increased considerably under the tutelage of Freddie Roach and he is fast closing the gap on Pretty Boy Floyd as being the best Pound for Pound fighter out there. As well, he may well be the most devastating puncher in boxing today. He has polished his jab and now includes in his impressive arsenal a sharp and crisp right hook to go with his sledgehammer left. He has incredible speed, endurance, power, solid chin......the whole package....and he enjoys doing what he does...........he is having fun and it is contagious.

    A Manny Pacquiao, who is Mr. Excitement, comes along only once in a great while. Enjoy him while he is here, for he is what is good about boxing today. He is another who makes work on Friday go by faster knowing you will see him fight on Saturday.

    But not everything is rosy is out there. Floyd Mayweather Jr is truly a gifted fighter, perhaps the very best. But he needs to improve his comportment. He needs to mature so fans can embrace him as they did Sugar Shane Mosley who does not engage in weeping after a fight, nor does he insult our collective intelligence by promising an early retirement. There are too many mega purses out there for him and he knows it better than anyone else. His problem seems to be one of attitude and out-of-ring demeanor.

    What he need is a good Public Relations spokesperson. God knows he has few, if any, problems in the ring. Sure, if he retired now, he would end up being a slam dunk in the International Boxing Hall of Fame....but his legacy as a premature retiree would haunt him forever. His legacy needs more cement and he knows it.

    One good sign is that "Pretty Boy” returned to his hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan on November 22 to host his fifth annual Thanksgiving Feast giveaway. Mayweather, who supports the giveaway through his own contributions, arrived at the Madison Family Market in his childhood southside neighborhood and distributed 500 turkeys with all of the trimmings to hundreds of selected families.

    That's a damm good start. Let's hope it continues because Floyd is too great a fighter to engage in foolishness that can only tarnish rather than enhance his persona. Like a football player who hands the football to the referee after scoring a touchdown rather than doing a celebratory somersault, Floyd needs to realize that investing in a little humility might have a disproportionately positive payback.

    Which brings us to the ugly. WBO belt holder Brooklyn's Shannon Briggs, sat ringside as IBF champ Wladimir Klitschko iced Calvin Brock on November 11, 2006 at Madison Square Garden. This is what he told boxing writer Ant Evans about Brock's effort: [details]

  • #2
    Great article.


    • #3
      From the Greek via email:

      Briggs is a JOKE. Well written article Ted. He has no class and as soon as he faces some not worthy competition, he's losing his belt!



      • #4
        From Bear Stern via email from Florida:

        Great piece, especially on wonder boy Cassius Clay. I refuse to call him Ali.

        He should have been shot for refusing to serve. Now he is treated as hero. What has happened to us?


        • #5
          Great article... Ted Its nice to have you here!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Welter_Skelter View Post
            Great article... Ted Its nice to have you here!!!
            Thanls Welter. It's nice to be here. Also, thanks to Tito.


            • #7


              • #8
                An outstanding piece, Bull. This is something that needs to be said. Props for having the courage to say it!


                • #9
                  From Big Walter via email from Las Vegas:

                  "Trash talking" has become an art, or so it seems. The ballsy trash-talking Nicaraguan, Ricardo Mayorga, has seen it backfire, James Toney is a consistent practioner of this dubious behavior and his act has worn tnin, and so was Brooklyn born Mike Tyson who once vowed to eat the children of one of his opponents. Speaking of Tyson, that brings us to that beautiful borough of Brooklyn , NY which seems to produce trash talkers at a reasonably consistent rate.

                  Rid**** Bowe, before he became unintelligible, was a true practioner dumping his Belt in a garbage can while insulting Lennox Lewis...a feat that still haunts him. Of course, Zab Judah, who eyeball- popping Max Kellerman predicted would be the next coming, carried on the tradition with his behavior against Referee Jay Nady and Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather (no shrinking violet himself when it comes to noxious behavior), and his continual bad mouthing of opponents. "


                  • #10
                    Good article Ted.

